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Posted on 10 Mar 2013 @ 5:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Hank Stevens

745 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80 / USS Achilles
Timeline: Current


Hank looked out one of the SB's many portals at his new assignment - the USS Achilles . What he saw caused him to whistle.

[USS Achilles - SB 80 Repair bays - Ready Room]

Da`nal sat in his ready room with his XO. During the ships repair and the crews shore leave they had only seen each other in passing. One would bring the other up to speed on what had happened aboard ship while they rotated their own leave time. As the stations repair crews finalized things it was time to get back to business and get the ship supplied and ready for duty.

"So Commander what do think of the last alteration to our uniforms?"

Ciara had tried hers on and likes the way it fitted. "As you can see, I am pleased that we changed them," she grinned. "I like the pips where they are as well, I think they used to have it this way right in the beginning of Starfleet," she added. "Do you like it?" she asked.

"I do. There is something more...martial about them."

Ciara chuckled. "Martial..." she mulled over the word. "That coming from a Klingon... how odd..." she joked.

[Docking Bay]

Hank reported to the access port and handed his orders to the duty officer. The young ensign smiled and said "Welcome aboard Sir. The CO and XO will be glad to see you . Both should be in the Captain's Ready Room"

"Thanks " Hank replied . He started to pick up his things but the Ensign stopped him.

"I'll have your things taken to your quarters for you - you should head up to see the skipper"

Hank nodded and headed off to meet his new commander.

[Ready Room]

Da`nal had risen to refresh his drink as he continued. "...first lets recall all department heads and get them up to speed and see if they have any special needs. I know our good doctor has seen to sickbay and her earlier request, so that’s one area to mark off the list."

Ciara nodded, making a notes on her padd. "Have you met with the new senior staff members?"

Da`nal was about to reply when the chime sounded. "Enter."

The Ready room door slid open and Lieut. Hank Stevens entered.

Hank stood at attention. He handed his orders to the admiral sitting before him, Hank reported in.

"Admiral, Lt. Stevens reporting in" Hank said simply.

Taking the PADD Da`nal offered his hand. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant." Turning slightly his introduced the engineer to the ships XO. "Commander Brannagh, our XO."

Hank took the admirals hand . He liked the firm grip. Hank turned to greet the XO.
"Hello Commander" Stevens said.

"Welcome aboard," Ciara said smiling. Involuntarily she compared him with the previous chief and hoped that they would get off on a better foot and the Kzinti war *was* the wrong foot in her book. Maybe she would have gotten along with the previous chief better under other circumstances.

Hank turned back to the admiral. "Sir when will be departing on our next mission?" Hank asked.

Da`nal had moved behind his desk to retrieve the latest repair/renovation status report. "We won't be departing until repairs are complete. Your predecessor left the ship before the work was down and while that work has continued to progress I need you to ensure our best interest are seen to and not pushed to the side. Several items still remain," reading from the padd in his hand, "...installation of systems upgrades and testing, calibration of new phaser strip on the lower drive section, testing of the new aft torpedo launcher, completing of the internal renovations." Looking up as he handed the padd to the engineer. "In addition we also have the overall resupply and reaming of the ship, but we will be taking that up with the Chief of Operations."

"Guess i better get started Sirs. If that's all, may I be dismissed?"

Nodding approvingly at the man’s enthusiasm. "You are dismissed Lieutenant. Get with the Commander on any needs you may have and coordinate with Security on the weapons calibration."

As the door closed behind him leaving the CO and XO alone again, Da`nal looked to Ciara. "I like this one get the work done approach. Let’s see if he delivers."

"I hope so," Ciara said thoughtfully.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Commander Ciara Brannagh

Lt Hank Stevens
Chief Engineer


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