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Violence isn't the answer, I got it wrong on purpose

Posted on 24 May 2009 @ 3:53pm by

263 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Gamma Hydrae
Timeline: Three years ago

Silonez sat perched in the ruins of the old city, he'd been there for almost three hours, the bitter cold of the winter months only made the wait unbearable. His thermal suit covered most of his body, but the wind blowing through the broken window cut like a knife.

He adjusted his position again and noticed a solitary figure appear, another approached from the opposite direction, this is what he'd been waiting for. He raised the sniper rifle and squared the sights. the two figures had a quick exchange, ~this is it.~. As he saw the first figure pass something to the other, he took the shot, the second persons' head exploded, he fired again, the first person fell to the ground. Silonez heard sirens, he quickly broke down the rifle into the case and took off down the stairs, he had to be at the beam out point in thirty seconds.

Silonez scrambled down the stairs, taking two or three at a time, he looked at the chronometer, 20 seconds to go, he slowed his pace as he got down to the bottom of the stairs, as he rounded the corner the area was beginning to fill with local security, Silonez got down the block a few meters from his beam out point. He had to be with in 2 meters from the beam out point to make his exit. ~close enough~. A security officer spoke out "You there!" Silonez turned. ~Now Damn it!~ as if they were reading his mind Silonez felt the transporter beam engage.


Lt. Silonez Ericson
CIO USS Freedom


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