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Young and Dumb Part-3

Posted on 05 Mar 2013 @ 11:27am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski
Edited on on 07 Mar 2013 @ 2:05am

1,261 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Nell - Club Chaos

[Dance floor]

Jason had been dragged to the floor, making sure the bar was still in sight. Looking around, he knew anyone watching his face would probably be laughing in moments. Shock, confusion, and apprehension would be the dominant emotions, while he tried to make sense of the movements. "What in the heck are they dancing to, I've never even seen anything like this." would be shouted to Lynette over the volume.

No sooner had they started then the music shifted to something much slower. Lynette simply looked at the young Marine, "So are you just going to stand there or are you going to put your arms around me? I don't least not yet."

The slower song was definitely easier on Jason than the previous, and it had a easy pattern to follow. Bowing formally, he took her hand and then wrapped his arms in the appropriate manner, making sure proper distance and decorum were observed. Leading off, he made sure to stay in sight of the bar and avoided stepping on her toes. Idly, he wondered why she was here alone, but didn't say anything yet.

She had never been met someone that acted like such a gentleman...she was almost sorry for using him the way she was. Looking over Jason's shoulder she saw that they had been seen and she pulled him as close to him as she could and pulled his head into her neck.

~What the...well, that was unexpected.~ Jason thought to himself as his head was pulled down, and then he was struggling to get it off her neck, this was totally improper for him.

[Far End of the Bar]

A group of 6 locals where drinking & laughing to themselves when one stopped his mouth open in surprise; “Hey hey hey...look, some Fleeter is moving in on Lynette."


"Right there...on the dance floor." Turning he saw some Fleeter chewing on his girls neck while he was practically on top of her. In a drunken rage he pushed through everyone and grabbed the asshole by the shoulder.

[The other end of the Bar]

Davis was about to answer he question when he saw a rather large guy move in and grab his new roommate..."Oh Hell. Here take these!" Shoving the remaining drinks at Jeannie and began to try and get to his new friend.

Jeannie grabbed the tray, somehow maneuvering her chocolate martini onto it. Then she looked over to where Davis was heading, noticing some guy who looked like the Hulk grabbing some guy who had to be Davis's friend. Then she saw Davis try to punch the guy - clipping him a good one in the back of the neck, which didn't seem to faze the Hulk that much. Two other guys were making their way to the fight on the dance floor, so Jeannie handed the tray to Shannon.

"Put that somewhere safe and call Sergeant K," she said. "Tell him some of his fellow Marines are getting pounded." She looked at the two guys, then picked the bigger of the two. "I'm gonna go mess some peeps up."

"Copy," Shannon replied.

Jeannie charged out onto the dance floor, doing a flying tackle into one of the other three men. The man staggered, then collapsed on the floor.

"Say what?" he shouted.

"Band of brothers," Jeannie snapped.

The grab to the shoulder jarred Jason, and in more ways than one. The person was definitely drunk by the smell of alcohol coming from him, and had come up too fast to avoid. Slightly confused, he registered the incoming hit to the jaw and was only able to slightly turn and duck his head. The result of the blow against his face tore some skin under the right eye, and staggered Jason back a step or two.

Operating on reflex now that adrenaline was hitting, Jason simply kicked out to catch the man square in the crotch, and then turned to face the "friends" that came to help the drunkard. For a simple night out, this was now a full out brawl, and he intended that one hit to be the only one that connected on him.

Out of nowhere a brawler had a bottle and swung out; Davis shouted a warning. "Down!"

As Jeannie ducked he rolled over her back and came up under the thugs chin with a palm strike. No sooner had she dropped the man then she was tackled by two others.

The club exploded in a full out brawl. Most of the off duty Starfleet personnel had had enough sense to keep out of the way but Marines...well they jumped into the fray to back up their fellow Jarheads.

It wasn't long before the local authorities burst in and everyone began to scatter. A few brawlers tried to get in a last shot or two only to get stunned. In the confusion Davis managed to find Eirias, grabbing him he made a break for the patio area but was met there by a swarm of local security teams. Davis, with his bloody lip, looked to Jason as he raised his hands.

There was no chance of them getting out of this one, Jason returned the look Davis sent him, right eye already developing the beginnings of a deep bruise and mingling with the dried blood from the cut. He also put his hands up, and sighed deeply before addressing Davis. "You know, next time you want to take me somewhere, let's think about it twice and wait till morning. I think we're about to be in some big trouble."

[Underneath two guys in the bar]

"Couldn't you have been better looking?" Jeannie grumbled into the armpit of the man who had tackled her. Then his dead weight came off her and she found herself staring up at a woman in a Security uniform.

"Oh man," she grumbled, and fervently hoped that Caldwell had been able to contact Sergeant K.

"Miss? Are you all right?" the Security trooper asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine," Jeannie replied. From the way she ached though, she doubted she would be saying the same tomorrow.

"Okay." The woman guided Jeannie over to a low couch in front of a holographic fire in a fireplace. "I need you to sit right there while I get a statement from the two men."

"Man," Jeannie muttered. She looked around for her purse, then realized she must have dropped it in the fight. "And I lost my favorite lip gloss. This sucks."

The Security officer took a seat near Jeannie, barely concealing the puzzled look on her face. "Can I get your name, please?"

"Um, Kaminari Tenaka, but everybody calls me Jeannie." She started picking at a torn spot on the sofa.

"Miss Tenaka, those two men over there say you attacked them. Is that correct?" She raised an eyebrow at the two tall men, and then bit her lip to stop her laughter before resuming a straight face.

"I was helping a friend. Their friend tried to attack my friend Davis's buddy. Davis went in to help his friend, and then those two guys came after Davis. So I went in."

"That's great and all, but don't you think that you should have called Security and let us handle it?"

"Yeah, but..." Jeannie stopped picking at the sofa and dropped the long thread she'd extracted onto the floor. "I guess."

"I'm going to need to take you into custody. Turn around and put your hands on the back of the sofa."



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