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Revenge of the ugly sort

Posted on 24 May 2009 @ 11:04am by Colonel Stadi Andrus

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: Backpost to "Heading her off at the Pass"

Melanie heard about the 'creature' that was captured aboard the Romulan vessel. She went in search of Silonez. Her anger and sorrow overpowering her Betazoid sensibilities.

Silonez was sitting in his office, Janis was across the hall in the encryptions room. it was a quiet moment, a rare one for the moment. Silonez was preoccupied when he saw Melanie come storming in, he begain to think all hell was breaking loose.

"I need access to that 'thing' you have in the brig!" She exclaimed slamming her hands on his desk.

"Can't do it, I've been removed from the whole matter, because T'pal thinks I'm doing her job, and because the XO thinks I'm after her job." Silonez added "I'd like to help but I'm having a debate about my future here right now."

"If you are the intelligence officer I heard those stories about you will get me access!"

Silonez sat back in his chair, and looked up at her, "why should I help you destroy your career? murder isn't going to put an end to this. and its not going to bring your friend back, besides knowing T'pal and Mariposa if they acted on my advice he already is dead."

"He was more than my friend Silonez...he was my Imzadi. My life was over when Claire told me as for my career I don't care. If I hadn't come back to Starfleet I would be home with he would be alive!"

Silonez had read her file, and just continued "T'Pal and Mariposa were going to use a rather controvesial interrogation procedure that intellignce has used on captured Romulans, since neither of those amatures know how its done theres a good chance he is dead." Silonez paused "If he surrvived the procedure there is a way, but I'm not recomending you do this in the open."

"Stop beating around the bush Lieutenant and tell me what I need to do!"

Silonez stood and walked over to a wall safe after imputting the codes and counter-measures he opened it. "Assuming he surrvives the interrogation you'll need to get into the holding cell, then you'll need this." he handed her a modified TR-110 pistol, "its got a scilencer on it, you can come up with whatever excuse you want to shoot him, I'll ensure the monitoring cameras malfunction."

"Why are you risking your career for me?"

"I'm not above killing off a terrorist or two in detention, and if it looks like he tried to escape so much the better, if they ask about the pistol make an excuse like you thought you had to be armed or you hadn't checked your side arm in after the battle."

"Then this will not be traced back to you?" She asked looking at the pistol in her hands, mentally weighing it.

"I can assign the side arm to you so it looks official, but it can look like you didn't check your side arm after the battle, which will keep you out of alot of trouble, just don't get triger happy."

"I'll take it slow with him...don't you worry about that...Hypocratic Oath be damned."

"I'd rather it look like the interrogation drugs did it then Mariposa takes the blame, but this will have to do." silonez said vindictivly

"What is it about Mariposa then?" She asked.

Silonez started "During the meeting to decide how to procede I brought up a procedure that has been moderatly successful in interrogating vulcanoids using a sodium petathol derivative, a truth drug, the down side is its knowen to have some tragic side effects."

"We shall see then...This romulan deserves what is coming to him." He would also pay for Almek raping her.

Silonez debated what to say next, "just don't make it personal its business first otherwise you get sloppy and end up in trouble."

"Maybe I should of gone into Intelligence..." She said heading out of his office "Thank you Silonez...I will try and keep you out of this."

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom

Lt. Silonez Eircson
USS Freedom


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