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Baiting the trap

Posted on 21 Jun 2013 @ 11:44pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Drake

696 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Bridge / Cargo Bay 3

Da`nal sat in the center seat as the ship warped to Dandarand 4. The message from the planet had come as a surprise from a planet reportedly having had over a millennium of peace.

He pulled at his beard as he leaned forward, his elbow on his knee as he thought on the situation. Rising from his chair he walked over to the auxiliary bridge station that had been claimed by his Intel chief. "Lt. Drake, what do we have on this Dr. Galen?"

The intelligence officer input the command to display the doctor's profile.

“A cursory look at the doctors personnel file, provided by the Daystrom Institute, shows that he is very successful in the field of archeology; his research papers are considered to be of high academic value.”

His eyes rolled to the corner, discreetly looking at the Admiral and with noticeable inflection he continued

“But ‘if’ you read between the lines you will notice that the performance reviews are all objective; lacking any subjectivity; not one individual has commented on his personal qualities. Being the son of a high profile and influential professor seems to give you a little protection. I have spoken to one of my contacts and it appears that the doctor's peers are not so fond of him. His success and fathers influence have made him arrogant and overconfident and his hubris has forged a lot of distrust and animosity in the archeological community.”

"Just the type of person to twist the dagger in the wound. If he is as you surmise he could have made this whole situation worse than it needed to be just with his attitude." Right in line with their previous 'discussion' Drake's tone was perfectly suited to the task, now it was time for him to play his part. "...And speaking of attitude. The next time I what information you had better leave your attitude in check!" Da`nal turned sharply, cursing under his breath, and nodded ever so lightly to his Yeoman who then moved to the Lieutenant.

Lance was already moving and had been simply been told to have the Lieutenant get something from the cargo bay. "Lt. Drake, your new intel gear has been set aside in cargo bay 3, it's still sealed in its containers waiting for you to secure the equipment."

Drake rose from the station; squaring up opposite the Chief. His stern eyes lingered on the yeoman before his expression softened and with a warm smile he said “Thank you Mr. Nelson”. Brushing past the officer he stepped into the turbolift and declared the destination of cargo bay 3.

Lance look questioning at the back of the Admiral, ~What's the deal...?~ he thought to himself. Looking back at the Lieutenant with a questioning glance he watched as the door closed on the lift.

[B] Cargo Bay 3[/B]

Lieutenant Drake threw out his arms in disgust as the heavy doors to the cargo bay opened. With no attempt to hide the sarcasm from his voice he made a declaration loud enough for the personnel both inside and outside the cargo bay to hear:

“So! What has His Excellency the Klingon High Chancellor sent me down to collect now? What stupid errand has the ‘Admiral’ planned for me today?”

All eyes were focused on him and they each contained a look of shock.

“Well? Is anyone going to tell me what i’m down here to collect?” frustration lingered on the intelligence officers voice.

A petty officer stepped forward uncertainly; “The latest requisitions for your department have arrived...” it took a moment for the obligatory “...sir” to follow.

“Oh, Excellent!” he replied; clapping his hands. An expectant look prompted the petty officer to direct him towards the supplies and sterner look signaled for the officer to leave him to his business.

After ensuring he was not being observed he picked up an onyx case, placed it atop a large container and gently lifted the lid. A quick inspection ensured that the PADD’s were enclosed, as promised, and thus the lid was promptly closed.

It was time for his work to begin.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lieutenant Lucas Drake


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