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Posted on 30 Apr 2013 @ 11:50am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant Lucas Drake & Lieutenant JG Reese Chance

1,056 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Engineering
Timeline: MD1: 1430 (T-:30)


Emerging from his ready room shortly after Lt. Drake stormed out he took position before his chair, the view before him was that of SB-80 orbiting the planet below. After a prolonged shoreleave while the ship was being repaired, after the arrival of the last of the incoming crew members, it was time to go.

"Mr. Mason, is our course set?"

"Yes, sir. Achilles is ready, willing, and waiting to go."

"Excellent." Tapping the comm control on his chair. "All hands prepare for depature, departments report you status."

The Bridge rear door opened and Lantiq exited the turbo lift, moving swiftly to stand before the Executive Officer's chair, beside Da'nal. He had spent the last hour going over the supplies orders, personnel transfers and maintenance schedules. It was down to the wire but everything had been completed, just in time.

"Admiral, I can confirm all personnel are aboard; cargo bays are stocked and we're clear for departure," he reported.

At that moment the turbolift delivered Van Berg to the Bridge, she came over to join Lantiq and came to attention, facing Da'nal

"Sir, I noted we were missing our Chief of the Boat." Lantiq explained "I found us one. May I present Master Chief Petty Officer Viktoria Van Berg. We served together aboard the USS Hornet, where she was Master At Arms. I vouch for her professionalism and ability, Sir"

Turning his chair to the XO's station, personnel issues were under the XO's pervue so he nodded at his new XO's initiative. Turning back to the woman standing before him. "Well Chief as you have been 'vouched' for by me XO I will accept his recommendation. I'm sure my yeoman will welcome the assistance. Station."

"Yes Sir" Van Berg acknowledged "Thank you sir" She did a smart about face and moved off to take a position at the rear of the Bridge.

Lantiq nodded to the COB as she passed and waited with Da'nal for the rest of the divisions to report in.

Chance sat at the Security and Tactical station on the bridge. Reports were coming in from the Security post throughout the ship. So far, everything was in readiness for getting underway as far as Security. The Tactical situation was somewhat problematic at the moment, however. It was nothing that would prevent the Achilles from getting underway however. The ship was ready to defend herself. He made a note to handle the personnel situation in Tactical once they underway and the normal watch was set. He was waiting for the last of the readiness reports. Finally, text scrolled across is screen indicating the saucer section forward torpedo launcher was green. Chance halfway turned his chair to look at the Captain. "Sir, Security and Tactical, all personnel present and accounted for, all systems are green across the board, we are prepared for departure."


The medical staff was on the move. The staff, as well as Sara, was checking every piece of medical equipment, which had her turn on the EMH, talk to it briefly, and switch it off. She knew that her staff, was going to be on the move, in case of a fight. Yet, the Klingon Andorian woman, wanted to make sure, everything was dress right dress, or in good working order. Once her checks were finished, she stepped back into her office and page the bridge.

"Sickbay to bridge. We're ready to rock and roll, sir. Sickbay out" she stated


Oz glanced around getting nods from those in the main science office and he signaled Naja at her bridge station letting her know all was good to go.

Deep in the belly of the beast knows as Achilles, Naja, was going from science station to science station. She wanted first hand knowledge of all section with in her command, that they were ready to serve, when Oz paged her on her data pad, she returned to the main science station an updated readiness of the science sections and to inform him of her revile to replace him oncer she is done.

Whilst her focus was on the surface side of things Rebecca Post had to admit that she did enjoy being on the bridge for the first departure from a stopover. This particular time aboard the Achilles was the first time it was departing whilst she was aboard so she had had absolutely no opposition to being on the bridge to be able to report her departments status. Her uniform was crisply prepared and despite the long night she had had, all things considered, she managed to look fresh and alert as she surveyed the bridge from the dispassionate of an outsider. Her organisation might have the world Starfleet in it, but the operations here were so far from what she did that it may as well not be the case. Never the less she appreciated the chance to see first-hand how the fleeters did their work. She waited for her gap before speaking.

“All personnel are present or accounted for, all equipment and supplies are aboard and stored for travel,” Rebecca reported formally. “The marine detachment is ready in all respects for deployment.”

Lieutenant Lucas Drake had moved over to one of the unoccupied bridge stations along the perimeter of the bridge. Inputting his security clearance he established a direct link to the Intelligence Operations centre. Communicating via a text based interface with the onsite duty officer he received confirmation that the team were standing by. He turned and faced the centre of the bridge “Intelligence personnel are in position”

"Engineering Here Admiral - All system are in the green and we are set Sir" Hank replied

He was now really feeling the weight of being the Head Engineer !

Once Engineering had given the final clearance Lantiq turned to Da'nal and confirmed "Sir, all departments have reported in. Ship is ready for departure, on your command"

~Excellent...~ he thought to himself. "Mr. Mason, Warp 8."

Lucas entered the commanded to take the might ship into the faster than light realm. He hit the execute key and the stars on the viewscreen turned from points to light to streaks.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantiq Ryal

Lieutenant Lucas Drake

Lt. Naja Jas

Dr. Sara'Marbela Har'tar

Lieutenant Lucas Mason


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