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Combat Drill - Medical deck simulation - Hirogens in the night

Posted on 25 May 2013 @ 2:45am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Ensign Morag NA

1,568 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Holodeck 2

[Deck 5 Holodeck 2]

Van Berg materialized outside the holodeck, having inter-ship transported from Deck 11. She activated the preloaded holo that had been prepared and waited for the rest to arrive.

Har’tar along with a few of her medics had rushed down to Deck 11 with med bags and kits in hand. She they all knew this was a drill, but they weren't going to act as if the drill was fake. They had lives to save, even if the lives were holograms.

Cammy arrived at the holodeck for the scheduled drill as indicated. There was a hint of excitement buried deep within her calm demeanor. She always enjoyed combat drills, but understood that it wasn't a theme park ride. She'd take it as seriously as she would the real thing, lest she form bad habits that would carry over to real missions. She let out a sigh, and focused her mind for combat.

Ahna and Morag reported to holodeck four. Everything was in action. They wondered where their son was, but knew that this had to be more important for now. Morag caught the first crewman, sloughing over his shoulder as he bent his knees. He took the crewman over to the triage area and laid him on the floor.

Simeon looked up. He was at Holodeck three and that was a good thing. Still, eh thought that he and the other children aboard should have a drill too. Why didn't they ever train us for these things? He thought. He made nothing of it as he programmed the Maqtoh sequence into the system. As he walked in the instructor was waiting. It was good to be practicing again even without his father there.

Once they were all there Van Berg briefed them:

“Ok, this is a combat simulation drill. We have been attacked by five Hirogen ships. They have knocked out warp power and we have multiple boarding parties of unknown numbers on Decks 12, 9, 8 and 7. There is fighting in the Engineering spaces as the marines try to repel the boards. Injured crew are starting to come in to Medical.

Doctors you will be dealing with simulated casualties. Ensigns Morag and Valentine you have assisted injured crewmates here.”

With that she opened the holodeck door. Inside was a recreation of the entrance to the Main Ward, looking from inside the ward towards the main entrance door. The door opened and a group of wounded holo-engineers and marines limped in. Many of them with burns and weapons fire injuries. There was a sudden explosion behind the group and energy bolts slammed through the opened door, coming from the corridor beyond. “More Hirogen!” one of the injured holo-marines shouted. He managed to get off a couple of shots around the door, before collapsing on the deck.

“Go to it!” Van Berg said and waved them in. After they entered she stepped back, she and the holodeck door disappeared. There was another barrage of weapons fire from the corridor and there came shouts of the Hirogen hunters as they closed in.

A wounded holo-crewman in science teal appeared next to Morag and promptly collapsed into his arms. Similarly an injured holo-crewman in grey appeared and draped an arm around Valentine’s shoulder.

On reflex Morag caught the Holo-crewman taking it tio the makeshift triage area. He laid the crewman down gently and worked to assist more.

Cammy supported the crewman, who looked to be in extreme pain. "Hold on. You'll be alright." she said calmly. She bent down and heaved him up in to a fireman's carry and took off at as brisk a run as she could manage with the added weight. Upon arriving at Sickbay, she found a medical officer. "Where do you want the wounded?"

Har'tar came walking up as personnel came pouring in. She looked them over, and merely gesture to an open secured door.

A side door opened and a group of holo-Nurses rushed out to help bring in the injured. One turned to the CMO “Doctor, what do you want us to do?”

The andorian Klingon gave her direction to the holographic nurse. She knew, that lives were at stake, but she had to act fast. So wwith her knoweldge of both federation and Klingon medinice, she began directing the injured and nusres. "Patch up the minor injuries first, so the can get back to the fight. Serious injuries and major, do what you can to stop their bleeding."
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A wounded Marine who was crouched by the door, firing out into the corridor called to Morag and Valentine “Hey! We could do with some help here!”

"I'm on it!" Cammy yelled over the noise. She nipped over to him and drew her carbine. "What do you need? A phaser or a ride?" she asked, offering to carry the Marine to Sickbay.

"How about you, your phaser!" the Marine replied through gritted teeth, a large and ugly weapons burn on his thigh ""Cos if we don't keep these bastards out, we'll need morticians not medics!" he leeaned forward and let off a rapid burst of fire down the corridor then swung back just as the return fire slammed into the already buckled door frame just above his head "Sonofabitch! We need to barricade this door somehow!"

"Target the ceiling to get a temp barrier in place." the doctor informed as she finished band-age one of her patients

Morag raised his phaser taking careful aim at the ceiling. Coolant leaked from the ceiling as he turned to look for things that would create a sufficient barrier.

Another wounded crewman who was helping the Marine hold off the Hirogen shouted back to Morag
“And who the hell are these beings? How do we fight them?”

"These petaQ are Hirogen. Their only goal is to complete their so-called "hunt." They hunt other races that cross their paths. We must not appear as weak ot hey will not hesitate to kill us," Morag replied.

"And how do we do that?" the crewman asked

"Don't know, but the only other option is to fight." Morag said circumspecting the area for for proper phaser line barricades. He found some and set them up drawing his phaser. He set it on full and replicated a pulse rifle for the doctor. Morag knelt and prepared to fight wishing he had brought his bat'leth.

"Nurse, handle this will you" she informed as she glanced out the side of the door towards the advancing Hirogen, she read about them from the paper the the EMH doctor of Voyager wrote about them. Sara turned her attention to spoke on how to kill them

"Simple, Marine. They want an honorable kill. Hand to hand, is what they want. Then I suggest give it to them" Suggested the Andorian Klingon

Before the crewman could respond another energy bolt from the Hirogen weapons fire slammed into the door frame he was crouched beside and threw him across the foyer, to land in a crumpled heap.

"Not to these petaQ," Morag replied, "we need to freeze!" Morag fired at the coolant conduit nearest him and those ahead of him.

Cammy fired at another Hirogen. "If those things want a hunt, I can lead them on a pretty good chase. How long do you guys need to get a barrier up? I'll give them something else to think about for a while!" She fired at another before flattening against a wall as an energy bolt fizzled past.

With quick thinking the Andorian Klingon had an idea has to how long, and she out right stated it. "Five, but seven minute at less"

"Arlight. Just don't drag your feet on this end!" Cammy yelled. She popped open an access panel leading into a Jeffrey's Tube. After quickly slipping trough, she checked her PADD's internal sensors data. After crawling a several meters, she gently popped open another conduit, checked for Hirogens, and slid into the intersecting corridor when she wa satisfied it was clear. Keeping an ear out for approaching hostiles, she trotted towards the rear of the attackers. It wasn't hard to be discrete with the noise of the skirmish serving as an auditory shroud, and the enemies were more interested in the people shooting them than they were a corridor they knew was already secured. she thought as she slipped a grenade out of her bandoleer. After setting the fuse, she tossed it towards the largest group of Hirogens. Before the grenade went off, she peeked around the corner. Sticking her fingers in her mouth, she let out a loud, peircing whistle. When they turned towrads the sound, she held up her hands and extended her fingers in a traditional Earth greeting known as "The Bird," and ducked behind the corner as the grenade went off. she thought, as she readied herself for a good chase.

The hirogen couldn't resist the lure of the chase and set off after the fleet-footed Intelligencer Officer, as they rounded a corner a Security team ambushed the raider, swiftly dispatching them with lethal efficiency.

The Chief of the Boat appeared at the Holo-Deck portal. "Computer - end program!" Van Berg announced "Well, that's was.... inventive" she said with a smile "But effective enough. Ok, drill is concluded, report back to your stations"



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