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The Past Made Present - Part 2

Posted on 25 May 2013 @ 3:16am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

624 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Dandarand 4

[Dig site]

The mob from the Right Arm had gotten to the site first and were shouting violently and threw stone at the governmental security assign to protect the dig and those from the Daystrom institute. The scene was chaotic and several people had already been injured in the clashes.

Suddenly a deafening silence began at the rear of the crowd and began to move forward. The crowds fell silent and parted as the High Priestess and her entourage approached the security line.

“I have come to speak with Dr. Galen.”

The security officers looked to each other for a moment and parted to allow the High Priestess to the Holy Goddess to enter.

[Dig site field office]

“…Minister I understand your concerns but I will not going to evacuate and leave this find to a mob!”

“Dr. Galen, you must understand, it is your find that has the people in an uproar. There are groups that protect your very presence and word is spreading that you have made some kind of monumental find? Protests are erupting across the planet. Any place that represents off-world interests… space ports, planetary embassies, government offices; there are even reports of several shops being ransacked and burnt. I am dispatching addition security to your location, but I must insist…”

“I will not knuckle under to a band of vandals and zealots. Send you security people, but we are not leaving!”

Just then Galen’s aid burst in. ‘Doc, You are not going to believe this!”

Turning from the terminal and the Prime Minister, “What now?!”

“Someone claiming to be High Priestess Tarault is requesting to speak with you. In person.”


Members of the Right Arm saw the Priestess’ unhindered entrance into the site as a sign of compliance with the offworlders and when the whispers reached those leading the mob all hell broke loose. “THE PRIESTESS HERSLF IS IN LEUGE WITH THOSE WHO DESICRATE OUT SACRID SITES AND PLUNDER OUR PAST! WE MUST SEIZE THE DIG AND PROTECT OUR PAST TO ENSURE OUR FUTURE!”

Members of the security detachment wavered as some had their own doubts, but there commanding officer rallied them. “STAND YOUR GROUND PEOPLE!”

At first the other protesters hesitated but the continued rant from those of the Right Arm began to win many of them over. “ARE WE GOING TO STAND BY AND LET THOSE WHO WOULD CALL THEMSELVES OUR BETTERS, PLUNDER AND VIOLATE THE MOST HALLOWED SITE ON OUR PLANET FOR THEIR OWN PURPOSES?!”



As the wave of people rushed the line the, the order was given to fire. Those in front of the crowd dropped as the security forces opened up, but as soon as one went down a dozen more took his or her place.

[Dig Site Field Office]

Even as the High Priestess was ushered in the sound of the fighting reached those in the dig site. Dr. Galen rushed to the entrance to see the security line collapse and the mob beginning to work on ripping down the gate to the site. Rushing back in past the Priestess, who was now gravely concerned, “Whatever you intended it didn’t work, Priestess.”

Activating his communications terminal he didn’t bother with the planets prime minister but sent out a general subspace distress call. =^= To any Federation vessel this is Dr. Galen with the Daystrom Institute on Dandarand 4, we are under attack! Planetary security has been overrun…! =^= A loud crash and a startled scream interrupted the doctor's call for help, but everything went out over the open channel. The struggle and the sound of a body hitting the floor was followed by a crash as the terminal was smashed and the connection was terminated.


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