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Meeting with the head shrink

Posted on 11 Mar 2013 @ 2:36pm by Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,254 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection


After everything was finished in Sickbay, the warrior doctor gave a few suggestions to update the Beta shift doctors patients, when they started their shift. When she finally departed her place of work, she took up the suggestion from Commander Brannagh to see the new counselor. Lt. Har'tar, had made an appointment with the counselor. Over the course of her work day, she mended wounds, made a few children feel better and did a host of other things that happen to whoever entered into the medical ward of the Achilles. That brought a smile to her lips and made her feel good, even after what had taken place a month or so ago. She proceeded to the nearest turbolift to meet up with the Counselor.

Ayren just finished a session with a client and made her way back to her office. She often used the holodeck to meet up with people in a setting of their choosing. But this was not a counseling session, it had been a training session. One of teh crew had learned that she was an accomplished horse rider and asked her to train him in dressage. She was still dressed in her jods when she walked towards her office, with the plan to change, but the Doctor was there already.

"Hello Doctor," Ayren said warmly. "You caught me, if you give me e few minutes I will change quickly," she said.

Sara nodded her as she offer the woman a kind Andorian smile "No hurries on my count, take as much time you need"

Ayren smiled and quickly slipped into her office after inviting the doctor to come into her office so long and help herself to refreshments from the replicator. She went in to the bathroom adjascent to her office to change out of her riding clothes into something more comfortable. There would no time for a shower, but a long skirt and cool blouse would make her feel refreshed. After fixing her hair, she opened the door to her. "Thank you for your patience," she said warmly as she got a glass of water for herself and sat down in the other settee. "How can I help you today?" she asked.

For a woman of two warrior races, patience would be non existent, but here Sara was filled with it waiting for Ayren as she freshen herself up after spending time riding. Offering an smile when spoken too and nodding her head in a welcome gesture, sat looking at the counselor.

"To prevent any outbreaks of my time at the hands Kniziti in front of the crew" Sara stated outright "I kind of have a handle on it, through the means of writing and role playing. The non holodeck type, but the type that uses books, dices, paper and pencil"

"How much does those strategies help you?" Ayren asked.

"Well enough to keep it away from the crew for the time being" She returned

"You were referring to *outbreaks*, what do you mean by that?" Ayren asked.

"Yes Outbreaks, doctor" Sara stated with a small grin "I'm referring to becoming a berserker of sort, being the worse case of it or being non useful or shaking really bad"

Ayren's expression did not convey the alarm she felt. There was definetely some after effects of the events and they needed to deal with it before Ayren had to declare her unfit for duty.

"Do you have flashbacks from what happened? And with that I mean vivid memories returning even when you didn't particularly thought of it?" Ayren asked.

Sara paused as she recalled the last time she had a flashback. She went through the paces as she thought, yet nothing came up, except her time when she awoke in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.

"I don't have waking dreams, but I do awake from time to time in a cold sweat during the night" Sara stated.

Ayren made a few notes. Klingons did not experience Post Traumatic Stress syndrome, in fact they could show symptoms of stress if there was not enough violence, but Andorians did and so far she fit the profile, but it is too early to tell. "How would you describe your sleeping patterns now? Do you fall alseep easier then before or with more difficulty?"

Sara paused to think on how she fall's asleep. "Normal I would believe. I work hard, pushing my body as far as it goes. Workout once work is finish for about an hour or so. Head back to my quarters. Eat, shower, and whatever else I think I need before climbing into bed to sleep. of course, generally not in an real order. I think it's a little more difficult to get to sleep. I close my eyes, and my mind beings to wonder."

"That is normal for what you have been through," Ayren said. "I will prescribe medication to help you reestablish healthy sleeping patterns..." Ayren said. "Don't be afraid to use it, and only use it when you don't fall alsleep after about 20 minutes. Good sleep help our bodies and minds to work through experiences." Ayren sat back.

Sara nodded her head at the advice and the meds to take. She knew that these steps were going to go on for some time and it was a wise choice to take. Plus, she knew that Klingons detail with such issue in different ways then Andorians. But, at least she had the help keep any issues from appearing in front of the crew.

"I would like to know what happened to you, please tell it to me, it doesn't have to be in chronological order. Start with the foremost memory.." Ayren said softly, ready to listen to every word and nuance.

Taking in a deep breath, Sara slowly released it as she began telling her tale of rape and beatings. She told everything, what she seen, smelled, heard, and felt at the hands of the enemies. She recalled as much as she could, trying her hardest to push through the emotional feelings that was slowly welling up. She even informed Ayren of what they did to her medically and forced her to do in the fighter pit and the slave pens. As she told her tale, the Andorian Klingon voice was shaking and her eyes looked as if wanting to cry.

"That's about all I can recall, doctor" she informed her

Ayren was appalled at what she heared, and she was not shocked easily, however she didn't reveal her feelings. "That is alot that happened to you and a few people wil survive that," she said gently.

Sara adjusted her collar and cleared her throat. She felt upset in reliving a dreadful past, yet, apart of her felt as if a great weight was lifted from her shoulders.

"How do you feel now?" Ayren asked after she gave her a moment.

"As if a weight been lift from my shoulders" Sara returned

It seemed that merely talking about everything that had happened already relieved some of the pressure. "I am going to schedule a session with you again next week, just so we can catch up again," Aeryn said.

Sara nodded her head to being seen again "Alright, sounds like a plan to me"

"If you need to talk to me before that, you can contact me any time...okay," Ayren said, her natural empathy for the woman, colouring her voice.


Ayren Kelan
Chief Counselor
(PNPC by Sharon)

Dr. Sara'Marbela Har'tar


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