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Time alone - Part 1

Posted on 06 Aug 2013 @ 12:48am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,266 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Admiral's quarters
Timeline: Before beaming down

While they could have beamed down immediately he had allowed the Prime Minister the time to return to the surface to discuss matters with the planets High Priestess and he had assured him she would agree to the neutral involvement of the Achilles crew.

Together Da`nal and Ayren entered their quarters it seem like he was constantly on the move and even when here they had little time together. Pulling off his uniform jacket and opting for the opened front version. If things went bad it allowed for greater freedom of movement. That thought reminded him of a bit of information that had come his way in his Task Forces morning report.

Rolling his shoulders forward as he donned the uniform jacket; "Oh guess what ship was just returned to my command?"

Ayren loosened her hair from the clip that held the black mass in check at the back of her head. "What ship?" she asked

With a grin smoothed his uniform watching her in the mirror as he placed his blade in his jacket, "The USS Freedom."

"What?" Ayren asked pleasantly surprised as a smile spread on her face. It was Da'nal's first command and she followed him to the ship, going so far as to resign her commission to be with the love of her life. Her thoughts went back briefly to Tianni, a hybrid Romulan woman Ayren was involved with for a short while. Tianni had felt very serious about Ayren, but for Ayren it was a mere fling. It was pretty ugly, Tianni tried to commit suicide, Ayren couldn't be there as she was already very far from DS 5, where she had been stationed at the time... A sigh escaped her lips. At least Tianni was alive, but there was a time that Ayren was in fear of her life as well that of Da'nal's...

A call from the bridge interrupted their conversation. "Sir’, There is a communiqué from Commander Kuvar with the Office of Personnel Management."

"Transfer it to my main display."

Ayren shook her head, glad for the interruption of her thoughts; at least the Freedom brought some good memories.

[Rome 176 AD]

Having long accepted his new life, exiled in Earth's past by Q, Charg, or Charius as he was called now, had gone from slave to freeman, gladiator to the owner a vast estate. He no longer fought in the games having retired undefeated, but not without his share of scars. For a time he had trained the emperors guard and several of the gladiator owned by Lucius Verus, however even that had come to an end. Now Marcus Aurelius was Emperor and if his memory of Earth history was correct that reign would end in a few years.

In the years following his retirement he frequented the Coliseum's lower levels. His status placed him, his wife, and children among the upper levels of Roman society though they were not truly accept have been slaves. Eventually his future generations would be accepted but he had already prepared to move his household; one day Rome would fall and his descendants would not be here when it did. Once again he made his way through the bowels of the coliseum. Even though the games had been halted by the current emperor he and others like him had access to the massive structure. Going deeper and deeper into the structure even below the slave area he found what he was looking for.

Leaning his torch against a pillar he laid his robes aside and set to work with hammer and chisel. Sometime later he tossed the hammer aside. Now using the chisel he began to dig at the earth below his carving. Into the hole he dug he dumped layer of pitch, then placed a stone chest containing his d'k tahg, stained with his own blood, and his communicator, etched with the approximate year he arrived in Earth's past. After layering more pitch over the top he covered his time capsule with dirt.

Time could be a paradox and while he knew of no discoveries of a Klingon nature had been made, this was all he could do to let someone...anyone know what had happened to him. One day these items would be discovered or they wouldn't. All he could do was live his life. The torch light flickered over his carving of the Klingon emblem and he gathered his robes and made his way home.

[USS Achilles]

The wall display shifted from the Klingon artwork to that of a Starfleet emblem and then the Vulcan officer. "Admiral Da`nal, pardon any interruption, however the uniqueness of the situation warrants action."

"Go on."

"There was work being done to shore up the foundations of the Coliseum in Rome here on Earth, when a discovery was made that prompted a full archeological investigation."

Da`nal's puzzlement was obvious. "So why contact me, I'm no archeologist?"

"Granted but we have not been able to contact the immediate family, one X'aedell Kelan..."

"So you are looking for me, her cousin," Ayren said, her heart beating in her chest as she glanced at Da'nal.

Da`nal’s heart began to pound even before he knew all the details. "Why are you looking for next of kin?"

"The remains of a Klingon emblem was found etched into one of the support columns. Below it was a Klingon communicator with the year 160 AD scratched into the inner casing. Along with it was a d'k tahg bearing the family crest and blood of Charghwl'IH."

"How is that possible!?"

"Unknown Admiral. His presence there and any interactions are a violation of the temporal prime directive. We did find records of a Charius, that was a famed gladiator who later served two separate Emperor's before disappearing from the historical records. We believe Charius and Charghwl'IH are the same man."

"Transmit the information you have. I will see that his wife and the Commanding Officer are informed."

The Vulcan commander nodded, “Our thanks Admiral. We will continue our research and keep you informed," lifting his hand in the typical Vulcan salute, "Live Long and Prosper."

"Understood...oh yes." Returning the Vulcan gesture; "Peace and long life. Achilles out."

Ayren stood there, astounded. It felt as if her stomach shook inside of her. She didn't know what to think. "I will contact her; she is on the Torath home planet... I chatted with her yesterday...." Ayren said

[Planet of Quva't el TigH]

X'aedell had taken the opportunity to go with Kretorg and Zaria to Quvat el TigH to see her family, whom she had only met for the first time when the D'ama was at the home planet of her House. She needed the break and after Charg had presumably been killed by Q, she had no reason to even be on the ship. Over and over she played their last conversation in her mind when she mind melded with him as a Horta. Over and over she saw how he was catapulted towards the Kzinti ship yard. Then the explosion....

The bile rose to her throat and her katana sliced towards her sparring partner, who lifted his broad sword just in time to block her attack. She had not felt hatred like this since she was a teenager. Then her hatred was directed towards the Borg for taking her parents, now it was against Q who took her husband. And she was dealing with it the same way she did then... by fighting and fighting till she was so injured that she needed medical attention or till she collapsed.



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