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Young and Dumb Part-1

Posted on 20 Feb 2013 @ 8:54pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

999 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection

Settling down into the bunk he had been assigned to on the Achilles, PFC Jason Eirias sighed in relief at the quiet. Apparently everyone else was still downside enjoying the leave, mostly in spite of the notice from the Captain about a hike. Taking out his PADD, he decided to record a personal entry to catch things up.

"Personal Log, I'm not even going to look up the date. I'm settled on the Achilles now. My bunkmate is a Lance Corporal Thomas Davis, rifleman, no heavy weapons training. Seems to be agreeable enough, we'll see how it settles out. Couldn't help but notice most of the Marines attached to this ship seem to be Recon, which makes me slightly nervous. I'll have to see what their physical training level is and how far below it I am, least it gives me a goal to work towards. I also need to remember to talk to my Sgt and the SgtMaj about continuing the medical correspondence courses, and if I can continue my heavy weapons training. End Log."

The sound of boots walking towards his rack prompted Eirias to stand, curious as to who else was aboard at this time.

Davis stuck his head around the corner, seeing his bunkmate close out the terminal he grinned. "Letter to mommy?

"Ha. It'd be more to dad than mom honestly. Problem with having a Marine for a parent, he's always checking up on me. That was just a log though, old habit." He sounded slightly defensive about the comment, but not really annoyed or angry yet as he turned from the console to face Davis.

Slapping the newbie’s shoulder. "Hey I was just kidding. Some of the guys in the squad wanna welcome you to the team. There's this club on the planet they say is outstanding. AND swarming with local beach bunnies. You up for a night on the town?"

That comment took Jason a moment to think though, he certainly didn't expect them to start being friendly this fast. "Last time I heard that phrase, most of my graduating class came back under escort by the MP's. However, I'm all checked in and cleared until we depart, then I have to talk to medical. So, why not, maybe some downtime will be good for me. Let's go." Turning away from the terminal, he started to head for the door, totally forgetting he was still in uniform.

As they walked the corridor to the nearest transporter room that pasted several engineers still working on ship upgrades but they were ignored. "Good thing the crew is on liberty...makes breaking in the 'new guy' easier. Plus this way we can get REAL drinks without having to worry about hangovers."

Another member of the group chimed in. "Hell ya. Say, where did you do your basic San Diego, Parris Island?"

Jason laughed at that question. "Parris Island, not much of a choice there with dad around and our family's history. During the summer to make it even more fun. I think I lost enough blood to the insects out there to supply a body. Have to say now though, I've never drank real alcohol at all yet."

Ignoring the answer to his question the group looked to each other and grinned. "You gotta be kidding!"

That grin that passed around gave him shivers down his spine. "Nope, haven't touched it. We kinda had a more...strict upbringing with dad. Then I never really had time to while on Aleron, or while in training, so..." he let the sentence trail off seeing how they were close to the transporter room, he would have preferred a shuttle. He did notice none of them commented about the basic site, which led him to guess they were all San Diego types.

"Ya think with a Marine dad you would have been better prepared." Hopping onto the pad he nodded to the transporter operator. "Club Chaos...", looking to Jason, " coming?"

"He was mostly doing training since I'm able to remember. We were his practice audience. The Synthetic stuff was fine, but real alcohol wasn't." Jason deepened his voice to mimic his father's "Drink if you want, but don't ever let your awareness and reflexes get dulled, so stay with the Synthohol." He shook his head as he considered the transporter pad, and then hopped up on it with the others. "Never did like these things." he quipped.

Seconds later they found themselves is the night air and could hear the music throbbing out from the club, and watched several groups of scantily clad girls headed in. "Ohhhh Yeaa...this is what I call a target rich environment."

Jason looked around, a bit confused as he tried to make sense of the comment. "Target rich environment? What targets, we didn't bring our weapons..." His face was reflecting the confusion for a moment, and then lit up as he made sense of it. "Ohhhhhh, you mean the women going in! Thought you were here to drink though?" he asked in a confused manner.

Slapping his on the shoulder s he laughed. "IF you're really as green as you seem this will be a night to remember! Come kid."

Upon stepping into the place after the others, he recoiled and put his hands up to his ears for a moment, while blinking his eyes. Raising his voice above the noise of the place, Jason called over to Davis. "How in the heck can you hear yourself over the volume?" After a few moments, he reached into a pocket and pulled out his issued ear protection and put them in, sighing in relief as the noise was reduced to a bearable level. "So, where to?" He was a bit distracted trying to make sense of the place.

The others had disappeared into the crowd leaving them to their own devices. "Well let’s get a drink and get you loosened up and see just what kind of Marine you are."



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