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We're not in Kansas anymore...

Posted on 29 Mar 2013 @ 9:17pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Naja Jas

1,595 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: USS Achilles

Da`nal was in the Officers Mess enjoying the rare opportunity to eat amongst his fellow officers. Several off the tables had been pushed together and instead of taking a seat at the head of the table he sat within the group of off duty officers listening to their stories of various shore leave exploits. The admiral had relaxed the situation by insisting that while they ate together there was no rank held by anyone and each had removed the rank bars and placed them in a goblet that now sat in the center of the table.

Have achieved that rank he had he had found this to be just the thing he needed. To be able to relax, laugh, and enjoy the comradery of his crew. While the stories were not that of honor earned in glorious battle they were hilarious tales of events witnessed, feats achieved or confessions of self embarrassment.

Over the course of several decades and a century or two, Jas, had stories to tell. Yet, when both Naja and Jas came aboard the Achilles after transferring from the St. Vincent, the new Chief Science officer of the Prometheus class starship, had soon found herself invited by the Commodore to have dinner with him and other officers new to the Achilles. When she had arrived the Officer mess looked like any other mess hall she had been in over her long career in Starfleet, but after a few minutes, the tables had been pushed together. This action was soon followed with laughter and other banter. Plus with the order, which felt more like a suggesting to Naja, from the Admiral, to remove their rank, then, if Jas recalled corrected the earth term 'the hair was let down'.

Naja was spinning the tales of host of Jas. Some of the tales were dirty jokes, which was who she was talking to, whiles others where complex engineering skills that was combination of two time periods, which to Naja's surprise, was not only glimpse into the past, but the two host that were engineers, that the Federations was looking into some of their theories. Naja, just talked about all of Jas former host. She didn't focus on one host, except when it came to talking to an engineer.

"...the best way, Dew found, which the Fenergi's haven't mastered yet, was the dance" Naja stated with a smirk, yet she noticed a few odd looks and some with curious looks with in their eyes "Seriously. You flash a little bit of skin here and there, it lubes the wallet up nicely and money flows freely. But, that was century ago, but from what Jas has observed over the course of time, it hasn't really changed all to much"

That had caused a few to cough as they choked on their drinks. It was true that a little skin went a long way...even now. "It is true that some things haven't changed, but many things have. "Enemies are now allies, technology, science...", as he gestured in her direction.

"Ah yes, science from when Jas was first born until now, has changed so much, that I can tell you theories from Lodi times has been proven, either expanded on, or dismissed by now. But, I would love to tell you what was a hot topic in science, which had a fun adventure tied into it" Naja stated with a smile.

Lance had been hanging at the edge of the room in order to keep the Admiral on schedule, if needed. It was good to see him relaxing finally, but it was time to break up the party. Stepping he reminded the Admiral of his schedule and Da`nal nodded then stood.

Taking the goblet of rank bars he up ended in on the table and retrieved his and placed it on his chest. "I'm afraid duty calls but do continue without me."

Looking to his new science officer. "Lieutenant, come with me please."

With a nod of her head, followed with a 'Of course, sir" Naja rose to her feet, grabbed her tray, went over to the tray return. Naja placed the tray into the alcove and touched the controls of the replicator. A second later, everything upon the tray disappeared into a shimmering light, just as the CSciO, turned about and stuck her hand into her pocket to gather up her pips. A second or two later, Naja had put her rank back onto her collar and was following the Admiral out the door.

As they walked the newly refurbished corridor Da`nal broke the brief silence. " I thought it best to introduce you to you staff. Your senior officer is...unique."

If Naja was a Vulcan, her brow would have arched upon hearing that the words unique which had followed with one of her staff, second senior officer to the science department.

[Science Lab 2]

'Oz' had transformed the lab into his own little entomology lab. He had taken the vast majority of his his shore leave to explore the various regions of the planet being orbited by the starbase to examine this worlds unique bug life. Now he has all new specimens to add to his collection. One of the prizes he had managed to collect was a rare species of spider nicknamed the Leopard print spider. It was non-toxic to humanoids but it was reported that if bitten the affected area with break out in spots that look like leopard spots...hence the name.

With a hiss the doors of the entomology lab open to revile the captain of the Achilles, leading the way into the lab. Following behind the Commodore, was a trill, slender in form hair cut short. Her head looked left and right, as she exam the lab up and down, while listening to the CO of the ship talked.

With the new lieutenant in tow he entered the lab knowing how Goodshire tended to get absorbed in his work he spoke boldly, "Lt. Goodshire."

At hearing his name so suddenly he jumped, unfortunately he was handling one of his new pets at the time. "Ouch! Son of a...that's gonna leave a mark." Making sure to close the container, he turned.

Da`nal leaned towards Naja, "You'll probably hear that a lot I'm afraid."

"I see" she returned as she looked to the man stepping up to both of them "Hello. I'm Naja Jas, and you must be the one the Commodore refers to as Oz. Well, I must say, that you don't look great and all powerful as the book gives you. I was excepting a smoke and light show when we first meet"

Still rubbing the bite on the back of his hand. Well I try to keep the smoke and lights to a minimum...usually means I haven't screwed something up."

She let slip an small giggle escape her lips, which had her covering her lips to hide her teeth as she giggled upon hearing the reply from Oz.

The pain in his hand faded as he melted with her laugh; he stood there silent just looking at her.

Da`nal took a step forward to snap Goodshire out of his daze. "Lt. Goodshire, this is Lt. Jas. She is our new Chief Science Officer."

Oz blinked several times as he nodded and extended his hand, with it already beginning to break out. "A pleasure to meet you Lieutenant."

"Likewise, Doc Oz" Naja returned with a warm and friendly smile.

Oz blushed slightly as she smiled at him. He had been staring at her when he realized what she had said, in a fumbling reply. "Oh there's no Doctor, at least not yet. Though I am working on my Doctorate."

While the two officers exchanged pleasantries Da`nal found a container of Gagh and excused himself.

"I see. Well, if you need help in getting that, I can lend you a hand" Naja stated friendly as the corner of her eye saw the Admiral depart "Unless, you find it hard to keep track of things with me hovering around."

Oz felt his throat drying out and his heart rate pick up; seemed no matter what he did women always got him going. Little did he know that the case the Admiral had grabbed was the crate he had been experimenting on, the edible gagh worms were kept in a habitat chamber. "Oh not at all...." He swallowed, remembering the advice his friends gave him on the Eclipse, "...perhaps we could get together some time. I could show my thesis."

"Sounds like a date to me, Oz" Naja returned with a smile

~DATE!~ He thought to himself. He realized his eyes were wide and his mouth open; closing his mouth he blinked to normalize them, making a mental note to put serious work on his poker face.

Naja smiled, while suppressing a giggle, at Oz's reaction to her off handed remark of a date. She liked Oz for some odd reason, due to his truth filled reaction and response. Once Oz collected himself, she went right to business, Naja wanted to see what each science department was doing and she wanted Oz to lead it. She figured, if she kept OZ's mind running and not thinking about her, Oz would make him relaxed. The two walked up to a terminal and Oz brought up information on current data gathered, the two began to throw ideas and other science related topics at one another.

Lt. Naja Jas

Lt. Oswald "Oz" Goodshire
NPC - played by Da`nal


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