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Mommy's not going anywhere...

Posted on 31 Jan 2013 @ 12:10pm by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

521 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Counselor's Office

Teresa decided it was time for Vicki to see a counselor. Vicki was having nightmares again.
~The stress of being separated must have started them.~ Teresa thought.

Last time Vicki had been separated from Teresa it had been for four years. Then, Vicki's grandparents had tried to separate them permanently, and this had been hard on Vicki. Vicki had nightmares after Teresa had won her case, and they had gone away without counseling, but Teresa felt that it was time to get professional assistance. Teresa knew that she would be dealing with separation anxiety, again. She could already see the signs.

Tapping her combadge she contacted the counselor.

=^=Kelan here, go ahead =^= Ayren said as she stepped out of her office.

"I need to schedule a counseling appoinment for my daughter. A Case of possible Seperation anxiety disorder. Her name is Valarie V. Wendsar."

Ayren recognized the name and her thoughts immediately went to the little girl. She looked at her padd to see when she had an opening. =^= You can bring her in one hour, =^= she said.

Teresa looked at Jason to make certain that they had nothing planned.

"One hour will be fine. We will see you then, counselor."

[One hour later]

Teresa led Vicki into the outer office of the counselor's office. Vicki was clutching her favorite stuffed teddy bear.

"I want you to talk about whatever you want to talk about, Vicki." They seemed to be continuing a conversation, that had begun before they had entered the office.

"I won't talk 'bout the bad dreams."

"You don't have to talk about the dreams, honey..." As they were talking the counselor walked out.

Ayren sensed them approaching, as well the anxiety of the little girl and se stepped out of her office to greet them. Going down on her haunches she put our her hand. "Hello there," she said with a warm smile, knowing that Val would recognize her from when she took her to her mom.

"I 'member you. You brought me to mommy. I talk to you?"

Teresa smiled. "Yes, sweetie. I'm going to walk over to sickbay and check things out." Looking at the counselor, "How long do you think you will be?" Vicki turned to Teresa, and grabbed a hold of her. "No, mommy. Stay with me, please..."

"i would like you to be there as well," Ayren answered. "And we won't be long," she said warmly at the little one. "Would you like to go to the holodeck, any favorite place?" she asked Val

Vicki thought about the question for a minute, then responded. "i would like to go horseback riding." Teresa nodded with approval. "that would be fine. You are not going alone, so you may. That's if the counselor doesn't mind." Vicki gave a little smile, and looked at the counselor hopefully.

"I don't at all... I ride nearly every day," Ayren said. "And I have a few programms to choose from," she added. "So.. if you are ready, we can go right away.." she said.

The three went to the holodeck so Ayren couls continue her work with Vicki.



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