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Young and Dumb Part-5

Posted on 07 Mar 2013 @ 2:03am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski
Edited on on 07 Mar 2013 @ 2:06am

2,069 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Nell - Detention Center

Taking a deep breath he let it out slowly, as he glanced to Post then towards the Magistrate. He had a hunch that the charges where only being brought to get something out of the situation. "Captain Feriin, I cannot allow this...situation to delay my ships activities nor will I leave my crew behind while this is settled. Would the owner be willing to drop the charges against my crew if I have an engineering team see these...damages?"

Captain Feriin, smirked slightly. "I have a feeling that he would indeed. If you like I can have some take you to you personnel while I pass along your offer."

Da`nal nodded and Captain Feriin called for one of the other officers to take them back into the holding area as he headed towards the side room he had seen someone enter earlier. The officer entered a code and then showed the pair into the holding area before resealing the door behind him.

Jeannie had been pacing the cell, counting off steps for lack of anything better to do. Then the door opened. She looked over, and her eyes widened.

"Room! Attention!" she shouted, snapping to that particular position as a Klingon with Admiral's rank and the Marine Captain walked into the room.

That was one call Jason knew well, and on pure reflex, he snapped right to. Seeing who had come, he mentally groaned seeing his guess was right, and prepared for the worst. This whole situation was his fault, and he was planning to take the responsibility as soon as he could.

Post followed after the Admiral. In this situation it was primarily his concern to deal with the overall picture whereas the discipline of the Marines themselves was more her area. It went without saying that she wasn't best pleased about all of this. Over the years the Starfleet Marines had, unfortunately, gained themselves a certain reputation, one that its officers were eager not to perpetuate any further. At the same time she knew that all too often in these occasions there was a story behind it, and in many cases it wasn't completely the marines fault, and she was always one to back up her marines. Hell if she had been there and it had been a different situation (and if she wasn't a detachment commander) then things could have been different, in that she might well have joined in as well. A disciplinary issue could be overcome; breaking the camaraderie was another matter entirely.

"Well, Well, Well, what do we have here?" Post commented wryly. "One Straight Line Marines, on the double."

Da`nal watched silently as the Marines fell in and dress and covered on each other. Walking up to the large cell he turned to the detention officer. "Deactivate field." As the security screen came down he stepped into the cell; his keen senses smelled the blood but not as much alcohol as he had expected. Looking back to the officer. Did you test the blood/alcohol levels?"

"Yes sir, we did. These two..", indicating Davis and Eirias, "...were clean. The other two had minimal level. They were probably on their first drink when the fight broke out."

Turning back to the line as he began to walk from one to the other. "So, not only have you all managed to get into a bar brawl, find away to get Captain Post and myself down here in the middle of the night, make more work for the engineering crews that should be finishing the repairs and renovations to my ship...but you all managed to pull this all off while you were sober!"

Jason's face was starting to turn that brilliant crimson red that only comes from the young and guilty, his eyes were beginning to adopt the infamous 'thousand yard stare', while the rest of him would have made durasteel look more yielding. Mentally reviewing the situation, he was in the middle of trying to think how to relay the events accurately but his mind was also in the middle of a discussion with itself. ~ They're both here, neither one is happy about this, not like they should be considering... I think I'm going to end up in serious trouble since this whole chain of events is my fault...wonder how long I'll be in the brig for this once I admit to's going to kill me when he finds out, and Matt will be laughing for a month... ~ Futilely, he tried to shut the thoughts out, but remained unable.

Jeannie kept staring straight ahead, even as the Admiral passed her. Mentally she was deflating faster than a balloon with a pinhole in it. Would this be a court-martial? If nothing else, Sergeant K was probably going to have some sort of incredibly creative extra duty he'd be dishing out. Her jaw clenched as she remembered the time Whelan had had to clean out the waste disposal bins on the hydroponic deck of the Villalobos. He'd reeked of rotten vegetable slime for days afterward.

He stopped at Eirias and gripped his chin in hand turning his head to the side to examine both the cut and glorious black eye that was forming. "I haven't met you yet Mister. What’s your name and when did you report?"

The gripping of his chin stopped the flow of thoughts, and since Jason hadn't been focusing totally, his body reflexively started to shift into a defensive stance. Fortunately, he managed to check the reaction before well before it went far, avoided laying hands on a senior officer, and took a breath before responding in an emotionally dead, calm voice. "PFC Eirias, Jason Matthew, and six days ago, Admiral". ~When facing a flag officer, speak when spoken to and don't overdo it~ Briefly, he thought he heard that fragment of advice in his ear just like he had years ago.

"Did you defeat the person that did this to you?"

Now Jason's flush deepened. "He was being taken to the hospital, I heard the medics on scene talking about a broken nose, bruised testicles, and several broken ribs from, Admiral." Had he intended to do that much damage, nope! Did he anyway, yep!

