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Mission Briefing - Down to Business

Posted on 13 Jul 2013 @ 12:51pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Ensign Morag NA

1,279 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: 1200

Morag made it to the observation lounge right on time despite being slumpy as his son sometimes gets. Double raktajhino and PADD in hand he took a seat and looked over the information given him. He was wishing he could have his little assistant on this one, but star fleet rules wouldn't allow it. Still, he could tell him the whole story after the mission.

Lieutenant Lucas Drake was the last of the senior officers to arrive in the Observation Lounge. Without introduction or acknowledging his lateness he moved deliberately to a chair at the far end of the table; the furthest away from Admiral.

As usual Da`nal stood to begin the briefing, he had always disliked 'lounging' while talking anyway. Taking note of Drake's tardiness he played the roll that needed to be played for the time being. "Now that everyone has arrived, we can begin," an obvious dig at Drake that he would understand but the rest of the crew would see as the continuation of the issues between them.

"Here is the situation. An archeological team from the Daystrom institute has been take hostage by religious group on the planets surface. Captain Post, I want a strike team on standby for rescue operations just in case."

"Yes Sir," Rebecca nodded, she managed to avoid outwardly grimacing but she knew just how dangerous hostage situations could be, only made worse by the fact that they were being held by religious fanatics.

The Prime Minister's concern was obvious. "Admiral is that really necessary? Such action would only make things worse and..."

Da`nal cut him off without hesitation. "With all do respect Mr. Prime Minister, but your planets internal struggles are your problem. My primary concern is the safety of Federation citizens, and I will use whatever resources at my disposal."

Returning to his outlining of the current situation. "Now, the group that is holding the archeological team has made some xenophobic demands. I intend to use their xenophobic demands against them to hopefully bring this situation to a close. Mr. Drake, do some digging into the history of the group and see if this is a history of xenophobic stances or if this is just rhetoric."


Naja was jotting down notes. She had an inkling of what to except along the way, but, she would find the time to gather information that poured into the sensor array. Making sure, nothing was over looked and could be used for the crew or the federation at large. The trill simply remain quiet as she observed what was taking place in the meet.

The doctor, was jotting down notes. her notes were those of what race of those gathered her, would need in case of something bad would come to them. Yet, she remain quiet until she was needed to speak, but, she continue to write what she believe she might need, before departure or what she can do or find on the ship at hand and make due with that.

Looking at Morag he continued. "This situation was the result of archeological discoveries. Ensign Morag, this is why you were summoned to attend this briefing. Obviously Dr. Galen has offended the locals in some way to his opinion and findings will be suspect. You will be accompanying the away team."

"It is going to be a long mission," Morag said, "to know for certain what we are dealing with I will need to see all of the data from which Dr. Galen formed his opinion and what that opinion was."

"There is no way to tell how much of Dr. Galen's research has been destroyed...if any but once the situation is settled I will ensure you have access to whatever you need."

"I will need everything available," Morag suggested.

"Prime Minister, would this group accept findings made by a joint team of our science department and your own people?"

"Possibly but it would take some convincing."

"Deep founded religious belief cant be a hard obstacle to overcome" Lantiq said quietly, his own belief in the Bajoran Prophets giving weight to his words "Reason, logic and common sense are immaterial in matters of faith. Ordinary people can feel compelled to do extra-ordinary things if they believe strongly enough..."

He turned to the Prime Minister "As they have taken the team as hostages, are they now making demands and if so, what are they?"

"They have released the High Priestess. To have kept her a hostage would have been tantamount to sacrilege, as she is seen as the physical link between the Goddess and this world...even to the members of the Right Hand. Their demands. The removal of all offworlder's and the closure of the archeological site." Turning slightly to the Intel officer to address his assignment. "There demands concerning ofworlders...they only started targeting offworlder's in the last ten years."

Da`nal stood behind his chair gripping the top. "Sounds like they are simply using offworlder's as an excuse."

Nodding the Prime Minister replied, "That is our feeling as well, but there are a growing section of my people that are believing this rhetoric."

Naja arched her brow to this bit of news, as she wondered how she can help those that were captured, plus, studying these people as well. She looked between the admiral and the PM and back to Admiral "Sir, I know I'm not tactically mind on things of this nature, but, I would like to help as best I can, plus, I can gather up any worth while data of what was found to data and analyze the data quickly and transfer it to both us and the PM."

Raising up her data pad, the Andorian Klingon began reviewing information on the species in which the crew was more then likely to encounter in their rescue mission. She even brought up the needs for spiritual needs as well. She turned to look at both the PM and her friend and fellow warrior. With a mere nod the Doctor placed her thoughts into words.

"Well, sickbay is always ready, captain. But, may I suggest we keep our interaction as low key as possible. So whom ever is going planet side, might have to pay me a visit so I can alter them, so they can walk about those on the planet." she looked to the PM "Does your people have scanners or sensors?"

The PM raised a brow at the doctors officers question. "Yess we have sensors. Every reading currently shows that the hostages are in good heath. There had been some minor injuries from the initial conflict but those we were able to get those injuries treated."

"If this reaction to offworlders is some kind of excuse, what is it covering?" Lantiq asked the Prime Minister "And as they released the High Priestess out of holy respect, would she be able to persuade them to release the hostages as well?"

"Its our belief that the targeting of offworlder's is just a means to lay blame on someone for various problems and nothing more. As for the High Priestess; respecting her status as a religious icon and obeying her wishes are two separate things. But she has already called for their release."


The diagnostics were complete and there was nothing wrong with the sensors...nothing at all. Now they were analyzing the reading and nothing made sense. Whatever they had detected had been larger that the ship but at the same time it was and wasn't there. Jess was scratching her head just did make sense.

Her thoughts were interrupted. "Ma`am we are being hailed."



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