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meet and greet

Posted on 28 Mar 2013 @ 10:41am by Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

765 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Ship cargo bay

Once Sara finished gathering her supplies from the station and planet for the next mission, the Andorian/Klingon, transportered herself and her supplies to the cargo bay one. Once on board, the doctor, was examning the cargo containers. With tricorder in hand, Sara's hand swaying left and right and up and down.

Cammy had expected to meet with Rogg again, but the Ferengi was nowhere in sight. Considering the number of Federation personnel in the area, she wasn't too surprised. He could be overly cautious at times, though she wouldn't blame him considering some of his business activities. Spotting someone who looked like they were in carge, Cammy approached what seemed to be a Klingon-Andorian hybrid. "Uh, excuse me? Have you seen a Ferengi running around here?"

Sara's back was turned, as she exam the cargo in which she gathered and was about to transport to the Achilles. She didn't hear the down open and close, but she almost shocked at the arrival of someone speaking to her.

'Damn' she thought as she turned around to look at the person speaking to her

"Now why would a Ferengi be here in a cargo bay, other then being up to no good" returned the Klingon Andorian Doctor

Cammy smiled at the remark. "To be fair, it keeps things from getting too boring." She bumped a container with her foot. "What is all this stuff?"

"Well, most of this stuff is planets and small animals and other odds and ends of the medical supply, that the Cheif Medical officer of the Achilles ordered. She sure does have a odd way of curing the sick." Sara returned "And yes, I see the point on the ferengi being here, just to keep things on the fun side of things."

"I see. So you must be part of the Medical crew. Must be tough spending your day with people who'd rather be doing anything but paying your lot a visit. Most people I know would do anything to avoid a check-up." She cleared her throat and extended a hand. "I'm sorry, I've forgotten my manners. I'm Cammy Valentine."

Taking Cammy's hand, Sara, shook it as she returned her own name "Sara'Marbela Har'tar." Once the hands where released Sara, "Well, at least most people aren't Klingons, which all Klingons avoid sickbay in general. But, I don't mind the visits when I'm there. Half the time, I drop what I'm doing and go to the patient in question. Make most of them feel comfortable. Say, you want to go find this Ferengi together or get something to drink? Because, I'm finished here and I was wondering if you want to continue this in a place that doesn't make us look like we're up to no good"

"A drink suits me fine." Cammy replied. "I'm sure finding the Ferengi won't be hard. I just need to rub two sticks of gold-pressed latinum together. You know a good place on station?"

Sara merely shook her head at the question about a good place to drink on the station "No I don't, but it's not like we can walk about until we fine one. Besides, if we're lucky, we might find latinum along the way and before you know in a puff of smoke your ferengi will appear."

Cammy laughed. "Yeah, they can be tough to find when you're looking for them but easy to come across when they want to see you. Anyway, what're you in the mood for? I found a place that does good Earth- Italian food with a Vulcan twist. It's not too bad if you don't mind a lot of vegetables."

"Lead the way, Cammy" Sara stated as she fellowed along side Cammy

Cammy pulled a small synthetic cigar out of a pocket. "Hope you don't mind," she said, fetching the lighter that came with her field gear.

"It's your body, not mine" Sara returned "So in other words, I don't"

She took a draw on it, and slowly blew the smoke away from her new acquaintance. "Well that's a change. I normally get The Lecture from medical personnel who catch me with these. They worry so much about these being a gateway to real tobacco."

"I see," Sara returned which soon was followed with a shrug of her shoulders "That might be, but I'm not like other medics. You want to screw up your lungs, that's your choice. Plus with your choice, it keeps me working."

She stepped in to a turbolift. "Main Promenade"

Sara followed right in afterwards.


Ensign Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist

Lt. Sara'Marbela Har'Tar


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