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Family Matters - Part 1

Posted on 18 Aug 2013 @ 9:01pm by Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

1,146 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: SB 80 - USS Achilles
Timeline: Past & Present

[Docking Bay - SB-80, prior to departure]

Jason stood near the portal as he watched the transport dock and the umbilical extended slowly towards the ship. It had been a long several weeks while Teresa her brother and little Vicki had left for the funeral. He had understood when she had wanted to do things herself but he had still wish he could have gone.

During her absence he had put on a good front was he and his fellow Marines had enjoyed the extended shore leave, but he had spend many a lonely night down on the planet while she was away. He had gone to the beach with several others from his squad and played some beach football against a team from the stations Marine garrison. It had been a close game but the stations team managed to get an extra point on them when Jason had tripped over a particularly pretty local and not been able to stop the touchdown. His squad had rubbed in well and even tried to hook him up with her at a party later that evening.

On another occasion he had been in the Stations gym working out when a father came in with his kids to teach them how to use the equipment.

Finally he was swimming laps at the pool and when finished he walked past the recreational pool. All around him he heard the playful screams of children and say, more than one couple playing or kissing. No matter where he went he saw couples or families enjoying themselves, doing whatever. It had only made him realize how much he care for her...and the little squirt.


Teresa was looking forward to getting back to the station. It had been a tense reunion between herself and her mother. The only thing that kept them civil had been Vicki, it seemed at first. Teresa could see that Vicki was the light of her mother's life. The last day on earth, Teresa and her mother had buried the hatchet, so to speak. Teresa had agreed to allow her mother contact with Vicki and her mother agreed not to try and take Vicki away, again. Teresa figured it was a step in the right direction, anyway.

Vicki continued to talk a mile a minute, as Teresa packed their belongings. They had accumulated a few extra things thanks to Teresa's mother. Her mother wanted to make certain that Vicki and Teresa had most of the comforts of home, Teresa laughed to herself at the memory. She had had to stop her mother, because they wouldn't have the room in their quarters or on the ship.

Teresa, Harry, and Teresa's mother explained to Vicki that her grandpa was now in Sto Vo Kor, when Vicki asked where her grandpa was. It was the only way to best explain to Vicki where Vicki's grandpa was as she hung around Da'nal's children enough to understand Sto Vo Kor. Vicki had shown her grief by acting out and angry outbursts, but they seemed to be beyond that point, now. Teresa had heard Vicki crying to herself during the night and had gone to her, only to be turned away. Vicki was trying to some independence in the strangest places.

Teresa led Vicki out of their quarters and met Harry in the corridor. The transport they were on was starting to dock, when they made it to the docking portal. Vicki was bouncing on her toes. "How soon will we see da... I mean Jase...?"

Teresa arched an eyebrow at Vicki's slip of tongue. "If he's not working, he might meet us at the docking port."

Teresa had been doing some thinking while away. Vicki's slip of tongue had only put into perspective what she had been missing. Problem was, was she ready to take that step? Was Jason? They'd never discussed it. She wasn't even certain where Jason stood on the matter. She shook her head in confusion. *Whispering to herself* "What am I going to do? What is Jason thinking or wanting?"

Vicki looked up. "What, mommy?"

"Oh, nothing, darling. I'm just wool gathering, sweetie. "

[Docking bay]

Jason was snapped out of his thoughts as the large doors of the umbilical hissed open and people began to stream out. Waiting he began to scan the crown for some familiar faces. He had thought about hiding and using a little Recon cover and concealment to surprise them but decided against it.

They exited the ship with the crowd of passengers. As they walked they fell behind due to the luggage they were toting. The rest of their belongings were being beamed to the ship. She could just hear the transporter chief, now. Suddenly she saw Jason trying to catch their attention. "Look," Teresa said to Vicki. Pointing Vicki's attention towards Jason's direction.

He made eye contact with Teresa and held it for a moment, but Vicki broke free and ran towards him. He closed the distance and scooped her up, tossing her up into the air. He held her easily and slipped an arm around Teresa as she came close, "Welcome back. Everything go ok?"

Harry gave Jason a smile. "Great, but I think you were asking my sis, not me. I'll talk to you later". With that Harry grabbed his gear and some of their luggage and took off.

Vicki squealed, as she was tossed up in the air. "Great da... Jase... I saw grandma again." Vicki clapped a hand over her mouth over her mouth before she continued. "She gave me a stuffed pony. Its big enough to ride, but its not the same."

Teresa looked at Jason for a reaction to Vicki's slip of tongue. "That is the second time she's done that in the past hour. I'm surprised it has not happened before now."

Looking back and forth from Teresa to Vicki and back. "Not to worry. How did things go?"

"The funeral was tense and stressful at first. I wasn't certain if my mother would appreciate us being there, or not. However, mother and I have buried the hatchet. We had a long conversation. She will be allowed contact with Vicki, supervised at first, but I don't mind so much. We'll be able to catch up. All-in-all we had a wonderful visit. She wishes to visit the ship, sometime. I'll have to okay that with the captain, but I don't have a problem with it."

Teresa stood on her tip toes and planted a kiss on Jason's lips. "I missed you, that's the main thing." Continuing in a whisper. "I expect more, later." She said with a grin.

Vicki squirmed in his arms. "Ewww... mommy. You kissed a boy. "

Jason laughed. "Ohhh yeaaa...", and he planted a big kiss on her cheek.

"Ewww... Yuck... Boy cooties." Vicki squealed as she rubbed her cheek as Teresa laughed.



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