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Mission Briefing - Forces Gather

Posted on 30 Jun 2013 @ 10:26am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Captain Rebecca Post & Ensign Morag NA

1,642 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Timeline: 1145 - 1200 hrs


[Observation Lounge - Conference area]

The Chief of the Boat and the some of the Admirals Yeoman's staff were setting up the briefing area and placing padds on the table for the arriving officers.

Then Van Berg tapped her commbadge =^=Chief of the Boat to the Command Staff. The Admiral's compliments, please make your way to the Observation Lounge for a staff briefing =^=

Together Lance and CWO Mallory entered the observation lounge while they waited for the Admiral and the other senior staff to arrive. "So Gunner, when did you decide to get your commission?"

That comment caused Mallory to chuckle slightly. "Didn't so much 'decide' as was 'decided'. I had actually managed an early escape as a Senior Chief, took up a business on Starbase 47. 'Couple of problems came up, we lost our Security and Tactical Chief, so the CO offered me a 'choice' of taking a field commission to Junior Grade Lieutenant, or Warrant. Last thing I was going to do was go totally to the darkside, and here we are." He sighed deeply for a moment before continuing. "Originally, I was an Intel Analyst and Encryption Specialist, but I've done enough of the Security and Tactical over the years, I'm proficient. When the new officer arrived to take over full time, I opted to stay in and applied for a transfer. What's it like being enlisted on a ship that little spilts in three, Master Chief?"

"Not much different than any other ship. A Prometheus class ship is so automated a chimpanzee and two trainees could run it blindfolded while hung-over."

He chuckled as the idea of that one went through his head. "Master Chief, good thing you didn't say cadets and ensigns, because they can't even get their uniforms right half the time without having to double check the wrong manual." Mitchell commented, remembering some incidents from his past.

Alvion was working at an auxiliary console on the bridge when he heard the Chief's call. He left a junior officer to mind things in his place and strode back into the lounge. "Master Chief," he said with a nod as he sat down, "I take it the Commander and Admiral are still meeting the prime minister?"

"Aye sir" van Berg acknowledged, "They should be here shortly"

[Morag family quarters]

Morag walked out of the sonic shower. The drill had been a great workout mentally ans physically. His rarest possessions were still asleep. He awoke Simeon with a whisper ans sent him off to get ready for his first day of school. Before Ahna woke up he had prepared a large breakfast for all of them. There was only just enough time for a little family time when Ahna came into the room. He kissed them both and picking up his PADD and rushing out the door.


Sickbay was the general location one could find the chief medical of the ship, at any given moment in time, except when she was in one of her holodeck program works outs, eating a meal in one of the mess halls, or in her quarters reading a book or Role Playing via subspace with fellow Dungeon and Dragon players. Some would have think she was an odd one, but, being who she was with two warrior cultures floating inside her body, she felt it would be wise to find other means to get her warrior side, subdued to a point and focus on being a doctor. So far, they have worked, even with what had happened at the hands of Kzinti.

She reviewed the latest information on the Kzinti and other possible harmful enemies, when she was paged for a meeting. Grabbing a data pad, Sara, made her way to the meeting. A moment later, the Andorian/Klingon Hybrid entered and took up her seat as she waited for it to start.

[Achillies class room]

"So, what are we really made of?" asked Naja aloud to the children of the Achilles as she attended a class full of students "Dig deep inside the atom and you'll find tiny particles. Held together by invisible forces."

Naja's hands moved as she gesture toward a large display screen, that was located behind her. She clicked a small hand held device that flipped to different section of the atom "and to find that everything is made up of tiny packets of energy. Born in cosmic furnaces"

A small bolian asked a question of what a atom was made up of, which Lt. Jas was delighted to answer "The atoms that we're made of have, are negatively charged electrons whirling around a big bulky nucleus. Yet, the Quantum Theory, offers a very different explanation of our world"

When a young human male stood up, he asked his question about the universe and what it was made up as. The Trill smiles as she click her device to switch the image to the forces of nature.

"The universe is made of twelve particles of matter and four forces of nature..." she informed and went into tell what each was and to show what each one was on her display "...That's a wonderful and significant story if I do say so myself"

"Yet suppose that these little things, such as those that make up the atom, behaved very differently, than anything big" the Achilles's Science chief informed "Nothing's really as it seems that it's so wonderfully different, than anything big. The universe is a dynamic mess of jiggling things. I know, it's hard to believe. Yet, in the quantum theory, it's so strange and bizarre, even Einstein couldn't get his head around it"

Simeon hadn't slept well the night before and was groggy as he walked in late. He fuzzily heard the question as he walked in rubbing his eyes free of sleep for a second. The boy wanted to start off on a good foot even if he was half asleep. As such he couldn't control what came out of his mouth. "Actually he got half way around it. It's just taking a while to get the rest of the way around. It's like me. When i'm on a planet that's got more than one sun i'm blind as a Sarkalian bat, but on the ship I can see perfect. Einstein just couldn't see the next step."

A little Andorian girl, asked in a soft voice asked her question to Naja.

"Well in the quantum world, the world of particles, nothing is certain for it's a world of probabilities. I know it's very hard to imagine all the crazy things, that things really are like, when electrons act like waves. Well, no they don't exactly, they act like particles. Okay, no they don't exactly. For we, the Federation, our allies, and even those that want to bring us down, need a theory of everything, which is still just beyond our grasp, but, perhaps it is the ultimate triumph of science. Well, I gotta stop somewhere so I'll leave you something to imagine"

With that, Jas ended her speech and the kids and teacher clapped their hands. Once everyone was finished. The gathered students came up to Naja and began asking more about their home and the universe a large. Which Naja was more then happy to talk about and explain to them. A few minutes later, Naja, finished up her talk, said her good byes, and headed to her briefing room.

[En route to Observation Lounge]

" be honest Mr. Prime Minister I think a more direct approach would work more than trying to negotiate a middle ground. We give them an ultimatum that if they do anything but release their hostages a swarm of offworlders will descend on their planet. If they are truly wanted to eliminate "offworld" contamination of their society they will yield."

Lantiq led the way as the Admiral and Prime Minister discussed the hostage situation on the planet, reaching the Conference room, he opened the door and stood aside to let them enter.

[Observation Lounge - Conference area]

Lance looked over to the entrance as the doors opened, he didn't recognize the first person but the two that follow were very familiar. Getting up he turned to the Admiral as he entered. "Sir allow me to introduce Chief Warrant Officer Mallory, security officer. His transport had been delayed in getting to SB-80 before our departure and diverted here."

Da`nal looked at the officer appraisingly. "Welcome aboard Mr. Mallory, glad you could make it. Our current security chief has taken ill so I will need to stand in. I assume you are up to the task?"'

Standing in a fluid motion, he came right to attention as soon as he made out the Admiral. "Thank you, Admiral. Starbase 47 delayed the departure slightly to make sure my...replacement was ready for the job. I would be honored to, and since that was my main role on 47." The CWO responded in a calm, collected voice.

Glancing to his XO and back to Mallory, nodding. "Then take a seat. The rest of the senior staff should be here shortly." There was general small talk between Da`nal, the Prime minister, and XO as they waited for the others to arrive.

A few minutes, after the Admiral's arrival, the Trill Science officer, entered into the Observation room and took her seat. She was reviewing a data pad, which held a few bits of information and the latest status of the science section.

A minute or two later Rebecca arrived, she had been joining her Marines in their morning PT session and had grabbed a quick shower and changed into her service dress before quickly making her way up to the briefing room. She settled into her seat and waited.



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