The corner of his mouth turned up in a prideful grin. "Good"

Stepping away from the PFC he took a position before them all. "The local magistrate has informed me that this was a case of self defense that the rest of you came to the defense of one of our own; therefore your honor is intact. However, you also got caught so charges have been file and the ships Honor has been tarnished. Captain Post..."

"The Starfleet Marine Corps is supposed to protect the Federation's Citizens, not physically assault them, I understand the situation Marines, but you are just that, Marines, you should know damned better than to start putting the moves on the local girl around a bunch of drunk Colonists... I would have thought you'd all seen enough holo programs to know how that ends, and for once that's not a media exaggeration," Post said, looking up and down the line. "That being said, the Admiral is right, I would much rather have you all here in this brig because you stood shoulder-to-shoulder with your comrades, than one of our number sitting in a hospital because he got his ass kicked by a larger number of angry locals... and at least you won."

Post paused and looked over at the Admiral.

"Anything else for them, Sir?"

"I will leave any disciplinary action be it official or unofficial to you. Have them get checked out in sickbay to make sure there's nothing broken, but no other medical treatments are to be given. They will all wear their bruises or cuts until they heal naturally so that all aboard will know who dishonored their ships reputation."

"Aye-Aye, Sir, I'll decide what to do with these reprobates..." Post said, glancing back over at the marines, and then noticing that the Admiral was turning to leave. "Detail, Detail, Shun!"

With his orders acknowledge Da`nal turned, leaving Captain Post the deal with 'her' people. He nodded to the guard who opened the door as he approached and the Admiral left to arrange for the Marines release.

Kaz stopped by the guard standing outside the door, waiting for the Admiral to say his piece. This was not good. His team already had the Lobo hanging over their heads, this wasn't going to make things any better. He sighed. Just then, the door opened and the Admiral walked out, acknowledging Kaz with a nod of his head.

"Evening sir, sorry to see you here." he said. Then Kaz explained who he was to the guard, and was allowed in.

He looked over to Captain Post, wondering if she'd recognize him in his jeans and denim shirt with the sleeves half rolled up. "Evening ma'am," he said. "You mind if I take over this formation for a moment?"

"Evening Staff Sergeant," Post replied with a weary expression as she turned to see one of her SNCOs. "You can have them, I'll speak with the Sergeant Major and I'll want them back on morning parade ready to be informed of the decision."

Kaz turned to look at the line of Marines. Then he shook his head before snapping to attention himself.

"Group! Front leaning rest position, move!" He watched as they all scrambled down into pushup position. "Beat your faces until I get tired...of watching you."

Slightly ahead of the others, as soon as the order was given, Jason was already down on the floor and starting to push. After a few minutes of pushing and yelling the count, he caught the scent of fresh blood as the exercise reopened the cut above his eye. Per the instruction given to not have it treated until it healed on his own, his only reaction was to space his hands slightly further apart to increase the time until the blood reached them. He'd be the last one to ask for any consideration.

Post glanced back at her Marines.

"In the meantime, if they've got the energy to start brawling..." Post commented. "Find them something useful to do between now and morning parade, I'm sure that now we've got the ship back there'll be plenty of things to sort out in Marine Country. Understood, Staff Sergeant?"

Kaz smiled. "Oh, I understand, ma'am. I was thinking though, that Engineering might want some help. I mean, don't we have sewage tanks that need clearing out? I could get them on something now...since my night's completely shot thanks to some privates!"

He looked back to Captain Post. "But here's what I'm thinking, ma'am. Let them get some sleep tonight." He looked over to the group. "Give them time to realize how freaking DUMB they were! Especially YOU, Tenaka!"

"Cancel their leave, they report to me after PT tomorrow. I got some boxes that need moving. Then I'll go talk with Engineering in the morning and find out what they need doing. Stick them with extra duty until we leave dry dock."

"I'll make the decision in the morning," Post replied. "Until then my orders stand, Staff Sergeant."

"Yes ma'am." After she left, Kaz looked over to the group. "Well, guess there will be no sleeping here tonight." He took out his comm badge and tapped it with his thumb. "Sarnek?"

"Yes, Staff Sergeant Kasmierski."

"Find out who's the Petty Officer on duty tonight and tell him or her to call me." He looked over at the line of enlisted, then walked over to Eirias. "I've got some people who need a job. Kasmierski out." He knelt.

"Hey Private. Tomorrow you get that fixed." He stood. Considered saying some fancy speech about knowing when to fight and when to fold, but decided that would be dumb.

"When we get back to ship, you lot report straight to the duty officer. Don't let me find out you went to your rack."

Arrangements made Da`nal, hailed the Achilles, "One to beam up." As the beam took hold he was grinning as he thought, laughing to himself...~bruised testacies~.



Rear-Admiral Da`nal

PFC Jason Eirias

Captain Rebecca Post
Marine CO

SSgt Philip Kasmierski
Recon - Omega Team Lead

NPC's played by:
Da`nal, Kasmieski, & Brannagh


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