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Mission Briefing - Facing the Enemy

Posted on 28 Jul 2013 @ 3:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Ensign Morag NA & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

765 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: 1220

[Observation Lounge]

"If I may," Commander Alvion interjected, "we ought to be cautious of painting this group as nothing but political manipulators using hatred of outsiders as a front for other motives. Even if that is the case, there is a good chance that this is subconscious, a real hatred for offworlders because of a real belief in their negative influence on your culture, Prime Minister. We should expect them to react as any religious fanatics or other such organization would, with real zeal. To downplay them rather than try to understand them only acts as a disadvantage to us."

Nodding Da`nal pulled at his beard, religion could be a difficult thing to deal with but that gave him an idea. "A very honorable suggestion commander. Galen probably angered both sides by dismissing their beliefs..."

He was interrupted as Logan's voice came over the comm. =^= Pardon the interruption Admiral, but we are being hailed by Lord Father Bnor of the Right Hand of the Goddess. =^=

Da`nal glanced to the Prime Minister and his XO. "In here Ensign."

Ayren had been standing to the side, quietly observing. She agreed with Alvion and wanted to comment, but they were interrupted.

Lantiq turned to look at the viewscreen as the transmission was routed through.

The screen came to life and revealed a well groomed grey haired man. He was older but still looked capable. “I am Lord Father Bnor, lead of the Right Hand. You presence here is…”

“Lord Father,” Da`nal stated cutting him off. “I am Rear Admiral Da`nal of the House of Varal, I know who you are, what your group has done and why, so you can dispense with the posturing. Dr. Galen obviously dishonor your planets beliefs in some way and there is nothing I can do to change that. However you now hold Federation citizens as hostages; dishonorable act in itself. You will release your hostag...”

“Not until every offworlder leaves Dandarand!” Bnor stated angrily.

“Your planets internal struggles are not my concern and if Dandarand should choose to leave the Federation and cut itself off from the galaxy; that is up to your planet to decide - not you alone! I have at my command 20 starships; I could order them here for an extended stay. That’s easily 10,000 additional offworlders to further contaminate your cultural purity. Or I could land my ship on the field near the dig site and unleash my Marines and take the site from you.”

“You’re Bluffing.”

“I’m a Klingon, I don’t bluff. Dr. Galen and the Daystrom institute has done enough damage with their disregard for your beliefs. My people, like your hold fast to our tradition so I can understand your frustration. My first officer is Bajoran, is there a people better suited to sympathize with a deeply religious culture like yours? This is what I will offer you. Free the hostages and I will make the full resources of this vessel available to impartially authenticate the find. No Dr. Galen and his ambitions, no political twists from the planetary government, and no favoritism to any religious faction. What say you?”

“And if I refuse?”

“I am honor bound to protect Federation citizens…by whatever means at my disposal.”

An impartial authentication was a risk. The scrolls could undermine their position but a battle with a Starship was unwinnable, especially now that he had been offered a reasonable resolution. “What proof do I have of your impartiality?

“Starfleet has no ties with the Daystom institute and now interest in the internal affairs of this planet. I you wish you or one of your people may come aboard to witness our work.”

Bnor looked to his associate. Ferin was ,as usual, shaking his head no but the majority consented. “Agreed.”

Da`nal nodded his head sharply. “Very well. We will beam down in one hour.”

As the channel closed he turned and the Prime Minister was already on his feet. “I will need to speak with the High Priestess to make sure she will go along with this. If I can be transported to her Temple?”

“Absolutely, my Yeoman will escort you to the Transporter Room.”

As Lance and the Prime Minister left Da`nal addressed his staff. “Commander Lantiq, assemble an away team. We will beam down in...just over an hour.”

"Aye Sir!" Lantiq acknowledged "Chief Mallory, Ensign Morag, Lieutenant Jas, and Doctor Har'tar report to Transporter Room Two, at 13.30 hours. Side arms will be worn"

Satisfied with the assignment Da`nal nodded. "Very good, Dismissed."


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