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Snakes in my head

Posted on 29 Nov 2012 @ 9:16pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,253 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80
Timeline: MD 3

[Officer's Quarters]

Mornings, for the Andorian Klingon warrior, weren't always bad. When she awoke from a hard night in sickbay of helping the crew coop with issues that had manifested themselves in the wake of a war, before the ships arrival to the spacedock. Some were easily taken care with helpful words and simple treatment, but others, mainly the Marine personnel, had deeper concerns trapped inside the person's own mind. Sara and her limited staff of medics and counselors, did their best to help each person fight their demons. The Doctor herself, had memories that she didn't want to relive ever again, but she had found a way to take on those memories and turn them into something positive.

Yet, when she awoke, the Andorian Klingon's body hurt. The woman, couldn't recall her dreams, but knew that she had tossed and turned while she slept. Which, for her, she knew that night was filled with some bad dreams. Rolling out of bed, the bare blue skin body of Sara'Marbela Har'tar, strolled towards the bathroom of her quarters. Her mind, not fully awake, had enough energy to utter towards the replicator.

"Set for 10 minutes. Coffee. Two spoon fulls of creamer and sugar."

Once she was done, Sara, was finishing drying her hair, as she stepped up to the replicator to grab her cup of coffee. Sipping on the hot liquid, Sara, went to her desk to finish up reports and other odds and ends that took place during after her shift, just before the ship was docked with the station. Once she finished, she dressed and headed to mess hall for a meal with Commodore and his family.

The Andorian Klingon knew that the ship was docked with the station, but, she didn't see the need of wasting time on meaningless things. Of course, she wouldn't mind, heading planet side to hunt some game. She just wished she had a spear to do so. She shock her head at the thought, as she turned the bend to continue her track to the mess hall.

Malluk pulls himself out of his bed amongst officer country in the Marine barracks. Walking over to the fresher and cleaning up. Malluk brings up his hands full of water to splash himself and it turns a dark red. Running through his fingers and it turns to snakes and starts crawling up his arms. Throwing the water into the mirror up infront of him. It splashes...the "snakes" and blood vanish....."Malluk to Lt. Har'tar" hitting his commbadge. (In Klingonesse) (Marine country. Marine down. its the snakes....) grabbing his sheets and starts tearing them up to wrap his hands to cover them up.

Just as she was about to reach the Mess hall door, Sara's badge beeped to life. Coming to a halt, the Andorian Klingon tapped her badge to speak.

"Dr. Har'tar here. Go ahead" she replied

Her right eye brow arched upon hearing snakes in the Marines statement in their native tongue. She merely replied in standard "On the way" in case anyone was near and would hear, but not get the reference. Double timing to the nearest lift, the season doctor, entered the lift, gave the order to proceed deck in which the Marines were station at. A second so later, the Chief Medical Officer, entered what the marines referred to as the Barrack's area of the Starbase. Stepping to Command of Quarters desk or CQ desk. She asked which room was First Lt. Malluk's room.

"Is he alright, doc?" asked the duty Non Comm.

"Yes, he is fine" she stated even thou it was a lie "he asked for me to come pick him."

Once the Non Comm, stated what room the warrior Marine living in. The Doctor went there. Of course, along the way, some of the lower enlisted personnel was looking her up down. Some mumbling how lucky the LT was. Other, wonder to each other, if the LT, was alright. Yet, Sara, payed no real attention to this, for a fellow warrior of the people of Qo'nos, was in trouble and she was here to help him out. She tapped on the door and a second later, she stepped in to see Malluk fighting with something on his bed.

"Kill the snakes..." Saying as Malluk beats the bed and around his feet savagely. Hitting nothing but ground or bed. However, to him the sink is overflowing with snakes and blood. It is actually running having been left on and normal to anyone to see.

"Kill them....all" Beats around as the 'Snakes' that appear to have the head of a romulan and body of K'Zinti warrior.

Malluk slams his hands covered in rags into the bed repeatedly trying to kill the non-existant 'snacks'. "Must...kill..." Saying as the battles long gone start to breath life back into his fuel of fighting them. Malluk begins to tear away the bed and throws it around. His blood boiling in anger and rage at the 'Bloodlust' of a klingon in battle.

Arching her brow to the display and hearing Malluk words. The doctor first reaction so to treat the warrior like any other warrior. Take him down and hold him there until security was called. But, she was keen of her surroundings, she heard the water running and being to flow onto the floor, yet still no snakes to be seen. She turned her head to look towards the bathroom to see the sink was still on.

She turned back to look at the marine and gave him the command in klingonese "Marine Attention"

Hearing the command and turning towards the voice. Snapping to attention, after a second or so she went to turn off the water and remove what ever was blocking the drain, before returning to look at her fellow warrior. She looked the man up and down, as she crossed her arms and began to question him as a Klingon Doctor would a patient.

"I want to know why you are acting this way, warrior" she questioned in Klingonese
"There are no snakes here. I want answer, before you and myself, go and have breakfast with the Commodore"

Hearing the water turn off and visibly looking startled and confused. "Doctor? What are you doing in my room?" Looking at his hands as he removes the cloths and surveys his surroundings. "Breakfast? i have combat drills...." As he looks to the clock nearby and winces..." very late for them." Saying as he ignores the questions and stops at her side. "I will answer your questions...but after breakfast."

"I am here because you paged me about snakes. So you are late, Mr. Malluk" she returned bluntly "but, it would appear that you will not make drills, right now. So get dressed and make yourself look good for the Commodore, so we can have breakfast together."

Sara came right up to him. Malluk was a slightly taller then her and she had to look up to him. She jabbed her index finger into his chest. She didn't back down from not being Klingon with him.

"After breakfast. You and I, will talk, while preforming your missed drills" she bluntly stated.

Sudden the comm sounded. It was the Commodore's yeoman, "Senior Chief Nelson to Lt. Har'tar. I'm afraid the Commodore has to cancel you breakfast and have to reschedule. He sends his apologies but duty calls. Nelson out."


1stLt Malluk
Marine XO

Lt. Har'tar

NPC - SCPO Nelson
played by Da`nal


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