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Field Day - Pt 2

Posted on 24 Feb 2013 @ 6:58pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski & Sergeant Dawn Brianna
Edited on on 24 Feb 2013 @ 6:59pm

849 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Nesh - Below SB 80
Timeline: MD 36 1000-1300

Omega team waded into the thick brush, stepping out into as much of a wedge as they could. A bit in, Kaz signaled a halt. A quick flurry of signals followed. As Sarnek and Whelan moved off on a different path, the remaining three continued.

On the opposite side of the Jason and Alpha team were putting the finishing touches on their first 'victim'. The unfortunate Marine had been take after falling out of formation and entering 'no man’s land'; that area behind Top Velez who was at the end of the formation to try to motivate them to return to formation.

In hushed tone Jason hurried them on as they finished securing the Marine, gagged with old school duct tape & stripped to his skivvies, to a tree net to the march route. "The formation will be here soon...10 seconds."

"This should be fun." Dawn grinned, looking through the scope of her sniper rifle.

Ever since his transfer to the recon unit he had done his best to prove his worth. Now he had his hands on the cord that would ensnare some non-hacker that fell out of formation. He watch carefully as the formation passed their position. Eventually the Staff Sergeant's hand rose and his grip tightened and when it fell he pulled hard and kept pulling until their prize was bagged.

[Back in front of the formation]

As they finished Jason wrote on the man's t-shirt...ALPHA 1 OMEGA 0; and before moving to reveal his work he activated his mic to talk to Kasmierski. "You got the next one...we're moving to the next checkpoint."

"You got it, Staff Sergeant," Kaz radioed back. He grinned as he heard a nearby scream. "I think we're one for one now."

The young private hadn't expected to fall out of the formation, but last night's hard partying had finally gotten to him, and he now found himself far from the group, panting hard as he attempted to make the checkpoint. Suddenly a bush lunged off the side of the path and knocked him over, swallowing him in its branches.

"Good morning," he heard a cool Vulcan voice say in his ear. "You will follow me. Once we reach your formation, you will do this..." The Vulcan whispered something in his ear.

It was a bit later when the young private burst from the bushes near the formation holding a large stick over his head and shouting, "This is my rifle, this is my gun, one is for shooting, the other is for fun." He ran around the formation twice shouting that, and then fell back in panting. Scrawled on the back of his T-shirt was Omega 1, Alpha 1.

"One one," Kaz radioed with a grin. "Show us what you got, Alpha."

Jason clicked his radio to acknowledge the call as he nearly laughed at the spectacle he was watching though his scope. "Nice...go'n with the classic," he whispered to himself.

Alpha Team watched as the formation passed. The displays of the two recon victims had done its job and motivated the other Marines and now everyone was either pushing themselves or aiding their fellow Marine to keep them from falling back. But Jason had been with the detachment long enough to know this would eventually happen and was ready for it.

As the formation crested a particularly steep hill the detachment began a trotting descent down the other side. He let the first platoon pass without incident but as the second approach he gave the signal for the ambush.

Once again his hands were on a rope. It hadn't taken him long to figure out why. He was the new guy on the team so he got all the grunt work. The rope sprang out of the ground sending most of 2nd Platoon tripping over themselves.

As soon as the Marines began to fall Alpha Team opened up with a mix of light stuns or colored tagging wax rounds. The first would put the impact area to sleep...the later would definitely leave a mark.

Dawn opened fire, hitting someone in the stomach, then chest, then the helmet. She enjoyed the training exercises.

Velez saw the 'ambush' unfold and while tactically valid, he didn't want any injuries on this hump. Shouting to the brush. "Recon...that's enough. Break trail and double-time it to the Rally point!"

Jason gave the signal to cease fire and fall back. The run up the hill to the rally point was a mix of laughter and bragging on hit counts.

The march had actually proved to be fun for the PFC. At times, Jason had to hold himself back from moving too fast and getting out of formation, but as soon as the stragglers started to show, he quickly moved up to fill in where they were, occasionally assisting others who had started to fall back. After Aleron and SOI, he was finding the hills to be rather manageable, using the time to just mentally relax and somewhat zone out, without losing situational awareness, though he did miss the feel of heavy weapons pack.



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