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Good News and Bad

Posted on 13 Apr 2013 @ 11:49am by Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper
Edited on on 13 Apr 2013 @ 11:50am

888 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: SB 80
Timeline: Back Post - prior to new mission

Jason had left Velez and the new join back in "Marine Country" and was now looking for Cyphian Harper. After a quick search he found him on one of the stations medical decks and while odd it wasn't anything major; at least he hoped. A grin spread on his face as he thought, ~ hmm...probably chasing some nurse...~"

Tapping his commbage. =^= SSgt Frey to LCpl Harper. Meet me on deck 352, there's a bar there called the Laughing Vulcan...grab Dawn on your way if she's available. =^=

Cyfian tightened his hand around Dawn's as she lay on the bed. His stomach still churning with butterflies at the sight of her laying there injured. It was almost surreal. As a marine you are expected to see comrades get injured, shot and even die. People die in War. It was one of the first things you learned back at basic. But this... what happened didn't sit well with Cyfian. It wasn't in a war, or in a dog fight. It was a cowardly attack on someone who they should be caring for, not hurting.

His commbadge snapped Cyfian out of his daze. Without knowing his hand was gently stroking Dawn's. Shaking his head to clear his mind and tapped his badge.

"I'll be right there Sir." Letting go of her hand Cyfian turned to a nurse. "If she wakes up, tell her I'll be at the Laughing Vulcan." The nurse gave a smile and nodded. After one look back Cyfian left.

Dawn heard Cyfian talk to the nurse, then footsteps. They got quieter and more distant. She was still asleep while trying to figure out what was going on, when suddenly her body jerked itself awake thinking it was falling. "Cyfian." she said rather loudly and panicked, still trying to get her brain in order with what she was seeing.

He had just made it to the door when she cried out. He rushed back taking her hand and easing back on the bed. "You're in the station's sickbay and there are security looking for your dad now and there are two Marines outside the door just in case. But right now the SSgt wanted to see us but you stay here; I'll be right back."

"Please? May I go?" Dawn insisted on going with him. "Maybe he has something he wants to tell both of us at once, not just one of us at a time."

As Cyfian looked to the Doctor on duty he cut in. "She can go, but I'll be notifying your ships counselor."

"Thanks doc."

[Laughing Vulcan Lounge]

Jason had arrived and had round of drinks waiting. After a time he saw them approach and he stood, waving them over. As they got closer he could tell something was up.'

"So what have you two been up to?"

"Resting... quite a lot." Dawn frowned. She liked to be active and not lounging around. "What about you sir?"

"Resting?" He looked back and forth between the two of them questioningly not yet knowing of the events that had taken place.

"Well at least I have, I'm not so sure about Cyffff... I mean the Lance Corporal here." Dawn corrected herself, elbowing him in the ribs.

Cyfian took the hit to his ribs and glanced Dawn and back to the Staff Sergeant. It wasn't his place to let him know about her problem and he would find out eventually but he decided to leave it to her. "Just keeping myself busy."

Jason's eyes moved from one to the other and while he had his suspicions he hoped they wouldn't affect his unit. Standing he looked straight at Cyfian. "Well Harper you are going to be a lot busier. You have officially been transferred to my recon team as team sniper. Your recon qualification training will be handled overseen by the Sergeant Major. You up for it?"

Cyfian stood there dumbfounded for a second. ~Recon...Sniper...???~ He realized he mouth was open and he closed it swallowing at the reality of the task before him; he was going to be spending a hell of a lot of time in the holodeck. "Hell yea."

A massive grin grew on Dawn's face, "AWESOME!" she squeaked with enthusiasm. "About dang time... I mean uhm great" She said quickly.

"Good!...then let’s celebrate." Taking a seat he passed out the drinks. "Cause soon you’re not going to have the energy to do anything," he said laughing.

"Doc says I can't drink." Dawn frowned with frustration, as she stared at the drink.

A puzzled look spread of his face. "Doc? There something I need to know?"

Before he could get a reply the station comm system sounded with a hail. =^= Attention personnel of the USS Achilles. Shoreleave has been termination and all crew are to report to the designated station and prepare for departure. =^=

Standing Jason shrugged. "Well so much for the celebration." As the others rose Jason looked to Dawn, "When we get back aboard I want to know what that was all about."

"Great..." Dawn sighed, "And I was just getting to know the place." she frowned.


SSgt Jason Frey - Marine Recon
NPC Played by Da`nal

Sgt. Dawn Brianna
Marine Recon

LCpl Cynian Harper
Marine Recon
(parts played by Da`nal w/ permission due to ELOA)


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