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Lost in Time - The Away Team...Part 1

Posted on 07 Aug 2013 @ 6:34pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas

1,199 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Achilles / Surface of Dandarand 4

[Transporter Room Two]

Sara, was hard press on beaming down to the surface of a hostile planets. She was wondering if she should bring a D'k tahg or one of the other more concealable Klingon bladed weapon. As she busied herself in sickbay, she stepped into her officer and looked upon her wall, which held both an Andorian and Klingon sword. Something, was telling her to bring some sort of protection for not only herself, but, for the away team, that she was contacted mere moments ago. Stepping up to her desk, the Andorian Klingon Doctor, open the drawer of her desk to withdraw her father's D'k tahg.

Once she slipped the Imperial weapon into her belt and adjusted her uniform to hide the blade, Sara once more, finished gathering up the needed medical supplies, before reporting to the transporter room to meet up with Commander Lantiq. Stepping into the transporter room, she meet with Lance, the PM, the commander, and the others. She stepped over to the commander and a smile.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this, sir?" asked the CMO

Lantiq considered for a moment then responded "Because it's a bad situation and it's highly likely that its going to get worse very quickly. And for what it's worth I don't like this anymore than you do" He finished with stoic grin.

When Naja got paged to meet the XO for the away team, Naja, wanted to bring several ideas along with her. For she saw this mission as a golden opportunity to study an new race. But, after a moment or two of thought, she simply opted for her trusted tricorder and a holographic camera, tucked nicely into a hand bag type of carrier. Some moments later, the Trill, science chief, entered into the transporter room, ready to go.

Morag entered the transporter room making his way to the pad. Ahna and Simeon came to see him off. He was proud of them both. Ahna was raising his son to strong and honorable. Morag left the pad for a few very brief moments.

"I will see both of you later," he said.

"Solve this thing by dinner if you can," Ahna made him promise, but he couldn't.

"I can't promise that," he answered turning to Simeon, "Take care of your mother while I am away."

Simeon nodded in the affirmative. Morag picked up his remaining gear and headed for the pad again. As he took his position he smiled to them with a nod. It would be a tough mission. Morag hoped the he could get enough from what he would have to solve this thing. Everyone else seemed to hope so too.

Stepping into the transporter room, Mallory had a look of calm concern. One phaser rifle was slung across his back, with a hand phaser on his left side, and a Marine-styled combat knife on the right. Hidden out of sight under the uniform, two more small knives had been placed for easy access. The pre-mission intel left him feeling slightly uneasy about this setup. "Commander, Lieutenants." Was called out in greeting as he looked everyone over to get a feel for the group.

Once everyone had arrived Lantiq reported to Da'nal "Team is ready to go sir"


Tapping his commbadge. "Understood. I will be there shortly."

Closing the channel he back to Logan. "I want to know what in Kahless you though you saw when I return. No guess, no theories.." as he pointed to the apparition on the view screen.

Jessica snapped to. "Aye, sir."

"Mr. Mason, you have the bridge until our return."

"Aye, sir."

[Transporter Room]

Da`nal's mind was not on the task at hand. His thoughts were on his friend long dead in Earth's past. Once the matter here on Dandarand was settled they would set a course for Earth. But before that they need to figure out what was going on...his instincts told him that there was more going on here than any of them knew or understood.

Entering the transporter room he looked to the team assembled. "Let’s get this over with," and he stepped up on the transporter pad without his sidearm.

Naja merely nodded her head, after she checked and rechecked her equipment, upon hearing the admiral statement. Taking a few steps onto the transport pad, the Chief Science officer of the Achilles took her place behind the admiral. She noticed that the admiral had no side arm, and tapped him on his shoulder as her free hand withdrew her side arm and handed it to the warrior.

"Sir, you might want this?" Naja stated friendly and in a whisper

"Thank you but no, we have matters to attend to when this is over with. Places everyone.

With a nod, Sara followed the captain and XO onto the transporter pad.

With everyone on the padd Da`nal looked to the operator. "Energize"

[Dandarand 4]

The awayteam materialized to a crowd. To one side was the Lord Father Bnor and his followers on the other the Prime Minister and a security delegation. In the center were several woman in pale blue one of the carrying a bundle wrapped in a bold blue silk-like fabric.

Lord Father Bnor stepped first. "Admiral Da`nal you will see that I am a man of my word." He waved his hand and his people parted allowing the archeological team to come forward.

As Lantiq had waited on the transporter pad on the ship he had pushed his phaser hosleter around to right so it was almost behind his back, as the transporter beam began he placed his hands behind his back and adopted a neutral expression. From the front it looked like a relaxed stance, but his right hand was actually gripping the phasers butt and he could draw it quickly if needed.

As he saw the crowd that awaited them his hand tightened around the phaser, but the people made no aggressive move and so he held his seemingly relaxed pose, his eyes scanned the crowd from behind his darkened glasses. He'd experienced zealots on Bajor during the resurgence of the pa wraith cult, this could go bad at any time, it just needed one spark to turn a tense crowd into a howling mob.

Da`nal looked to Lantiq. This was not the reception he had anticipated. They were being almost too civil. "Have them beamed to sick bay for evaluation."

Before there could be a reply Dr. Galen interrupted. "Admiral, I'm not going anywhere! These people have..."

Da`nal was not in the mood for his posturing. "SHUT UP DOCTOR! Your arrogance and dishonor has caused enough damage already! Commander have the rest of the hostages returned to the ship while I have a talk with Dr. Galen."

Aye sir!" Lantiq acknowledged, thankful the Admiral was damping down one possible spark already.

Mallory was also glad the Admiral had shut the Doctor up, because the situation was not yet tactically in their favor. Scientists had a deserved reputation for being able to make planets out of motes of dust.

Looking to the others, "Excuse me for a moment."



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