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A Friendly Chat

Posted on 25 May 2009 @ 2:58pm by

829 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: Current

Elek was in his diplomatic office on Deck Seven, dealing with some correspondence that had somehow already built up, despite the fact he had barely been in the job for a few days.

He finished it as best he could, then decided to head up to the counselor's office to check on things there. Without properly thinking about it, he was soon in a turbolift.

Suddenly, Elek had a thought. "Computer, override previous command. Deck three."

Quickly, he was on Deck Three, and stood outside the XO's office. He hesitated before announcing himself, but soon pressed the door chime.

"Ven!" called Mari from within, looking up expectantly to see who was coming to visit.

Elek understood the intent behind the call, if not the word itself. He entered the office and gave Mari a warm smile.

"Hi," he said. *Wow, that's a great opening line, Ter,* he thought to himself.

"Buenas tardes, Counselor," Mari said with an almost feline smile, "What can I do for you today?"

"I wanted to pop my head in for a few minutes, if you had the time?"

"Claro que si," Mari said with a nod before adding in English, "Of course I do. Are you just visiting or is this professional in nature?"

"Just visiting," Elek said with a smile as he sat down. Sighing, he went on; "Actually, Mari, I'm here to apologise. For my behaviour on the holodeck. It was totally inappropriate."

"Inappropriate?" Mari asked, at least somewhat confused, "There was nothing I considered inappropriate..."

Elek was thrown. "Mari, I tried to kiss you," he said. "I was out of line." He raised an eyebrow, Vulcan-like. "Don't tell me I'm that forgettable."

"No, no," she said, shaking her head, the corners of her mouth twitching with the touch of a smile, "I remember that. But I didn't think it was inappropriate at all...not considering the amount of time we'd spent together and all the innuendo that went between us..."

Elek smiled. "Still," he said, "I'd hate for you to think that I'm some kind of hormonally-driven Betazoid. I'm not, honestly."

"I don't think that at all, Ter," Mari said sincerely, "Truly. El me..." she said with a dismissive shrug.

He sat down opposite Mari at the desk, a suddenly neutral expression on his face. "Actually, Mari, there was another reason I wanted to visit." He took a breath, and released it slowly. "I realise that people can be very protective over their past but, when we were in the holodeck, I got the impression that there was a reason that you pulled away from any ... intimacy. I wanted to say that, if you ever wanted to talk about it with me, either as a friend or as a counselor, I'm a very good listener."

Mari nodded, looking down at her desk for a moment. That was exactly what she was thinking of when she said just now that the problem was her, not him: her past. Slowly, she looked up at him and her gaze locked with his and, for a change, she did not hide the pain and loss she often found herself feeling. "I know you are...and I would like to tell you...when I'm ready, but I also wanted to make sure that I was telling you as a friend and *not* with you as my counselor...*that* is something I do not want. I know all too well the restrictions when there is a doctor/patient type relationship...and I've told you how much I enjoy restrictions being placed on me," she said with a wry grin.

Elek's smile was a a genuine reply. "I have that you will," he said. "When you do, this -" he pointed to his comm badge "and these -" he pointed to his rank pips "will come off, and it'll be two friends, talking. Thank you for listening to the ramblings of an old man, Mari."

Shaking her head, Mari said seriously, "No te preocupes. You were right. There is a lot in my past that you and Starfleet do not know about. I find myself wanting to tell you but...there is so much and it is so sad. My past is not something I like to reflect on. I would prefer to simply move past it..."

Elek nodded. "Deal," he said. "Perhaps, when you're next free, we'll have another holodeck training session?"

"Perhaps," Mari nodded, "Although I think I would prefer another meal..." she smiled, eyes sparkling.

Elek hesitated. "Technically, it's my turn to cook ... have you been fully immunized?"

Mari laughed and nodded, saying haughtily, "Claro que si! How could you possibly think it might be otherwise?" she asked with feigned disbelief.

"I just don't want to kill our new first officer with my salad dressing. Give me a few days to find something that won't make you feel ill, then come to mine."

Lieutenant (JG) Termin Elek

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez


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