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Some R&R

Posted on 10 Mar 2013 @ 4:14am by Lieutenant Lucas Mason

657 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Starbase 80

Lucas was walking along the Promenade of Starbase 80. He wasn't looking for trouble and he hoped it wouldn't find him. He had just been promoted to full Lieutenant and he didn't want to do anything that would make Commodore Da'nal regret that. That being said he was looking for a little diversion or distraction. As he walked along the establishment Patrick O'Toole's caught his eye. It looked like an old fashioned Irish Pub that one would see in some of the historic sections of Boston. Intrigued he decided to go in and at least have a look around.

[Flag Officer Level]

After meeting Commodore Da’Nal, Reese decided that he wanted a drink. He stepped into the turbolift and ordered it to the Promenade. A few decks down, the car stopped to allow another passenger. Reese noticed the rank on the enlisted man’s collar, “How’s it going, Master Chief?â€

The Master Chief stepped in and turned to face the door, “Same ol’, same ol’, Lieutenant. Just dealing with some of our more rambunctious junior enlisted.â€

“Ah, yes, I can remember being one of those rambunctious junior enlisted,†Reese commented.

The Master Chief turned toward Reese slightly, “Really now? You’re a Mustang?â€

Reese offered his hand, “Yes, I am, Lieutenant junior grade Reese Chance. I just checked onboard the Achilles. I’m the new Chief of Security and Tactical.â€

Master Chief shook Reese’s hand, “Well, don’t that beat all. Welcome aboard, sir. I’m Master Chief Carl Brashear, your department LCPO.â€

“Thank you, Master Chief. I take it those rambunctious junior enlisted are mine.â€

“Unfortunately, yes, they are.â€

“I guess I’m really going to need a drink now. What’s the best watering hole around here?â€


“Care to join me, Master Chief?â€

“Wish I could but I have some things that require my attention. Rain check?â€

“Sure thing.â€

Master Chief Brashear got off the turbolift and Reese continued to the Promenade. Moments later he stood in front of bar where he’d been directed. He straightened his uniform before entering the establishment and made his way to the bar.

Richard had been sitting in the pub for quite a while his meeting with Ensign Valentine had gone very well and he had high hopes for his young subordinate, he was currently sipping his third scotch. He knew that he would realistically only have one or two more drinks before calling it a day, he didn't want to be put on report for being drunk before he even started his new duties. He drank the last of his scotch and got up from his comfy chair and headed towards the bar to order another, he held up the empty glass getting the bartender's attention and nod, indicating another drink was on its way. He noticed a Starfleet officer entering the bar and hazarding a guess he thought he recognized the face from when he looked at the department heads of the Achilles.

He got the bartender's attention and said "That officer who just walked in I'd like to buy him a drink, whatever he wants is on me" at the other man's raised eyebrow he said "We're going to be serving on the same ship can't be a bad thing trying to make a friend."

The bartender laughed, having seen the same thing happen hundreds of times before heading downt he line to his next customer. Richard leaned against the bar and waited for something to happen.

Lucas stepped up to the bar and ordered, "Scotch, neat." The bartender procured his beverage and brought it over. As he set it in front of Lucas he said, "The tab's been taken care of." Lucas looked around to see if he could see who had paid for his drink.


Lieutenant Lucas Mason
Chief Flight Control Officer


Lieutenant JG Reese Chance
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


Lieutenant JG Richard Dillon
Chief Intelligence Officer


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