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Meet and greet

Posted on 28 Mar 2013 @ 12:15pm by Ensign Morag NA & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Edited on on 29 Mar 2013 @ 9:37pm

585 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Xerxes-Ruktah quarters

The orders were given and Morag left the room. There wasn't much left to do but pack for the excursion. Morag made his way home checking the analysis on the way. It still wasn't complete; he would have to complete it aboard the the Achilles. There just wasn't any way out of it. When he walked into the quarters, everything was quiet. It was the type of quiet that carried anticipation and anxiety on it. He looked around. His Mekh'leth was gone. Morag knew that this could happen and probably would. Simeon was a courageous, strong-willed boy whose first ascension needed to be addressed quickly.

"Where is Simeon," he asked Ahna.

"In his room."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Why?"

"My family mek'leth is missing."

Simeon's room was to the back of their cabin. Morag made his way there with both pride and concern in his Klingon heart. As he approached his son's door he took a breath. He wasn't sure if the usual Klingon cultural approach was right for this situation. His words had to be careful and very select.

"Simeon, my son," he started out, "may I come in?"

A muffled, "I guess so," came from inside. The door opened to Simeon holding the large dagger in his hands. Morag knew what his son was feeling. He'd felt it himself once. There was only one thing to say to him.

"Son, it is time."

"Time for what?"

"Time for a tradition my family has observed for a thousand years, your first hunt."

Simeon tilted his head slightly to one side. He didn't know if he understood. Could this be why he couldn't sit still? It had to be. Simeon looked his father in the eyes. Concern gave way to pride and another feeling he couldn't identify. Morag stood him up and sat down himself.

"It is also time for your first rite of Ascension. The new commander I will have is Klingon and understands these things. We won't have very much time for the hunt as we are due to report for service in eighteen hours. That means you have to pack."

Morag took his son's hand and gently removed the mek'leth from it. His son was growing up and more attention was needed on his part to make sure it would go well for him. For now the hunt would have to occur and soon.

"Get ready to go son," Morag gently ordered.

"Okay. Are we going to the planet?"

"Yes, we have to."

Simeon nodded affirmatively. Morag embraced him tightly and let him pack his things. It was then that he realized that it was also time for Simeon to have his own mek'leth and a bow for the hunt.

"Finish your homework then pack for a hunting trip."

Simeon nodded again as he watched his father leave anxious about what lay ahead. What kind of animals live down there? How big are they? Can I...?

Then Morag turned to face his young son one last time before he exited the door. He could feel that there was still one last thing to say.

"You can do it, son. Your heart is Klingon; don't ever forget that."

He exited the room a determined, motivated son completely made. Once outside the door he checked to see where they were.

"Computer estimated time until rondezvous with USS Achilles."

OOC: I need help with Simeon's Qo'To'Vo one I am aboard. Anyone that knows the in and outs of the ceremony please help
with it.


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