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To Be or Not to Be

Posted on 24 Feb 2013 @ 1:38am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,183 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB-80

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal sat in the ready room of his partly completed starship within the repair bay of the cavernous Starbase. The resignation of Commander robus had com as a complete surprise and now, with his new title it fell to him to assign a new commanding officer.

Deactiving the monitor he leaned back to consider his current options; not liking any of them. Under normal circumstances an XO would be able to simply assume command. While this was not always the case, many ambitious officers assumed that would a command assignment was forthcoming.

He rose from his desk stepping out onto the bridge. As he did the Officer-of-the-Day called out; "Admiral on Deck!"

"Carry on Lieutenant. I will be on the station."

"Aye, sir."

Moments later he found himself in on of the newly renovated transporter rooms. "One to transport to the station."

"Ready sir."


A "welcome back Admiral" greeted him as he materialized on the padd and he nodded to the transporter operator as he stepped down and exited the stations large scale transporter room. Entering the nearest lift he announced his destination. "Ops."

Krevalin strode out of the Commanders old office feeling the depression lingering from within. He then saw a young crewman having a problem with her console. He walked over her shoulder and watched as she tried to correct the issue.

The crewman without turning around said, "Excuse me. Could I have some room please. My console is," At that moment the female crewman looked at Krevalin with huge eyes and continued, "Sir! Sorry sir I didn't know that was you I'm so sorry."

Krevalin replied. "It's ok crewman. I was over your shoulder and you said something about your console."

"Yes I believe it was entering a different subroutine then specified. I don't really know how to fix it I'm only a science officer."

"Well its not a minor problem. Very easy to fix." Krevalin was then caught off by a person yelling "Admiral on deck!" He then snapped to attention with every other person on the Ops deck.

A subtle grin tugged at his mouth as several people jumped, "As you were."

It didn't take long before se saw the person he was looking for. "Lt Cmdr Prvsset, do you have a moment?"

Krevalin looked at the admiral shocked that he wanted to see him but, happy he was. Starfleet probably got him off the Achilles to talk to me about whos commanding the starbase. Krevalin replied, "Yes sir. What can I help you with?"

"I would speak with you alone."

Krevalin replied, "Yes sir. We can go into the CO office."

As they entered the office the Admiral stepped to the side moving away from the desk. Turning he faced the elder Rigelian officer. "As you know, personal matters have resulted in Commander Young's resignation."

Krevalin thought about the CO and his sudden departure then said, "Yes sir it's very unfortunate at this time."

"How are the crew dealing with the situation?"

"I think most of the crew is dealing with it well. Most of them are confused on what happened and on what is going to happen. Do you have anything that would get us out of the brush?"

"Yes as a matter of fact I do. I am not one for mincing words so I will be direct. You were not selected to replace Commander Robus for command of the station."

Krevalin felt a rush of happiness go over him. He said, "I am relieved that I don't have to take over I just became a Lt Commander. So who is taking his place?"

To be honest Da`nal had expected a fight, but to have the man before him not even protest was almost disappointing. "Commander Kerrenett Marel was selected and should be enroute to Ops. I wanted to arrive before hand to clear any issues with her taking command, but as there seem to be none we have some time to kill. Anything out of the ordinary happening aboard?"

"A few crewmen have asked to leave 80 because of the Commander leaving but, I have adequate crewmen coming to replace them." Krevalin didn't know what else to say since the Admiral was just here to see that the new CO settles in well.

"That's good to hear. I also wanted to commend your engineering and repair crews for their work on the Achilles. Thanks to their considerable efforts the repairs to my ship are nearly complete."

"Well we have the best crews in the sector unless the Enterprise or Voyager fly by. To bad once the Achilles is gone half of them will be reassigned to another ship or starbase. Starfleet Command thought that since we are just a way point we don't really need experienced crews."

"Well I will see that that is corrected. As a waypoint, this starbase is a critical fall back location for damaged ships. What with the continuing Romunal relief efforts, Klingon raids, and we aren't finished with the Kzinti. I will see that the current staff stay right here."

Krevalin made a small sigh of relief and said, "Thank you sir. I need those crews. Well there was no logic behind what Starfleet Command wants to do especially since we are a military way point."

Marel arrived a moment earlier, but stood outside the door listening as she didn't want to interrupt. Hearing the conversation hit a break point, she stepped forward and knocked on the open door frame. "You wanted to see me Admiral?"

Turning at the voice to his right. "Yes Commander, come in." After she had entered the office Da`nal cast a quick glance to those in Ops, catching a few curious eyes dart back to their stations.

Returning to the officers before him and he lifted the PADD in his hand. "Commander Kennerett Marel. As of this date and by order of Star Fleet Command you are hear by awarded command of Star Base 80. Signed Rear-Admiral Da`nal Commanding Officer Task Force 47."

Handing her the padd containing the citation and her orders. "Congratulations Commander."

Krevalin then smiled and said, "I look forward to working with you in the future Commander."

"Understood, Sir." Marel said, then nodded to the other man, "Likewise, Commander."

Marel's commbadge went off interrupting. When she answered it, it was the Quartermaster telling her that one of the crates she was expecting had been delivered, but customs didn't want to clear it.

She swore in Bajoran and then said, "Please excuse me. It's probably my ancient weapons collection."

Da`nal grinned and nodded. He knew well the issues in transferring a weapons collection. His work was done here anyway. "Very well."

Krevalin smirked and replied, "It's ok it took me forever to get my Rigelian cultural things and many of them were knives. I have been waiting for my Rigelian Bloodhounds so you're not the only one."

Marel smiled and then hurried off.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal
CO - USS Achilles

Commander Kennerett Marel
CO - Starbase 80

Lieutenant Commander Krevalin Prvsset
XO - Starbase 80


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