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Cammy's Report on Danduras 4, Pt. 1

Posted on 10 Oct 2013 @ 1:24pm by

210 words; about a 1 minute read


Begin Log. The following is my report on Dandurand 4. I was in the lounge when it started. A nice chat with the Admiral's yeoman got interrupted by a sharp impact and I ended up on the floor wearing my drink. Red Alert sounded and I headed to the bridge. When I arrived, things weren't any better. I remember hearing we lost contact with the away team, and Lt. Mason ordered me to find out what happened. I didn’t think there was much I could do on the bridge, so I decided head to the planet’s surface to see if there was anything there that could help locate the missing personnel...or at least make sense of what happened. As I left the bridge for the transporters, I heard the science station report something about the planet’s cities missing. I remember thinking the sensors were just knocked dizzy with the impact. It made more sense than everything down there just…disappearing into thin air. Still, it was better to be sure than to assume, so I headed planetside. As the transporter room faded into wilderness and my search began, one question kept nagging me: how do you find something that isn’t there to be found?



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