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Lost in Time - The Away Team...Part 2

Posted on 15 Aug 2013 @ 11:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Ensign Morag NA

1,385 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Planet's Surface

Da`nal gripped the archeologist by the shoulder walking away several paces from the assembly.

Lantiq signaled to Mallory "Let's get these people ready to beam up Chief" removing his hand from his phaser he began waving for the members of the archeological team to come forward.

"Aye, Commander." Mallory decided to unsling the phaser rifle this time, to add a little urgency to the team's movements. While the majority of his attention was now focused on herding the group over to Lantiq, the remainder was split between watching the Admiral and watching the natives. "Let's go you all, move with a little purpose in your step so we can get you checked over and out of here." He called out, and as each passed him, a comm badge was attached to their chests.

Once beamed to the surface, Sara had opened her tricorder, mostly out of habit, and began to scan personnel, both the away team and those that were here to save. Yet, upon hearing the tone of voice from the captain, she kept her eyes on the display, as she shook her head with look of disapproval on her face for the good doctor for stepping into the mine field of a Klingon.

Naja was closely paying more attention to the surroundings and reading her tricorder then listening in on what the admiral and the others were doing. She was here to study a new planet that neither she nor Jas set foot on before and she wasn't going to waste any amount of time on mere things like a Klingon laying down the law.

Once Mallory had made sure the hostages all had working commbadges Lantiq called the ship =^=Lock on and beam them up. Have them taken to medical for a check over=^=

He stood back as the transporter field began forming around the group and in seconds they were gone.

Da`nal paused as the transporter effects faded from the transport of the remaining hostages. "Dr. Galen you have isolated the very people your efforts are supposed to be aiding. You gave no consideration for their beliefs or for their culture. IF you had I would not have to be here. Your father's reputation may gain you credit in the academic community but as far as I'm concerned you are a dishonorable arrogant fool living off of your fathers reputation. Now, you will ASSIST my people in settling this matter and when its done you will be taken back to the Daystrom Institute. Do I make myself clear!"

Dr. Galen was red with anger and embarrassment, but he nodded silently.

Returning to the waiting factions one of the Women moved to greet him. "Admiral, the High Priestess send her thanks for your neutrality in this matter and your offer of assistance. Given our experience with ancient manuscripts, Lord Father Bnor allowed us entry into the dig prior to your arrival." Indicating the silk wrapped bundle. "We believe this is the oldest relic ever found on our planet. Your validation of the scroll must be done with the greatest of care. To that end the High Priestess has charged me with accompanying it scroll aboard your starship."

"You honor me and my crew with your trust. Such an ancient find will be handled with the greatest respect." Looking behind him he motioned for Morag to join him. "This is Ensign Morag, he will be conducting the analysis."

Da`nal continued. "Have you translated the scroll?"

"No. Unfortunately it was written in a language not used for millennia."

~That was unfortunate~, Da`nal thought to himself. Such a find could reveal much about their people's history, but the task before his crew was validation not necessarily translation. Glancing over to the Lord Father, "I assume you have chosen a someone to accompany us aboard to observe our efforts?"

The leader of the Right Hand nodded. "I will be observing your 'research' personally."

"Very well; Lord Father, Priestess, allow me to introduce the rest of my officers. Executive officer Lt. Commander Lantiq, Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Har'tar, Chief Science Officer Jas, Acting Chief of Security Chief Warrant Officer Mallory."

Lantiq nodded politely to both of the couple, they might not believe in his own Prophets, but they were spiritual people who deserved respect.

The Klingon Andorian finished her scans, she closed her tricorder, then looked to the Lord Father and offer him an kindly nod of her head then added kindly "Padre"

Naja paused as she turned her attention to the other, first to the Admiral, and then to the high father. She merely nodded her head to him, before returning to her studies.

"Lord Father, Priestess." The words came out in a properly deferential tone, which hid his initial skepticism. Being more practical, spiritual matters were a bit out of Mallory's range, even though he didn't totally discount tht things occurred beyond the ability to comprehend.

"I will need time to make as thorough an analysis as possible of the scrolls and artifacts. Being a language it will take some time to find its linguistic roots of the language in the scrolls," Morag began, "Any pottery or mosaics would be a good place to start so I can get a comparative reference."

Considering the request, Da`nal nodded. "Granted, You have 15 minutes to examine and run scans on the other artifacts for long as there are no objections." He looked to the Priestess and the Lord Father and with no objections Da`nal watched as Morag was led off to gather additional information.

Turning to the Prime Minister, “I understand this area was the sight of a major battle in your people’s history. While we wait perhaps my officers and I could be educated on the significance of this area."

Lantiq looked around, the atmosphere had changed dramatically, the crowd was dispersing, the barely concealed hostility from when they had arrived seemed to have vanished and the people were slowly drifting away.

He relaxed a little and turned his attention towards Da'nal and the Prime Minister. Lantiq rather liked history and this sounded like it might be interesting.

Lord Father Bnor was pleased by the intrest and followed to interject the view of the Right Hand of the Goddess on this moment in history if needed.

"Admiral, if it's alright, I like to exam artifacts and scrolls as well" Naja stated. "Another set of eyes wouldn't hurt to know a little more about the people and what links they have to other older civilization in this region of space" the Trill returned

Da`nal agreed, if for no other reason than to ensure objectivity and to keep things moving. "Granted." With 'another set of eyes' and another tricorder they could get even more data in the time he authorized.

With a nod of her head she bounced over to where Morag was. She raised her tricorder and began to scan them. Once she felt she gotten some useful information, she put away her hand held device, and pulled her bag she carried on her shoulder to with draw a small holo-camera and began to take pictures of the artifacts and writings.

Turning to follow the Minister, those of the awayteam not scanning the dig site's artifacts were lead to the far side of the dig to a lift secured to a cliff face. Together the entire party rode the lift up the rock face as they looked out over the vast plain spreading out before them.

[Dig site]

As Morag scanned the artifacts the glyphs and symbols began to remind him of some of the Terran languages he had studied at academy. Many of the pieces told the story of the Blue goddess. She seemed to looked like a some he had seen on a vacation as a cadet. The only difference was that this Goddess didn't have a string of heads around her neck. This goddess had the power to unify her people and give them strength. Morag left Das to scan the rest of the pottery and began his analysis of the scroll. The language looked as though it was a mixture of two, but he needed to see the two languages spoken by the Dandarand population side by side. Morag tapped his comm badge.



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