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My Kingdom for a Department Head

Posted on 06 May 2013 @ 9:21pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

892 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Bridge / Ready Room
Timeline: MD 1


Now that the ship was underway again things were feeling normal once again. Engineers would tell you that it wasn’t possible with all the various stabilizers and dampeners on a starship, but those that commanded a starship swore they could feel the difference when a ship was at warp. Da`nal was no different, and there was a contentment that came to him that he had been lacking while his ship was being repaired. He was back where he belonged…in space.

Rising from his chair he looked about the bridge as his officers went about their duties. There was a key post aboard that sill needed to be filled and he was not about to have another mission go by with it vacant. He had already had his Yeoman compile a list of candidates so while the ship cruised to their destination it was time to select another officer. Turning to his new XO, “Commander, join me in my Ready Room.”

"Aye sir" Lantiq acknowledged and moved to join Da'nal

As the XO move around the back of the bridge to join him Da`nal looked to the blond at ops that had been originally joined his crew on the Freedom as a Petty Officer and grinned. “Ensign Logan.”

Turning from her station, she looked up smiling, “Yes, sir?”

“You have the bridge.”

Eyes wide, mouth open she was in utter shock as she thought to herself, ~Command…~ Her voice shock nervously as she replied questioningly, “Sir?”

Her reaction was priceless and he had to force himself from roaring with laughter. “Take your station Ensign”, and with that he moved towards his ready room a smirk spreading over his face.

Lantiq followed Da'nal towards the Admiral's Ready Room, hiding his own grin.

[Ready Room]

"Sir?" he asked Da'nal, once the door had closed.

Pointing over to the stack of padd on table infront of his couch, "You found us a COB but be need a Chief of Operations." Steping up to the replicator, "Want anything before we get started?"

"Deka Tea hot sweet, please Admiral" Lantiq began perusing the PADD personnel files on the table "Anyone in mind?"

"Just those padds on the table." Placing the order with the replicator he returned with the Commander's tea and a pune juice for himself as taking a health drink as his took one of the padds.

Lantiq nodded and began reviewing the personnel files contained on the PADDs. In his experience a successful Operations Officer required a certain mentality, able to organize and prioritize efficiently, capable of multitasking while not loosing sight of the small details.
He rejected the first couple of records as being too inexperienced for a Prometheus class Flagship. He started on another one, lifted his tea and blew on it to cool it, taking a sip while he read. After four PADDs he had two possibilities and slid them across to Da'nal.

"Those are worth a second look Admiral"

Da'nal had his own set of PADDS that he had set aside as possibilities and added his XO's selections to them. After finishing off his prune juice he picked up the finalists and began to review. ~HHHmmm… ~ Da'nal continued to narrow down the finalists as his XO continued to review the remaining files.

"So he selected a time for our drill yet?", Da'nal asked as he rose to refill his drink.

Lantiq looked up from a PADD "Oh, yes Sir, I have" He responded and went right back to reading, not giving anything away.

Turning from the replicator with a grin returned to reviewing personnel files, he had asked to kept out of the loop on this one and his new XO was sticking to it.

A short time later he was down to two choices, both experienced officers with extensive and broad careers. One was a
Vulcan that was essentially on his second career and nearing a hundred years of age, what was for Vulcans middle age. The other was a trill that had had an equally impressive and diverse career. The experience that either of these two officers would bring to the Achilles was impressive. He thought for a moment and had made a decision, but want to see what his XO thought.

"Here what do you think of these to officers." and he handed the two pads to Lantiq. As he compared the file Da`nal rose to summon his yeoman so that orders could be written.

Lantiq reviewed the two suggested personnel and after perusing the files gave his opinion. "The Vulcan is mature, experienced and clearly reliable, he would work hard and effectively. Additionally his cold clear logic could be a good foil for you, Admiral, but Vulcans can be.... unimaginative at times. That might be a problem under some circumstances"

He tapped the other PADD "I'd go with the Trill, but I don't want to stand next to him when we go into combat. People around him have a habit of dying!" He said wryly

Da`nal scoffed slightly with a grin. "You didn't seem like the squeamish sort."

Handing the PADD to Lance as he entered from his adjoining office. "Cut orders for his transfer to the Achilles as Chief of Operation, have his meet us at Dandurand 4."


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantiq Ryal


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