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No worse for wear

Posted on 10 Apr 2013 @ 8:36pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Ensign Wilhelm Krieger

835 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Bridge/Readyroom

The Achilles now orbited Starbase 80 and Da`nal sat in his command chair watching the image of the IKS Kl'sarza grow larger on the view screen. He had arranged for the Klingon vessel to transport his new security officer to their location, fortunately they were still within their departure window...if just barely.

"Captain we are being hailed."

"On screen."

The image of the Vorcha class vessel shifted to that of the Klingon Captain. "Captain Vokniq, thank you for delivering my officer. I trust he is still in one piece?"

"My Lord, it is my honor to serve the House of Varal. Your officer has proven himself not only to be quite helpful but a honorable warrior."


A toothy grin spread over the Captain's face. "Just warriors being warriors my Lord. Ensign Krieger stands ready in our transporter room to beam over."

"Permission granted."

For one thing, Wilhelm was definitely glad to be heading over to a Federation ship. Life aboard a Klingon ship was difficult. He'd never even met Klingons before today and to be honest, he wasn't sure he wanted to bunk with that many of them again. He adjusted his uniform shirt for what seemed like the fiftieth time, but nothing was going to fix it. It was torn and there was nothing he could do about it until he reached the Achilles. The transporter pad illuminated and he was whisked away, leaving the Klingon ship far, far behind.

The Klingon Captain must have been trying to get Ensign Krieger into trouble because he beamed him straight to the bridge. As soon as he materialized Logan's reaction from Ops was clear, even as she cut it off and looked down at her station. Da`nal leaned down, cupping his mouth and chin into his hand. The ensign's uniform was stained and torn, not to mention that it was the wrong uniform type.

Standing Da`nal stepped down from his command chair and head to his read room. "Follow me."

Doing his best to keep his face straight and not looking at anyone but the CO, he followed the Admiral into his ready room, knowing that he looked and felt ridiculous after his journey on the Klingon ship.

No sooner had the door to the ready room closed behind the Ensign that most on the bridge broke out laughing.

[Ready Room]

Da`nal looked the ensign up and down as he circled the officer taking note of the various...discrepancies. Once finished he moved to his desk and took a seat leaving him standing there. "I assume you have an explanation Ensign?"

Ramrod straight, Wilhelm nodded, "Yes, sir." He sighed and indicated his uniform, "Sir, after I helped them fix some problems with their tactical console, I went down to their mess. Then I was... encouraged to sit with the Captain and his officers, where I had to do a show of strength with a female warrior. After I somehow won, they got rough in their congratulations." His explanation was short, but he was a man of few words. And he was sure the Admiral understood, since he was indeed Klingon.

"Well seems you endured your experience plus that would definitely explain why you look like a targ's crew toy...and why you smell like a barrel of blood wine." Indicating to the seat across from him, "Have a seat Ensign. Do you have any questions for me?"

Wilhelm sat down across from his new commanding officer. He had known the man was a Rear Admiral since he spent a bit of time reading up on his new assignment before he had the pleasure of traveling with Klingons. "No, not really, sir." He studied the man and saw a warrior, someone he could look up to and respect. Hopefully, that would prove true over time.

Da`nal was slightly surprised. Either this ensign was lying and wanted to impress his new CO, was just being cocky, or had done his homework and really didn't have any questions. Time would tell which was the case. "Really? Well in that case I won't keep you. Our Chief Medical Officer is waiting for you. Just to make sure you endured your trip without any major damage. When you are finished their report to your department head for duty assignment."

Will took a deep breath and nodded to his new commander. "Thank you, sir." Soon, the man would learn that he wasn't one to speak up unless it was needed but he wanted to say one more thing. "I am honored that you chose me directly out of the Academy, Admiral."

"Then you are dismissed. Oh and see that you change into a proper uniform."

"Yes, sir." Wilhelm stood up and turned about to exit to the corridor to change his uniform and head to sickbay.

As the Ensign left, Da`nal rose making his way back to the bridge.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Ensign Wilhelm Krieger
Security Officer

Klingon NPC played by Da`nal


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