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Let the Games begin

Posted on 08 Jul 2013 @ 9:13pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

591 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Dandarand 4

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The leadership of the Right Arm of the Goddess were exploring the cavern uncovered by Galen and his team. An environmental force field had been established to protect the latest find and Lord Father Bnor stared through barrier as the others argued about what must be done.

“..I say we destroy it now before more learn of the discovery. We preserve what we have now. Who cares what those old bit of parchment say!”

“Are you mad! Those scrolls are what brought the High Priestess out of her temple. If she knows about them, it won’t be long before the whole planet knows. If we destroy them, everything we have gained will be lost!”

“It’s a chance I say we take! Who knows what those scrolls say. They could…”

The Lord Father raised his hand to silence the debate, turning to his advisors. “The Priestess may allow word of the discovery to circulate but even she would not dare speculate as to the meaning or the content of the writings. Perhaps it is time I met with her. These writings could be the undoing of us both.”

[In Orbit]

Logan sat in the Admiral’s command chair as the senior staff had their briefing. Of course the chair had been adjusted for the Admiral height and she, being considerable shorter could barely touch the deck if she sat back in the seat. She smirked at the situation, until the Tactical console chimed causing her heart to jump and her head snapped over to see what was going on.

“Jess…sorry. Ma’am a sensors indicate…wait it’s gone.”

Smiling at her friends slip in protocol, “What’s gone?”

“For a second, sensors showed that something had just appeared in orbit.”

“Put the area on screen.” As the image shifted, all that appeared was empty space and Jessica wrinkled her brow a bit.

Thinking that it was probably just something misaligned thanks to the wrench turners back on the star base she hopped out of the chair and began to move to the tactical station. “Let’s run a diagno…”


The shout spun her around and what had been empty space was now filled with a ghostly image. She couldn’t tell what it was but before she could say anything it vanished. “What the…Anything on sensors?!”

“Just the same as before, there was something and then nothing.”

“Shift those reading to the auxiliary console and run a diagnostic. If it’s a sensor malfunction the computer could be creating a false image.”

“Aye…shouldn’t we inform the Admiral?”

“Not until we have something for sure. Unless YOU wanna tell him the ship is seeing ghosts.” With that the tactical officer began his diagnostic and Logan began analyzing the sensor readings.

[Dig Site]

His remark about meeting had started a whole new argument but that was cut off as a breathless woman ran down the ramp and into the chamber. “Lord Father a Federation ship has entered orbit and the Prime Minister has already beamed aboard!”

One of his council replied to the news with his temper as usual. “The Federation is here to force us to give in!”

“Calm yourself my old friend. Their sensors could have easily found the humans and beamed them away or sent a team to rescue them. The fact that they haven’t tells me we are probably dealing with a diplomat. Let’s send out another broadcast and stir thing up a bit. Prepare the transmitter.”


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