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Dinner with the Boss - Part 1

Posted on 29 Dec 2012 @ 4:22pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,223 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80 - Flag Officers Quarters


Now they were all together again, Da'nal was enjoying the time with his son. The two were wrestling in the main room of their quarter; many might say that it play fighting, but for Klingon 'play' wasn't in the vocabulary. Garath had left himself open and his father's sharp jab to his plexus let him know his error. Even as his son tried to catch himself, Da'nal followed through and put the boy on his back.

Ayren turned to look at the boys playing, stirring the roy root sauce she was preparing. If they were human, or even Betazoid, the bigger of the boys would have been called a bully. "Don't break the furniture!" Ayren said playfully

Ariella enjoyed the cooking and was cutting up the rest of the roy root. It was pretty hard and needed to be sliced thinly. This gave Ariel the opportunity to hone her skills with a knife and do help with cooking as well. "

Da'nal never left his son's side and helped him to his feet. "You have to guard yourself like this..." Assuming a fighting stance he showed his son the proper technique. "DaH [Now]."

Da'nal watched and only had to make a minor correction. "Good, now strike."

"Hold that." moving around him quickly he continued his instruction. "Excellent. Now attack me again."

This time there was no opening and Da'nal's blow, while still landing, was blocked. Da'nal considering the lesson over stepped in towards Garath, but his son wasn't finished. Garath's blow leapt out as hard as he could and given their height difference Da'nal was in 'trouble'.

"Good move Garath," Ayren encouraged until she saw where blow was heading and she cringed.

Seeing what was unfolding Da’nal’s quick reflexes was all that saved As the jab glanced off his leg he reached down catching his son's outstretched arm and he pulled the boy to him seizing him up with pride. "EXCELLENT!"

Ayren just giggled with Ariel who also followed the wrestling and they bumped each other in womanly conspiracy. The food was nearly ready and Ayren poured the roy root source over the raw and delicately prepared 'lingta' steak.

"Ariella, take the Qul DIr [fire skins] and the bloodwine to your father, please," Ayren said as she passed it to her and then started to place the rest of the food on the table. "Garath, and if you want to eat, you need to give me a hand with this," she said jokingly.

Just as he finished the chime sounded. Da`nal, turning to towards the door, responded to the chime "Enter."

When the doors opened, it reviled a blue skin woman wearing the standard Starfleet uniform. Her eyes shifted left and right, as she took in the wonderful smell of food being cooked. Held within her hands, was a purple velvet bag that was wrapped around a bottle. She stepped in as she looked towards the others, while offer a smile.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I, sir?" the Andorian Klingon stated

"Not at all. Come in."

She handed the bottle off and said in a serious tone, referring to an old Klingon reference about Romulans, that was filled with a bluish liquid similar in shade to the illegal drink "Beware of Romulans bearing gifts."

Da`nal chuckled, looking down at the bottle as he accepted it. "Good thing I don't see any Romulan's. How did you get Romulan Ale?"

She laughed as she shook her head "If I could get Romulan Ale, I would simply use it for medicinal purposes. But, no that is merely Andorian Brandy. Not as strong as Romulan Ale or Bloodwine, but a little smoother going down. I also have something for the kids, if that's if it's okay with you."

"That is just fine. You should see the list of beverages we picked up on SB 47.

Sara, looked to each of the children. She placed her hands upon her hips "Have you warriors, know the way of Kahless?"

Da`nal looked down to Garath and nodded.

Garath stood proudly and replied. "The three blades of the teek googk are duty, honor, and loyalty."

Ayren stepped out of the kitchen area. "Hi, welcome," she said.

"Yes, but do you know the history behind the three blades?" she asked as she looked over Ayren and nodded at her "Ma'am"

Though young; Akil had kept up on their education while their father had been at war and both knew the answer but Garath was the bolder of the two. "Yes," he said confidently. The weapon was favored by Kahless and he used it as the symbol of his house and then the Empire."

"Ah good" she returned upon hearing Garath "Then you know, a warrior not only relays on strength alone. A true warrior also relays on their mind as well. Knowing ones opponent is to determine a weakness, as well relaying on those that you can trust, will always being glory to your house and the Empire"

Da`nal felt pride at his sons confidence, even though only partly Klingon he was developing into a proper warrior. "Well enough of the quiz...let us eat."

Sara nodded her head at hearing it was time to eat, she wondered what was made. The Andorian Klingon made her way to the table.

"That is a good idea," Ayren chimed in from the kitchen, where she prepared some more fireskins and brought the She placed utensils close to Sara, in case she wanted to use them and sat down next to Da'nal. She picked up a few HIq HIvje' (glasses for the Andorian brandy) and passed them to Da'nal and Sara.

"Well let me explain what we have here," she said. "We have some fresh gagh, boqrat rump served with a solange infused roux, some Klingon Betazoid fusion cooking," she joked. "We also have tender, blue lingta' steak, served with roy root sauce, and some ja'q'a soup, made with a medley of mixed vegetables and herbs, including Andorian green carrot and sweet sava," she said. "And there is also some ighvah, a liver soup and the children's favorite. And we will have homemade ice cream and chocolate sauce for dessert.." she added.

Sara nodded her head as she smiled, but she wonder if Fresh meat reproduced in the replicator or gathering it from a vender. She looked to Ayren, with a look upon her face that gave question to what she was wonder, but for the life of the half Andorian Klingon, she was finding it hard to find the right wording to say in front of the captain and his mate.

"From a vender, I hope" Sara final stated when she came to the conclusion that Ayren has been dealing with Klingon bluntness for some time now.

"Yes, from a very good butcher," she confirmed. "I stock up on fresh produce every chance I get," Ayren explained politely.

"Ah." Sara returned with a nod "Don't get me wrong, replicators do a good job at making any item fresh, but they don't understand what live fresh taste like. I can't recall when the last time I had anything fresh."

"On the space station there is a good Q'e (Klingon restaurant) or two and a some suppliers catering to Klingons and other meat eating species...†she said.



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