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Girls' Night Out

Posted on 23 Feb 2013 @ 10:15pm by Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski
Edited on on 26 Feb 2013 @ 11:34pm

294 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Enlisted Guest Quarters, SB80

Jeannie Tenaka closed her eye, then ran the applicator with its no crease eyeshadow over the lid. Behind her she had an old classic playing over the room's loudspeaker – Prince's P***y Control, the perfect opening music for a night out.

The door into the tiny berth she shared with PFC Shannon Caldwell opened, admitting the tall good looking redhead, who was wearing a green diaphanous tunic and jeans with heels, making her even taller than she was.

“Whelan's not going,” she said. “Says he and Sarnek are playing Call of Duty 2020 with some guys from Security.”

“Oh that's lame. We shoot people up for real, why would they want to do it on the holodeck? Lulz?”

“I guess. I don't know why he hangs out with Sarnek, that guy's creepy even for a Vulcan.”

“What about Sergeant K?” Jeannie asked, trying to not sound too interested in inviting the team leader along. She'd had a crush on Sergeant Kasmierski forever and a day, but it would take a skilled interrogator to drag that out of her.

“No way. Remember what Gunny Airias used to say? Don't poop where you eat?” Caldwell replied. “That would be explosive diarrhea in the chow hall bad.” She stepped behind Jeannie, then leaned over to apply lipgloss. Then she stepped back. “Do I look all right?”

Jeannie turned around. “Sha. Yeah, I wish I could wear that Orion stuff. I'd just look like a stuffed chair. You, on the other hand, look hot.”

“For once there's an advantage to being a beanpole, I guess. Hey, computer. Turn the music off.” The room went silent, and Caldwell took a small purse off a shelf over her bed. “You ready?”

Jeannie stuffed a lipstick into her purse. “Yeah, let's go.”


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