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New Beginnings

Posted on 25 Jun 2014 @ 3:45am by Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert

245 words; about a 1 minute read


Personal Log:

I once again hold the rank of Lieutenant, as Starfleet has seen fit to promote me. It’s a bit faster than normal rank progression, but considering my background I was able to accelerate the process. I have been at this planet since my graduation from the Academy, but I’m still not sure why I’m here. I know what my job is, help keep the peace as Starfleet and their allies work to help the residents after the Romulan central government was crippled by an exploding star.
The event had occurred shortly before the Nansen arrived in the present, but I was still shocked when upon graduation I was assigned to assist with the relief effort. On a slightly morbid side note, this meant I was finally able to set foot on Romulan soil. Whether I was sent here because of Karma, Fate, or just sheer luck, my time on the ground is coming to a close. With the promotion, comes a new position. I have been assigned to the USS Achilles. A prometheus class ship, it is classified as a cruiser. One of the newer ship designs, it is designed for combat, so I’m likely to see action as one of her security officers.

According to the roster, the CO of the Achilles is a Klingon and the security chief is half Betazoid. This will certainly be an interesting new posting, but I am up to the challenge.


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