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Off Duty in The Poisoned Arrow

Posted on 23 Apr 2013 @ 11:12pm by Lieutenant Lucas Mason

234 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: The Poisoned Arrow
Timeline: Enroute to Next Assignment

Lucas's 8 hours shift was over, his relief had come and as he headed to the turbolift he debated going to his quarters first or heading straight to The Poisoned Arrow. Once the doors had parted and admitted him he had decided to skip his quarters and go for a refreshment. He wanted a bit of a break before he headed back to work. Being department head of Flight Control there was always something to do.

"Poisoned Arrow," he called out, which set the car in motion. Few moments later it deposited him just outside the doors to the ship's main lounge. If was shift change when he entered so various people we coming and going. He decided on a place at the bar and took a seat. One of the servers came over and asked for this order. "Aldebaran whiskey," he replied. A moment later the server can back with a tumbler filled with the green liquid. Lucas thanked him took a sip noting the beverage's powerful taste. He continued to nurse the drink while reflecting on the day and the says that lay ahead. Once he finished he began to feel a twinge of hunger pains. He beckoned to the server and order a serving of spaghetti and meat sauce. As he was feasting on the pasta a figure to a seat at the place next to him.


Lt. Lucas Mason


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