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A Change in Orders

Posted on 24 Feb 2013 @ 8:00pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

967 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: USS Achilles / SB-10
Timeline: Current

[USS Achilles - Docked at SB-80]

Last on his list was the assignment of Command for the USS Samurai. Da`nal had combed through the officers eligible for command. It had taken him a considerable amount of time but he had selected a highly experienced officer who was currently the XO of the USS Jefferson.

The offer of command had been written and transmitted; the promotion warrant was written and awaited the Commander's reply. Closing the file he deactivated his monitor and left his ready room for the night.

The next morning began ideally. The he walked the areas of the ship still under repair, making note of a significant amount of progress. It wouldn't be long and the Achilles would be once again cruising the stars; however when he got to the bridge everything changed.

With the Achilles still in dry dock they were running a skeleton crew while rotating shore leave. Da`nal had taken the down time to train his younger officers running various simulations and drills for the bridge crews. The lieutenant stood nervously as Da`nal approach.

"Morning Admiral."

"Good morning Mr. Trayer. Report."

"Engineering crews reported that the power issues on the lower driver section have been resolved and they will be applying the final sections of ablative armor today and tomorrow. The internal upgrades are also scheduled for completion this week." He hoped the good news about the ship would count in their favor.

"Excellent." Da`nal was glad to hear the good news but he could see and sense the young officers nervousness. "And your simulations last did they go?"

Trayer handed his commanding officer the padd with the results and his report. "Not too well sir. We ran the full simulation five times..." he said trailing off.

"Go on."

"Well sir the first run I order us to fall back, then three times I lost the ship before reaching the objective, and once we completed the objective but suffered a warp core breach due to the level of damage."

Looking at the lieutenant, then to his 'crew'. "Well Mr. Trayer command of a star ship is not any easy task...even when you know what you will be facing. I want summaries from all of you, you conclusions as to what was done right....or wrong and why you all aren't scheduled for bridge duty again for three days so enjoy your leave. The XO and I will review and before we depart you will run the simulation again. Was there anything else Lieutenant?"

Trayer nodded, "Yes sir, a message came in for you and I routed it to you database."

"Very good, let Alpha shift know I'm in my ready room when they arrive."

"Aye sir."

Da`nal entered his ready room and it was obvious that Lance had already been there. Taking a seat at his desk he began to read the messages before his. His good mood faded as he read...his selection for command of the Samurai had declined due to personal reason and had enclosed his resignation as well.

Instead of re-evaluating those he had originally passed over he pulled up the list of officer he had recommended for the XO position. Knowing Lance was nearby he simply spoke. "Lance get me Lieutenant Commander Suzuki at SB-10."


Suzuki Hikari was on her way to the Bureau of Personnel office to meet Vice Admiral zh'Tok as she'd been ordered, when her combadge chimed. "Suzuki," she said, touching it to acknowledge the hail.

"Commander, I have a call from Rear Admiral Da'nal of the house of Varal. Are you near a terminal?" the voice of a Station operations tech asked.

Suzuki looked around, spotted a group of public-use terminals. "Standby," she said, and walked to them. "Forward to terminal..." she read the comcode off the terminal, and waited. After a moment, a strong Klingon face appeared. "Lieutenant Commander Suzuki Hikari, reporting as ordered, Admiral?"

"Greetings Commander..." Seeing the various people passing by he took it that she was at a public terminal, no matter nothing classified was being passed. "...did I catch you at a bad time?"

"I was on my way to BuPers, sir," Suzuki answered. "Commodore Wildrose indicated there would be orders awaiting me there."

"Well as I have you here and now I will let you know that I had recommended you for the position of XO aboard the USS Samurai. However, those orders have changed. The officer that had been assigned to take command has resigned his commission so the ship is yours. Congratulations."

Suzuki opened her mouth, and closed it again. She had been certain she was bound for another tour as exec, this time on a deep-draft vessel. She raked her mind for Samurai. What kind of ship was it? Not a PAV, they were all named for border towns. Surely no more than a destroyer, though. She hoped it wasn't a tug... but with a name like Samurai, a destroyer seemed likely. "Thank you, sir," she said. "I shall endeavor to meet your confidence."

No one could have missed her reaction, a dangerous thing for a be so animated. "Excellent. A data pack with your transfer of command orders as well as mission details has been sent to the Samurai and you can access them from your PADD. One bit of advice, develop a poker face, it’s not good for a Commanding Officer to be so...transparent. Qapla Commander."

"Thank you, sir," Suzuki said, as the channel closed. She shook her head slightly. She shut down the terminal and pulled out her PADD, pulling up the data packet. "Oh," she said, quietly, "this has to be some kind of mistake!"


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LCDR Suzuki Hikari
CO, PCU Samurai


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