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Field Day - Pt3

Posted on 24 Feb 2013 @ 7:30pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski & Sergeant Dawn Brianna
Edited on on 24 Feb 2013 @ 7:31pm

1,356 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Nesh - Below SB 80
Timeline: MD 36 1300-late evening

[Atop the ridge]

Teresa was preparing fried chicken for the picnic that was to be at the end of the marine's hike. She had felt bad for Jason, when she had heard about the hike, but then someone had come up with the idea of a surprise picnic. That didn't seem so bad. Next to her Vicki was stirring in the sugar for the lemonade. Teresa would add sliced lemons to the drink when Vicki was done. "Why don't you go put on your hiking boots and pack, while I finish up." Teresa said with a smile. She took the stirring spoon from Vicki's hand, and shooed her towards her room. Teresa and Vicki were going to do a little hiking of their own, but they were not going to interfere with the marine's hike. As a matter of fact, her and Vicki were beaming down about a hundred feet from the picnic site, so Vicki could say she hiked, too. Vicki was already dressed in a pair of jeans and a blue shirt. Teresa had tied a red bow to the end of her braid so that she could keep track of her. Teresa was wearing her favorite jeans with a purple top. She would place her pack on her hip after she packed the basket. She was already wearing her hiking boots. However, Vicki hated shoes and preferred to run around bare footed. Teresa remembered those days.

Velez called the formation to standard march then halted the detachment. "Leeft Face!" He looked over the dusty and sweaty formation of Marines. Glancing over at the tent to see the Recon squads relaxing.

"At ease Marines. That was a nice little walk we had and as you can see there is a nice spread waiting for you all. The Admiral wanted to thank you for a job well done on Mercer...and as we all know Marines work hard, and we play hard. After we eat there will be chance to get back at the two Recon squads that harassed some of us on the way here in a football match up. Secure the weapons and gear in the transport and enjoy. Fall Out!"

PFC Jason Eirias noticed that the Recon teams were already here and looking relaxed, which meant they had come at their own pace, and it was faster than theirs had been. Mentally, he made a promise to himself to fix that, fast. Putting up the gear he had worn out here was quick, and he decided to grab some water before looking into the food laid out. In the meantime, he looked around at the others, seeing who was included in which groups, while trying to avoid the notice of the senior Marines.

"Well that was an experience," Jeannie said as she placed her paper plate loaded with food next to Kaz's.

"What? The march, or eating out where the vermin can get at your food?" he replied.

"The march, dur, Sarge. Kind of an odd way to say, 'Hi! Welcome aboard.' You don't have picnics on Brandenberg?"

"Tenaka, the wind would blow your table away before you even sat down. And yeah, it is kind of odd, but maybe they already had it scheduled."

"I don't know, Sarge. Maybe they want to get an idea of who we are. I mean, I heard some nasty rumors about the Lobo, so I don't think that investigation's going too well."

"What's there to investigate?" Kaz replied. "We did everything we could to save the ship. We didn't just lie there like a bunch of Ferengi hookers saying, 'Hai, come on in big cat people, take whatever you want."

"They're taking their time, though. Don't you think?"

"There's a lot of computer files to go through. Quit worrying about it, Tenaka. It's not like you're JAG or intel, so you're not going to be in the loop." Just then Jeannie's personal com badge beeped.

"Tenaka," she said after slapping the Hello Kitty shaped piece of metal.

"Jeannie, man, you have so got to come over here. There is this guy who is incredibly hot, and he has a friend who wants to meet you.†Private Caldwell's voice was tinny over the tiny badge, but it was clearly her.

“What? No way!”

“Yeah way. Why would I lie to you?”

“Be there in a moment. Out." The short Asian girl stood up, then grabbed her plate of food. "Sorry, Sarge, but duty calls."

Kaz watched her leave, and then stood. "Might as well try some of this food," he said.

Once he got a plate, he went looking for some of his fellow NCOs.

Vicki and the other children were hiding in the bushes, waiting for the Marines to appear. Each of them had been issued a water gun, with instructions to have fun. Each parent knew where their child was, and had to keep from smiling at some of their antics. Some of the boys were trying to copy the Marines, hiding in trees and high grass. Some even had grease paint on. Vicki spied the first marine first, and let out a yell that any Marine could be proud of. Teresa burst out laughing at the look of surprise on the Marine's face, as water hit him. He quickly recovered, and brought up his "weapon". Searching for the rascal who had tagged him.

Kaz had been heading for the tables when he heard a bloodcurdling shout. From the scrubby brush nearby, a small figure sprang out and shot him in the face with one of the water pistols that apparently everyone had been issued. He grinned, and then brought up his own water pistol. Then he stopped. Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpsed some movement. He went after the small figure, who ducked into a bush.

"Oh darn," he said loudly with a grin. He'd played war with his niece and some of the neighbors' kids back home - you always let the kids win, otherwise it was no fun for anyone. "I guess you got away." He turned to move away, waiting to feel a stream of water on his back. It actually wouldn't be a bad thing, since it was hotter here than he was used to. Brandenburg hadn't been known for warm and sunny days.

As the yells and firing started, Eirias now understood the point of the water-gun pistols they had been given. This was a game that he actually knew and understood the rules for, having played similar as a kid himself. Right now though, the food was his main priority as the march had left him hungry, so he ducked and weaved out of the myriad of battles, escaping with only a couple of hits. He looked over the table, and chuckled to himself as the quantities were more than enough, someone knew Marines too well. Making a decent selection, he looked for a spot to sit where he would be able to watch, but stay out of the fights.

Once the water pistol ambush by the kids had ended, the food had been devoured. Most of the Marines had been expecting the usual MRE ration before the hump down to the original assembly area. The Admiral had made a brief appearance, to which he had been thanked, Marine Corps style, before he had to excuse himself. It was too bad that while the crew was on leave he still had to work. Although, being Klingon it was duty first.

The day had proceeded with the typical field day events – tug-a-war, football, and softball games, even a dizzy bat relay race. The events and fellowship lasted well into the evening and eventually the last of the trash and equipment was beamed away or loaded to a transport.

As the last shuttle flew away a small group remained, laughing around a fire. Jason put his arm around Teresa as he looked over at Vicky sound asleep not far away. Glanced up he watching the transport disappear on its way back to the star base; it’s light mingling with the rest of the stars.


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