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The New Boss

Posted on 31 May 2013 @ 9:41pm by Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC)

883 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Deck 6 - Operations Offices
Timeline: MD 4 - 1140

So far it had been a long day. The drill at 0300, then the emergency signal, now the new Ops Chief had just arrived. She yawned again and replicated herself another latte as she grinned, "Large Mocha, non-fat with extra espresso." Listing the coffee to her she took a deep breathe savoring the aroma before she took a sip.

Thinking to herself, ~At least now I don't have to go the staff meetings anymore.~ She took another longer pull from as the door opened and the strange face entered.

Relin walked into the office and stopped short when he saw someone else there, sipping a latte. "Ah, hello.... Ensign," he said, brushing his nose idly, an unconscious response to the whipped cream smearing the woman's own nose. "Lieutenant Commander Alvion, the new chief of ops."

Crossing her eyes to look at her nose she flushed red as she hurriedly wiped the whipped cream from her nose. ~Great way to meet the boss! Perfect first impression Jess...especially when he's cute too!~ "Sorry sir. Ens. Jessica Logan, pleasure to meet you sir."

Alvion gave a nod. "Not my assistant chief, are you?" he asked, having learned there was no current assistant chief either.

Not really have expected the position, but could understand the assumption. "Well sir I can be if you want me to."

"Who's the highest ranking officer in this department besides myself?"

She shrugged with a grin. "That'd be me. The Admiral tend to go through Ops officers pretty regularly. Besides with the Prometheus class being as automated as it is it makes things a whole lot easier than say a Galaxy class starship."

"Good," Alvion said with a nod, "consider yourself acting assistant chief operations officer until Starfleet sees fit to assign us someone. It'll give you an opportunity to gain experience towards command." Maybe it seemed like an impulsive decision, but if she had been the ranking ops officer since his arrival and the ship had managed all right, she must be able to handle some of the basics all right, or so he figured.

"No problem sir, anything I can do to help. Is this your fist time on a Prometheus class ship?"


Jessica grinned wryly trying not to giggle, ~A Prometheus virgin...~ Waving him to what was his desk, "Well sir step into my parlor and we'll get you up to speed and the highlight."

"Very well, Ensign," Alvion said with a nod, moving over to the desk, "I am familiar with the class specifications, but a review would not go amiss."

As the Commander sat she reached across and keyed up the details of the Prometheus classes highly automated features. "So have you met the Admiral yet?"

"I did." Which reminded him of something. He looked at the ensign. "Ensign Logan, who oversaw the ship's most recent resupply?"

She was wondering when that was going to come up. "Well as usual all the department heads submitted their requests to the former XO and that list was forwarded to the quartermaster on Starbase 80. All requests were marked as filled and all the required equipment transfer paperwork had been completed."

She pulled up a file she had already started on the supplies that had just arrived and what was supposed to have already been loaded. "Seems that someone on the station had annotated this part of the cargo had been delivered, so when we requested departure clearance everything seemed fine. When in fact our reserve supplies were sitting in a cargo bay awaiting transport. I've already contacted the station and they are checking the duty roster and delivery records to see who marked the cargo as delivered and to see who signed for it."

"So, it was definitely a problem station-side?" He asked, looking at the files she pulled up, "Who was responsible for transport on our end? It's possible the cargo was marked as transported by the station if someone here told them the supplies were received." Though he found it hard to believe they could still have teh supplies and beleive them to have been moved, not without a serious error in communication somewhere.

"There are a couple of candidates. Transporter operators in cargo bays 6 & 7, someone on duty in the shuttle bay, or worst case...someone forged a delivery signature. I find the later unlikely but once we get the reply from the station we'll know who signed off on the delivery."

Alvion frowned to himself, thinking. "Very well," he said, "Inform me when you receive a reply."

Jessica smiled and nodded, "Aye sir. Is there anything else I can help you with or to help you settle in?"

"No, that is all I need, Ensign, thank you. If that's all, you are dismissed whenever you like."

"Thank you sir. I do have a few academy courses to catch up on. Don't forget about the briefing, sir."

"Which briefing?" Alvion asked.

Jess smirked and raised a brow slightly. "The senior staff briefing at 1200."

Alvion smiled. "Ah, yes, of course I will be there. Thank you, Ensign."

She smiled, cocked her head slightly, "Don't mention it sir. You better get going... you don't wanna be late."

Ens. Jessica Logan
Ops officer - played by Da`nal

Lt. Commander Relin Alvion
Chief Operations Officer
played by Psylus Anon


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