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Posted on 13 Apr 2013 @ 11:53am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

486 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Just after No worse for wear post

Da`nal watched the disheveled ensign leave for sick bay had was following him out to return to the bridge as the Ciara stopped him. By her manner it was obvious there was something wrong. "Is there something wrong Commander?"

She entered his ready room handing him a padd.

Da`nal reading the heading his head darted up, the timing couldn't have been worse and his expression was a mix of anger and disappointment. "Care to explain this Commander?" He could see that she was barely holding her emotions in check.

"I'm sorry sir...I just can't do this anymore. Every morning I wake up, expecting my children to pounce on the bed or to find my husband still asleep next to me but then reality hits and I'm alone.

"When we were fighting our way home, there was a measure of revenge and something to keep me occupied. But now...I hear their voices and see their faces every time I close my eyes". Not able to contain it any longer tears streamed down her cheeks.

This was a situation that neither his culture, nor his training had prepared him for. He was a Klingon...a warrior by birth and training. His training as a Starfleet officer told him what he should do but in all his years had never had to do anything close to it. Placing the padd on his desk he placed a hand on her shoulder as he did she hug him and began to weep openly.

At first he was surprised but slowly his arms fell around her offering her whatever strength she needed.

After a moment the sobbing subsided and she pulled away quickly surprised by her outburst. "I am SO sorry sir. I don't know what to say. I..."

During her outburst he had a revelation, one that put sole responsibility for her state on his shoulders. "There is nothing to apologize for...", brushing his now damp uniform jacket, "'ll dry. You suffered a great loss and no one would deny that. When I recalled you and you hesitated I challenged you to honor the memory of your loved ones by your service. That is a very Klingon attitude and I should not have put you in that situation. One you are not Klingon and I should not have expected to deal with your loss as one. You needed time to mourn and heal and I didn't give you the time to do so.

"I accept your resignation. I only hope it is not permanent, as it would be a great loss to the Federation."

Ciara was surprised by the Admiral's response not only to her resignation but bawling her head off, and almost started crying again. Wiping her face she managed a smile, "Thank you Admiral. It's been an honor."

"The honor has been mine Ciara."

With that they shook hands and Da`nal watched her leave.


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