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Trust Must be Earned

Posted on 30 Jan 2013 @ 9:51am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Richard Dillon

1,502 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: USS Achilles - Ready Room

Sitting once again in his ready room..though slightly remodeled. His personal items had been delivered but still sat off to the side as he looked at the monitor while he reviewed the service record of his new intel chief once again. So far he had found nothing either in the record or otherwise that looked out of place. He was still slightly suspicious, but had nothing substantial to go on.

Leaning back in his new chair he frustratedly slapped his commbadge. =^= Rear-Admiral Da`nal to Ltjg Dillion. Report to my ready room onboard the Achilles. =^=

Richard heard the voice of his new CO over his commbadge and tapped it in response =^= Lieutenant Jg Dillon to Commodore Da'nal, understood sir I'll be there momentarily. =^= Richard knew that the first meeting between a ship commanding officer and a department head was a crucial one, first impressions were incredibly hard to change, he only hoped that he made a good one.

Richard quickly ensured that his uniform was up to the specifications of any of his previous CO's and officers, hoping that it would be enough to pass muster from a Flag Officer, and stepped into the nearest turbo-lift and headed for the bridge.

He stepped smartly onto the Achilles bridge and strode towards the ready room door, pressing the admittance chime he waited for the response to enter before entering the private domain of the master of the ship. Drawing himself to parade attention he said smartly "Lieutenant Junior Grade Richard Dillon reporting as ordered sir."

Da`nal looked the officer up and down appraisingly as he stood before his desk. "Have a seat Lieutenant."

Richard sat down in the offered chair and kept his expression as neutral as possible, not wanting to give away what he was thinking to his new Commanding Officer.

Da`nal frowned slightly, his personal issues were coloring his opinions and he knew it, a fact that only soured his mood. And the officer before him was unfortunately the recipient of that frustration. "Let me be frank Mr. Dillion, while I understand the...advantages of your specialty, I find many of the methods dishonorable."

Richard nodded his head, although the comment stung he understood the basic reasoning behind it, this would not be the first commanding officer that was less than thrilled to have an Intelligence Department Head serving on their vessel.

"I understand your concerns Sir, but if I may be as equally frank, that is the entire point of the Intelligence Department, we are willing to do things that others may find distasteful because we understand the value of the information that we can gather. Information properly applied can be as equally valuable as a Squadron of Sovereign Class Ships. But is there anything in particular that you have a problem with Sir? Something that you don't condone?"

Richard hoped he has not angered his new CO but he had the feeling that his superior officer would appreciate his frankness and openness; at least that is what he hoped.

Da`nal, his elbow resting on the arm of his chair, leaned into his hand and pulled at his beard as the man before him stood his ground. "Your point is well taken Lieutenant and I admire your conviction. I like an officer that isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in as long it is done without being subordinate."

"My history with intelligence officers has been about as tasteless as dead gagh." Lowering his hand he leaned forward. "You want to know what I will not tolerate? I will not tolerate you acting on orders other than mine. Your predecessor acted without my orders as this ship was heading into war. You get orders from STI, fine. You need to leave the ship or go covert, fine. But you WILL inform me of any orders you receive. Your record shows you to be a skilled warrior and an honorable officer, if that continues there will be no problems. However, you go rogue or put this ship and crew in danger and I will kill you myself."

"I will take your word Sir about the gagh, having only ever tasted the live kind and found the experience to be, unique. I am sorry that my predecessor has left you with such a poor impression of my Department, having not yet had the time to examine the records the previous holder of my position I do not know their reasons for acting in the manner that they did. However some of my comrades in STI can be, quite overzealous in their interpretation of their orders. For my own part I shall say that I find that any officer, no matter the position, that interferes with the running a ship and acts contrary to the orders of his Commanding Officer to be unworthy to wear the uniform.â€

Richard ran his hand through his short hair and continued “However Sir I will not deny that I will, as you said, receive instructions from my STI superiors, I will in some cases be asked to do distasteful things, sometimes maybe even for the good of the ship. But I am more than happy to obey the order that you have just given me, I will inform you of any mission, objective or task I am given, and should you be unavailable I will follow the chain of command.â€

Looking the Flag Officer in the eyes Richard asked the question that most Intelligence Officers hated asking of their shipboard CO’s “Sir now if I may ask something else? Is there anything that you believe warrants my immediate attention before we get completely underway? Something that you want handled now?â€

Thinking back to his recent run in with Reynolds he thought about the question. "Not at this time. Once we are once again underway that will change. However, for the time being gather as much information on current activity along the Romulan-Klingon border."

"I can do that Sir, is there anything specific that you want me to look for? I have a few contacts out towards that area of space, if we're going to be sticking around here for a little while I might be able to get at least one of them to the station or meet them a little closer to their own ground if I have permission to take a shuttle out that way?" Richard's mind was already working through his list of contacts to see who might be able to make a) the trip to the station and b) who might have the most information on the border.

Again Reynolds and her cohorts came to mind and he tried to force the distrust from his mind. He had no reason to take the office at his word; in fact this could be the very thing to test him. "Permission granted." However not knowing the character of his contacts he offered another option. "Would your 'contacts' be more forthcoming if they met with you as a civilian...not using a Federation craft?"

Richard thought for a moment "Actually I think that might be the best way to go sir, a few of the people that I am going to talk to have to talk to know who I really am, they provide me with information so as certain information about them does not get back to certain superiors either Civilian or Military. There are some however who believe me to be a mercenary, so showing up in a Starfleet craft is not easy to explain away, I've had to do it more than once but I'd rather not push my luck. Any help that you could give me in getting a craft that doesn't scream Federation would be greatly appreciated."

Just as he finished speaking Richard had another thought "Sir I don't know your history with my predecessor, only what you have told me, and it's clear that you don't trust me yet and I understand the reasons why. But would you be more comfortable with me taking another Officer along with me on this mission, perhaps Ms Valentine, she's from my department but she's already an established member of your crew. Or anyone else you might like to assign?"

Da`nal liked the idea of a second body going along...someone to keep an eye on things. "Ms. Valentine is only newly arrived as well, just a short time prior to yourself. Take one of the Marines with you. Someone more experienced and is a little rough around the edges would work better for a mercenary cover than a fresh graduate.

"Get your information and get back here as soon as possible. Dismissed."

Richard rose and stood to attention "Yes Sir, I'll have the full mission brief on your desk ASAP" he turned smartly on his heel and strode to the door.

Da`nal stopped the Lieutenant at the door. "Lieutenant.

"Ye Sir?"

"Welcome Aboard....Qapla."


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lieutenant JG Richard Dillon


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