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Friendly Travels?? Part 2

Posted on 29 Mar 2013 @ 9:01pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Ensign Wilhelm Krieger
Edited on on 29 Mar 2013 @ 9:02pm

1,274 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: IKS Kl'sarza

[Ships Galley]

Vokniq enjoyed his visits to the galley and the comradery he shared with his crew. On a Klingon ship a captain's word was to be obeyed without question but that didn't mean he couldn’t' share a bottle with his crew. The food was fresh and the Gagh squirmed and popped in his mouth and as a young warrior finish his tale he let out a might roar of laughter. Still laughing he turned his head as the galley doors slammed open.

Lursa, for the lack of a better word, looked more P.O’d than normal. She made a bee line to keg and grabbed herself a mug of Bloodwine. As she walked past the captain, her hair was a mess, her face grease with oil, and she was mumbling about something or someone, which as the crew knew the doctor, it had to be either engineers or someone else.


She slammed down the wine and grabbed herself another, before turning around and gesturing toward the door.

"Remind me why, I have to deal with those peta'Q again captain?" She growled towards the door "I hate the lot. Changing this and that. By Kahless's bread, those damn peta'Q engineers are going to be the death of me"

He bellowed at her frustration. "Would you have my ship fall apart? If you need to vent challenge one of them to a match. Oh how is our guest?"

"Laugh it up" She returned as she glared at the captain before taking a large swing of wine "As for Human, he's fine. A little over heated and yes, I got the living shit shocked out of me again."

Sweat covered Wilhelm's face and his uniform was showing sweat through the material. He sat down with some water that he had coaxed out of the replicator and took a large gulp of it as he tried to cool down.

She looked over to human, who had just entered, before looking back to captain who was laughing at the expense of his second officer and Chief Medical Officer. She knew she can vent to him and to speak her mind. The two had been in more battles together, then anyone else on the ship. She sighed as she came over and sat down beside her old friend to share a drink.

"So you better thank the human, this day, captain" Lursa returned "for saving engineering from my wraith and yes, I plan on getting drunk after what happen, thank you very much" Lursa return bluntly as she signal one of the workers to come over and refill her mug

Seeing the human he shouted across the galley for him. "Ensign! Join us!" He pointed to a seat that a young warrior vacated at the captains gesture.

Wil looked up from his water and then shrugged a bit, taking it over to the other table. He had a feeling that they would want him to join in their festivities. ~Klingons... I hope we arrive at the Starbase shortly. I'm not sure how much more I can take of this.~

As the Ensign sat the captain rose, returning with a mug of bloodwine. Slapping the water away he repeated a well known Klingon phrase, "(tlhutlhmeH HIq ngeb qaq law' bIQ qaq puS) Drinking fake ale is better than drinking water. However as I don't keep fake ale on my ship here. DRINK and prove yourself!"

Wilhelm looked from his water to the Klingon and then down to the bloodwine. He had heard stories of its potency and knew that it would be an incredibly bad idea to turn it away. With his German blood in mind, he took a swig of it and did his best not to cough it back out. He made a slight face but managed to swallow it.

Vokniq watched the young humans reaction, and roared with a hearty laugh slapping his shoulder. He looked up to one of the galley workers. "Bring more food!"

After spending the day in engineering, Q'trIna was hot, tired and a little annoyed. Word had reached engineering that some petaQ of a human, had showed engineering up. She entered the lounge with a scowl on her face, that only deepened when she saw a human there. Q'trIna stormed to the barrel of blood wine and grabbed her a mug of it. She turned facing the human.

"You think you're good, human? Prove it!" Dropping to a seat across from the human. Her arms positioned for the B'aht Qul challenge.

Wilhelm watched the Klingon woman and thought for a moment. Chances are, this woman would be much stronger than he is due to her physiological makeup. She was a Klingon, in short, and he knew that he would have trouble beating her.

Looking to the human he instructed him. "You have been challenged Ensign, it is a test of strength called the B'aht Qul challenge." Q'trIna sat with her arms shoulder width apart, elbows resting on the table. "Place your arms on the table outside hers, the inside of your wrist to the back of hers. On the count of three you press in and she will press out; the object to get your opponents arms to the table."

Wil adjusted his arms as instructed and waited for the word to start. He took a deep breath and focused internally to find that warm center he liked to call upon in situations similar to this. He wouldn't go down easily when he went down, since winning was probably not in the cards for him. He looked to the Klingon woman and nodded, "Ready."

Lursa sat observing both combatants. She knew that Q'trIna was a well proven warrior, but the youngest daughter of Har'tar, knew that humans had a way of finding victory. But, she never saw one fight. So she quietly watched as she ate and drank.

A crowd had gathered and warriors made wagers on who would win. Vokniq counted off with anticipation. "WA'(1), CHA'(2), WEJ(3)!"

Immediately, Wilhelm applied pressure to his opponent. He knew better than to ever underestimate a Klingon, so he was putting strength that he wasn't even totally sure that he had into this game of muscle.

BA'al grabbed his drink and walked over to the assembled group to watch the test He drank deeply ~ How would the fleeter do?~ he thought. His opponent was a great warrior but BA'al had been surprised several times by other fleeters. "Three latinum strips on the human" he bellowed.

Lursa merely laughed at the bets being made as she added her share of bets on the side of the human to win.

The test of strength was frozen for several moment as the two faced off. The tide turned to Q'trIna but only slightly. Sweat began to bead the forehead of the human and he bared down forcing Q'trIna's hands slowly towards the table.

Howls of both anger and laughter filled the galley as everyone rooted for one side or the other.

With a burst of energy and a shout the human slammed his opponents hands on the table's surface, but he had little time to react to his victory as he was grabbed from behind and the room exploded into a kind of celebratory brawl. All Vokniq could do was roar with laughter at the shock on the humans face as he had been pulled from the table.


Ensign Wilhelm Krieger
Security Officer - USS Achilles

NPC'd Klingon Characters:
HOD(Captain) Vokniq - played by Da`nal
Lursa House of Har'tar - played by Har'tar
BA'al- played by Stevens
Q'trIna - played by Wendsar


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