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Playing a Hunch

Posted on 06 Jan 2013 @ 12:55am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

938 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Flag officer's Offices...and elsewhere
Timeline: MD 35 - 20:15

Now that things had settle into a nice routine Da`nal entered his office to review the status reports on the repairs and the various reports from the task group he commanded. As he glanced over the various reports he again had a nagging feeling that events were unfolding that could put his family...his house in jeopardy.

Setting the padds aside he activated his monitor. "Computer locate Francois Briam, father to Anita Briam, last known residence Earth, European continent, France. Include personnel records search between 2310 to 2370, former member of Starfleet Intelligence. "

The computer's reply came he knew it would. "There is no record of a Francois Briam having served in Starfleet intelligence."

Staring out the large windows at the ships and shuttles buzzing about; "Expand search to all Fleet departments, same time period."

He knew the search would take longer this time and that the results would be the same, "There is no record of a Francois Briam..."

"Repeat search. Include archival records."

He knew the results would be the same and when the results came in he again expanded the scope of his inquiry.

"Repeat search. Access classified documents for the same period, authorization Danal-Gamma-748291."

Stepping over to a shelf he opened a bottle of bloodwine as he did he felt the effects of a transport take hold and he grinned slightly. It had worked.

Arms crossed, she watched the figure materialize. Nodding at the bottle, "Have enough for two of those," she asked?

The face was slightly worn but the face and the voice was familiar. "Reynolds, still skulking in the shadows I see."

"You've come a long way since last we spoke but I see you're still looking into things you shouldn't. I told you to leave well enough alone. As far as you are concerned the Briam's no longer exist."

"My children are Anita's children, his grandchildren, so he does exist. Where is he?"

She smirked. "He doesn't exist."

Da`nal returned her smirk with one of his own. "The padd I have with his complete service record says otherwise."

The reaction was there but only just. Briam had been a highly placed operative in Starfleet Intelligence, later recruited into Section 31. While there was no record of his affiliation but his travel and capture by the Cardassians could be...embarrassing.

"If I think my family is in danger I will do WHATEVER I deem necessary." The surprise on her face was a welcome sign, but there was something else...

What was he talking about his family was of no interest to...unless. Either way she blindly stated, "No one has threatened your family Mr. Da`nal."

"Then where is Briam and that's Commodore Da`nal to you."

That had actually made her grin; something she knew would irritate the Klingon. "Listen, I will look into your concerns, but I want that padd you mentioned in return."

Da`nal grinned as he shook his head. "No. You either aid me or you don't. But if ANYTHING happens to my family I will use every resource of my House to hunt him down! Now return me to my office."

Now it was Reynolds turn to be irritated. "Don't even think you can threaten me...Commodore! You have no idea of what I can do!"

Da`nal slipped the blade from the waist of his jacket and rushed the arrogant operative. Only to collapse in a heap, roaring in anger as he struggled to move.

Reynolds took a step forward towards Da`nal, careful not to enter the high gravity zone. "A nice little security measure don't you think. Right now you weigh over 7 times your normal weight. If I leave you here you'll die as you find harder and harder to breath and your heart eventually gives out. Even now you are no doubt beginning to feel the effects."

Kneeling she continued even as Da`nal continued to fight against hold of the gravity plating. "The padd is off no consequence and I will look into your concerns. We only address threats to the Federation and if one of our own has strayed from that path WE will deal with the problem. You will hear some me soon."

Without another word she rose and left followed by her escorts. After the door had closed Da`nal could feel the grip of gravity loosening, but not before he passed out.

[Hours Later]

Da`nal woke on the floor with a splitting headache, every joint in his body ached, but he was able to move freely. Rising slowly he looked around at his surroundings. "Lights."

Obediently the lights came on as Da`nal pick up his blade placing back in the sheath within the hem of his jacket. "Computer, what is the time and where am I?"

"Station time is 02:47, current location is deck 1107, subsection 5, holodeck 153."

“A holodeck?!†Da`nal angrily looked around at his surroundings; obviously he had been beamed hear from his office. “Computer, end program!†At his command everything in the room faded and was replaced with the familiar grid pattern. Leaving the holodeck in the lower reaches of the Starbase he found the nearest lift and headed to his quarters.

[Unknown Vessel – Unknown Location]

Agent Reynolds stepped off the holo-communications padd and looked to her aid. “I want that padd. We can’t risk it falling into someone elses hands or people to start asking questions.â€

“Yes Ma’am. Should we use a non-affiliated specialist? Say one of his own people on supposed training mission?â€

She grinned at the irony, “Set it up.†~This will be interesting;~ she thought to herself.


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