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aboard the USS Achilles

Posted on 20 Oct 2013 @ 11:20pm by Cadet Junior Grade Tekran Theldore

161 words; about a 1 minute read

Tekran lay in his bed thinking about his parents, then he decided to check his messages and realized that he had one from his parents no the less. In the message they were wondering how life at the academy was and they were wondering he was doing well because they had heard he had gotten assigned to the USS Achilles.

"Computer write personal message, yes I am doing well and yes what you heard is correct, I did get assigned to the USS Achilles. I am training with the chief engineer getting my feet wet so to speak. Once I complete the academy I will be assigned to the Achilles as an Ensign permanently. End transmission and transmit"

Tekran sat there for a moment thinking, it was strange they had sent him a message since they disapproved of him going to Starfleet.

~oh well, I guess I should go to the holodeck and get some cardio in~ Tehran thought to himself.


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