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Getting back into the swing of things

Posted on 25 Feb 2013 @ 12:24am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,148 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Achilles / SB-80
Timeline: MD 37 1834

Teresa took Vicki by the hand, and led her to the couch. They had just gotten back from the holodeck, where they had spent the day riding horses, and swimming. Their carefree days would soon come to an end, and Teresa had to explain it to Vicki. "Vicki honey. You know that we've had a lot of fun, right?" Vicki nodded. "Yes mommy."

Vicki was scared, but she tried to hide it. "Are you leaving again?"

Teresa took Vicki in her arms. "No honey. I'm not leaving you, again. Not this time. This time you are going with me. I'm just going back to work, on the ship. We have to move back on, soon. I was able to talk the engineers into building your bed the way you wanted it. Took some haggling with the engineer, trading that is, but we got it done. The captain had to give approval, too. As i believe there will be a gift sitting in the middle of your bed."

Vicki's eyes were as big as saucers. She really didn't care about the bed or present, at that point. "I get to go with you, again? I don't have to stay on the station?"

"Yes, you really get to go with me. No, you do not have to stay on the station."

Before she could say anything more, Vicki sat up quickly and wrapped her arms around Teresa. Vicki gave Teresa a child sized bear hug.

"Oof... I take it you like the idea?" Teresa said with a smile.

Vicki nodded. "Yes, ma'am. As long as I don't have to leave you, or you leave me."

"I won't be leaving you by yourself for long. I do have to go back to work, and you have to go back to school. I will be working while you're at school, unless there's an emergency. In that case, you will remain here with your nanny. However, i will not be separated from you for long."

Vicki mulled this over in her mind. "you go back to work in sickbay?"

Teresa nodded. "yes, and sometimes I’ll have to leave the ship, to help others. If it’s not too dangerous, i might be able to take you with me. That's a big might, though. However, i will return to the ship." Teresa was still working on the idea of where Vicki should go.

Should something happen to Teresa during a mission. Teresa was uncertain as to whether or not her parents would take Vicki or not. Not after the long legal battle. However, Teresa did not want Vicki in foster care or some orphanage. Teresa guessed she'd have to sooner or later bite the bullet, and contact her parents. She had no other options.

Back to Vicki, "all I’m saying is we will not be spending all day together, as much as we used to. Jason will have to go back to work, too. He will visit with us from time to time, but his job is harder than mine."

Vicki nodded. "I don't care that you and Jason have to go back to work. I just don't want to have to leave you, again."

"I understand. I don't think that will happen again, anytime soon." Teresa arose from the couch. "Why don't we go find dinner? We might even bump into Jason." "yippee! Pizza?" Vicki jumped up. "Pizza it is, then." Teresa led the way out the door.

As Teresa and Vicki walked along the promenade, they window shopped. Teresa still needed to decorate Vicki's room, and Vicki was helping her with ideas. "Mommy, may I play with Ali, please?" Vicki hadn't seen Ali since she had left Vicki with Teresa. "I don't see why not. Let's see what her father has to say." With that, Teresa tapped her combadge. =/=Lt. Windsar to Adm. Danal.=/=

Da`nal was enjoying a late meal as he looked over the late reports from his ne Task Force. If it hadn't been for Lance he would have been drowning in paperwork. Somehow he managed to keep pace with it all. Replacing his cup on the desk he tapped his communicator. =^= Da`nal here. What can I do for you Doctor?"

=^= I apologize, admiral, for interrupting your dinner. =^= she had caught sight of a chronometer, and cringed. =^=Vicki wants to know if she may have a play date with your children. That is, when its convenient for you and your family. =^= Teresa smiled at Vicki as she said this. She knew that the admiral was quite busy.

Of course he knew of the medical officer's daughter. Not just because she was a member of the crew but also from their children's interaction during the Kzinti War. Since Ahkil's death Da`nal had had to see to the care of his children. To her credit Ayren had taken on a large portion of their care, but he was still concerned for their education. To that end he had contacted his father and a new ghojmoq was on her way, but in the mean time... =^= I have no problem with the idea, Ariella would welcome the opportunity. =^=

=^=When would be a good time for you and your family?=^= As she and the admiral talked Teresa and Vicki continued to walk.

Not wanting to interrupt her mother, Vicki pointed to a store full of candy, with a pleading look on her face.

Teresa started to shake her head, no, but held up a finger, to hold off anymore pleading. Teresa wanted to think on it some more, before giving Vicki a definitive answer. Vicki had been pretty good all week, but she had had a lot of different sweets. Teresa decided that she would allow Vicki one candy. If Vicki argued about it she wouldn't get any.

Da`nal handed another padd to Lance...Running a Task force seemed to be more paperwork than is was work. He ached to get out into deep space again and dealing with real issues and not these administrative tasks. =^=As we are still on leave feel free to contact Ayren I'm sure she would be more than happy to set something up.=^=

There was a bit of a pause and Da`nal spoke again. =^=Will there be anything else Doctor?=^=

=^=My apologies, Admirable. I was answering Vickie's question. That will be all, Sir.=^=

=^=Very good Da`nal out. =^= After closing the channel he looked up to his Yeoman who indicated that the paperwork was all done for the day. Rising he cracked his neck, dismissed his aide and headed to his quarter's. The Doctor's comment about dinner had reminded him of how hungry he had been getting. As he walked the corridors he changed direction and headed to the biologoy lab where Lt. Goodshire kept a supply a gagh...all alive and well.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Ltjg Teresa Wendsar


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