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Friendly Travels?? Part 1

Posted on 29 Mar 2013 @ 9:00pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Hank Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Ensign Wilhelm Krieger

1,487 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Spacedock, USS Bradbury, IKS Kl'sarza
Timeline: Immediately after Graduation Surprise

[Earth Spacedock]

An embarrassing thought came to Wilhelm's mind when he looked around at everyone dashing throughout the main walkway of Earth Spacedock -- it was his first time ever in space. He was probably one of the only people here that was feeling that, so he found himself gazing out the viewport. His face betrayed none of the many emotions flowing through him as he gazed out over Earth. It was a beautiful view and it was just getting started. Only a thin layer of transparent steel separated space and him and it was a lot to take in.

After a few minutes of gazing, he turned around with his duffel over his shoulder to head towards the docking ports. The Bradbury was waiting for him and he was ready to get on the way. The walk to the dock wasn't too far through the busy port and soon he found himself looking at the ship through another set of transparent steel windows. It was a beauty and he allowed himself a small smile before heading to the transporter room to board.

--------8 hours later---------

The time on board the Bradbury was uneventful, to say the least. The time seemed to drag and people were nice to him, but mostly he kept to himself and just stared out the viewports at the stars. He wasn't having an issues adjusting to space travel. A part of him, the small boy he used to be, was quite excited that he was finally in space, but the only way he showed that was his fixation on the stars.

The ship arrived at Starbase 393 on time and he saw the Klingon ship IKS Kl'sarza docked. It was his first time seeing a Klingon ship outside of holograms, so it was certainly a sight to behold. It definitely was different than a Federation ship and was most certainly designed for war. He clasped his hands together as he stared out at the viewport at the Kl'sarza before heading over to the docking port, where hopefully he'd get a warm reception.

[IKS Kl'sarza - Bridge]

Captain Vokniq was fuming to himself, thought as his family was sworn to the House of Varal he was honor bound to obey the 'request' he had received. The ought of his ship being used to ferry some human to his new assignment grated at his honor; his vessel was meant for battle, not to be used as a passenger liner!

"Captain! The Bradbury reports that our passenger is en route to the airlock."

"Very well. Helm officer, Prepare for departure! Set Course for Starbase 80, warp 8! I want to be rid of our guest as soon as possible." Vokniq turned to Lursa "Come with me!"

Lursa nodded her head to the captain as she followed her captain.


The two guards looked to each other at the humans approach and glared at him as they barred his way. "Hold there, what business does a human have aboard a Klingon ship?!"

Wilhelm stood his ground in front of the Klingon, keeping his face neutral as to try not to provoke the obviously annoyed guard. "My orders state that I am to board this ship and it will take me to Starbase 80."

Ignoring his explanation, "Your orders!" The warriors looked over his orders for no other reason that because they could.

A short time later Vokniq & Lursa approached the air lock, Vokniq was not impressed. ~This is the pataq that Lord Da`nal thinks is so important... "Are you Krieger?!"

"Yes, I am Krieger, Wilhelm. Starfleet Ensign en route to his assignment on board the USS Achilles." Wilhelm had never dealt with Klingons, but had spent some time on the Bradbury reviewing their culture and how to react to them. He didn't want to do the whole shoving thing with them, as that wasn't really in his nature, but he'd at least try to act passively. Of course, they'd probably see that as weakness, but this wouldn't be his problem for too long.

Looking to the sentries, "Let him pass and secure your stations!" Each of the sentries thumped their fist to their chest in salute and set to work as he turned his attention to the Human.

"You! I am Captain of this vessel. The Kl'sarza is a ship of war not a pleasure craft!" With a gesture Vokniq indicated Lursa Follow her orders and you might survive to reach you ship!"

As he turned to leave he activated his communications device. "Bridge! Undock and clear the station, then engage warp engines as ordered!" The reply from the 1st officer was sharp and obedient. "It shall be done!", and as the link closed the orders to the bridge crew could be heard but all Vokniq could think was how he needed a drink...

Lursa snarled at the human as she merely shook her head. She of course, turned and followed the captain back to the bridge, but paused as she approached a cabin. She came to a stop and gestured to the door.

"You're assigned these, until we arrive to your ship, human" Lursa returned bluntly

"Understood." He looked in the room briefly before turning back to the Klingon woman, "I'd like to help out if possible."

"So noted, human" returned the youngest daughter of house Har'tar, before she turned about and headed to the bridge.

A second or two later, Lursa and the human, arrived onto the bridge. Placing her hands onto her hip, the second officer of the Kl'sarza, who was also the Chief Medical Officer of the warship, scanned the bridge, as she stepped up to the captain. She noticed that he looked like he wasn't the best of moods, but that didn't stop her from speaking to him.

"I suggest that you go and get a drink, my lord" she informed

Vokniq tilted his head slightly as he turned the command chair towards the officer. "A suggestion????"

She laughed "Yes, doctor orders"

He looked back towards the view screen showing the ship at warp. This shift was almost over anyway...and a few bottles of blood wine and a meal would definitely improve things. "Very well...If it’s DOCTOR's orders. What about him?"

"Oh him," she returned as she gestured toward the rear of the bridge "I believe he can be useful here on the bridge. He does have Starfleet training, plus, he can crawl into tighter spaces then our warriors to repair our tactical sensor."

Barking a laugh he rose from his chair. "Approved. See what he can do then after the shift end bring him to the galley and we shall see what kind of man he is." With that the doors to bridge opened and closed behind him.

Lursa, snapped her fingers and gestured with her index finger, which once she finished with the snap, had pointed beside her to signal for the fleeter to approach.

When Wilhelm arrived on the bridge, he wasn't sure if the woman was just showing him around or making him participate in the crew's activities. After a moment, he realized he was to work.

"What are you trained on, human?" asked the second officer

"Security." He looked around the bridge for a moment, "Although, I don't see that being too useful around here... I'm sure your crew has that field covered quite well."

KA'al looked at the puny human. He wasn't impressed. He grinned evilly at the human. BA'al was going to have some fun a bit later with human Krieger.

Lursa looked at the human, as she removed from her belt a tricorder. She handed it to man from Earth. The second officer of the IKS Kl'sarza walked passed him and headed to the rear entrance, with Wilhelm following closely behind. She escorted the human to Tactical sensor array. She paused and turned to face the human.

"It's going to be hot in there" she informed

"Understood." Wilhelm took the Klingon tricorder and stared at it for a moment to decipher the readings. It took a minute or so of messing with it, but he finally figured out the basic functions that would assist him in this task. Comprehending the readings on a Klingon tricorder were definitely not in the handbook at all... but he would certainly do his best. It was better than them deciding he'd be fun to throw around or subject to some Klingon ritual.

She smirked as she crossed her arms as she gave the man a smirk "I'm going to as you humans would say 'stick around' and help you repair some of the sensors. Unless some sort of medical need is wanted, then I shall be off to sickbay"

"Thank you." Wil opened the console and put his head inside and the first thing he experienced was the heat wave coming from the equipment. After a sigh, he pushed himself further inside to begin the diagnostic.



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