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Sick Child

Posted on 02 Jan 2013 @ 3:35pm by Lieutenant Fraya Winters & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Sickbay

Ailish woke up to Britta crying. She crawled out of bed and went to the child's crib taking Britta in her arms. "Shhhh..." She tried to soothe the baby but nothing worked. Ailish felt Britta's forehead and it was warm to the touch.

~Perfect! We haven't been here 24 hours and Britta is sick.~ She thought to herself. Ailish placed Britta on her bed while she quickly changed her clothes.

"Come on..we're headed to sickbay my girl." She said picking up Britta and headed for sickbay.

Britta still wouldn't stop crying. "Please Britta..." She pleaded.

"Hello?" She called out as she entered sickbay. "Can someone please help me?"

Stepping out of her officer upon hearing a crying child. Sara, made her way over to the woman holding the young child. She looked at the woman, offer her a smile and then turned her attention to the young child.

"Hello little one" she said softly as she softly brushed her head "Not feeling well, are we? Awww poor baby"

Sara stepped off to the side as she escorted Ailish and her baby to a near by bed "So what's wrong with your little one?" asked Sara as a nurse brought over a tricorder

"Britta woke up with a fever...I haven't seen her with a fever like this before..." Ailish was worried and Britta was still crying. Her baby's face flushed from the fever and the tears. Ailish had tears threatening her eyes.

"I see" she looked down at the Britta, her smile not fading "I know what you want and believe it'll make you feel all better."

Britta screamed and fresh tears fell down her cheeks, Ailish's heart was breaking seeing her daughter like this.

"You like a teddy bear?" Sara said kindly to Britta "But before give you a teddy bear, I'm going to use this plastic noise maker"

Sara opened the tricorder up and held it near Britta. The lights flickered on and off, hummed softly. Sara, pointed to the small screen as she looked at Britta "This here, tell me what wrong with and right now, this telling me that your mommy is sad and worried about you. She wants to be happy. You think you can help me make your mommy, happy"

Temporary distracted by the tricorder Britta reached for it. "What's wrong with her doctor?" She asked.

"Teething and having a flu all at once" Sara stated as she smiled as she felt Britta's hand on her hand "Well Auntie Sara has something for her that taste yummy yummy for her tummy tummy"

Sara looked over to the nurse and asked for water in a bottle, paused as she looked Ailish "Is she allergic to any form of meds, food, or what not?"

Ailish shook her head, "Human flu or?" She asked and wished that Alex was there with her. Ailish tried soothed her baby.

Sara nodded her head, before looking back to the nurse and gave her orders for certain medicine and strength within water at a flavor that tasted like cherry ice cream. She looked down at Britta as the Klingon Andorian made goofy happy faces and moved her antennas up and down to help make Britta feel comfortable, the doctor even let the little girl play with the tricorder.

Britta pushed away the bottle of flavoured water making a pouting face, she would have no part of it. She took the tricorder and tried to stick in her mouth making Ailish giggle. "Let's hope it still works when she is done with it. "Ailish smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

Sara smiled at the young human child "It will and to put you mind at ease, it's merely the human flu." She looked up towards the nurse and gave her a few commands that cloaked a surprise for Britta.

"If I am not mistaken, Britta, is hungry" Sara informed softly.

A few second later, the nurse return with a teddy bear and a soft teething ring, that looked like a rattle.

"Thank you, Nurse" Sara said as she handed the ideas to Ailish "The ring is the medicine, for her teething and illment. The Bear, is for her for being a good girl"

"Thank you for everything." She whispered. Ailish was very protective over Britta, she was that last tangible link to her deceased husband and she would hang on to her as long as she could. It was just the flu...she reminded herself.

"Your welcome, Ms. Winters" she returned in a whisper as her attention Britta as she smiled at the little girl "Who's a cute girl? Yes you are"

Sara leaned forward played with the little girl. She made spoke to the child as if she was one herself. She played peek a boom, made the tricorder talk, and made the bear dance for Britta. When the she giggled and then bit down on the teething ring, she looked back to Ailish and then back to Britta.

"See, you made mama, feel better too. Your a great helper Britta." Sara stated happily

Ailish smiled at the doctor. "Can I take her home?"

"Of course, Ms. Winters. Little Britta is good to go. Just make sure she takes her meds and she'll be a happy camper. Just stop by if things get worse" Sara stated

Ailish picked up Britta and her daughter cuddled up to her. "Thank you again. I will keep a close eye on her until she is well again."

"Your welcome, Ms. Winter." Sara stated with a smile "See that you do, because, my little helper is working to help you as well"


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