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On the Mend... again

Posted on 17 Oct 2013 @ 12:26am by Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu
Edited on 22 Oct 2013 @ 10:35pm

219 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal log entry for Suteyo Alahanu.

1st. Entry for Achilles Service Record

I don’t understand how I am back here again. Three years of shakedown cruises and green cadets and I was practically begging for active duty… but now here I am, broken again. Two years of therapy and now I can run without my leg collapsing under me. I thought I was out… I didn’t want any more war. Now my chest feels like it is crushed, I cant move my left arm… This isn’t what I had in mind when I signed for another tour. I have spent a career diving face-first into the dredges of the galaxy’s worst nightmares, where is the wonder? Where is the adventure and excitement? Is my service only going to lead me to new destructive paths?

I don’t usually keep these logs, the counselor on the Hood- “Alo khega” (Capellan equivalent to RIP…) said I should start. “If you cant talk with yourself consider the messenger…” she would say, and then giggle… and then tell me everything would be fine and my nightmares would end. So I am talking… to myself… in a dark room with a dozen other wounded officers.

Am I supposed to end these with something profound? Or just stop talking…

Log End.


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