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A chat or so

Posted on 03 Nov 2012 @ 8:42pm by Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,850 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Hi there, thought we could do a JP between Ciara and Sara?

ooc: sure I'm always done for a few good hahas and BS.

Cool, where is Sara now?

sickbay where else lol



For the first time in a few days, Ciara had the time to visit departments and check up on officers, many of whom she barely knew. One was the new CMO. ~Another Klingon....~ she thought to herself. She could have asked for a transfer to the IKC VaQbach and not noticed the difference. She chuckled to herself.

Her thoughts went to her late husband. He knew how she struggled to deal with Klingons when she was still on the now destroyed Starbase 24. She wondered what he would have said if he knew that she went to a Klingon dinner, serve under a Klingon Captain, made friends with a mate of yet another Klingon Captain...

Her throught threatened to tighten at the thoughts on her husband who was killed only three weeks ago. She had not mourned him even.... or her children. The new CMO also went through alot...She was a prisoner of the Kzinti, which was another reason Ciara wanted to see her. She shook the thoughts away when she reached sickbay and entered. It was easy to recognize the Hybrid Klingon/Andorian. ~She must have a charming personality..."

"Lieutenant Har'tar," she said friendly and politely as she reached her. "I would like to talk to you for a minute.." she said.

Before the commander had arrived and just mere moments after the captain had departed her office, the young Andorian Klingon, had once again found herself, at work. She was mending bones and injuries. Some were brought upon from work, while others just hurt them selves while playing to hard in either the rec rooms or holodecks. Sara, moved about sickbay chatting it up with the patients and staff. She made sure, that not only were their bodies being mended, but their minds as well.

Just as the door's to sickbay open, the Andorian Klingon doctor, was standing in the center of the medical ward reviewing a patients record with one of her nurses. She tapped at the request and handed the pad back to the nurse.

"This is what he gets for playing hard, Nurse Lockheed" she stated before hearing her name and rank be spoken too. Turning around, Sara, faced the commander. Which she offered an kind smile. The Andorian didn't know her all to well, except that she was the XO of the Achilles.

"Of course, ma'am" she returned as she gestured towards her office "This way please"

"Thank you, I won't be long, I can see you are occupied," she added with a smile

Once they stepped inside, Sara, went to her desk, offered the commander a seat, before she took her own "So, ma'am. What can I help you with or talk about?"

"A couple of things," Ciara answered. "Firstly, how are you settling in? Any problems so far?" she asked.

"Problems, haven't been any yet. With the exception of injuries and other boo-boos that are easily taking care of. As for settling in, ma'am, that's going smoothly as well." Sara stated friendly "How about yourself, ma'am? Everything coming together well with you?"

Ciara was a little suprised by the question, as no one ever asked her anything. "I will be fine," she said non-committedly. She was not used to answer questions of a personal nature. "And the ordeal, with the Kzinti? When will you see a counselor?" she asked.

The warrior Andorian smile briefly to her executive officer at seeing surprise upon her return question, but her own expression changed from a smile to a woman who was business and near emotionless when the commander asked about about when she would Kzinti.

"Was about to see Ensign Ba'al, when I arrived. But, during the battle she was sucked out into space" she stated plainly "I have sent up a meeting with one of the other counselor on the Achilles, before we arrived to the station. May I ask, how are you holding up with your lost, ma'am?"

Sara was a busy woman when she took control of the medical ward of the Achilles. We had reviewed every crew members medical files, plus reviewing personnel files, that weren't secret as well, a woman who observed her surroundings. She was concern for Commander Brannagh as well as her children. Of course, as Chief Medical officer and head of all medical personnel of the ship, she was had to take up the reins of Chief Counselor, until the CO of the Achilles appoint a new head. Plus, she figured she helped heal the mind and soul, let alone the body.

"I am fine," Ciara responded with a polite smile. "My concern is you..." she redirected. "Once you have seen a counselor, please let me know how you are doing. It is very important that we all deal with our losses, so we can come out of this war as whole as possible," she said. "The last thing we want is to see the Kzinti win by keeping one impaired emotionally or otherwise..." she continued. She noticed with some irony who counselor like she sounded. "And that goes for the whole crew. If you know of anyone that you see here that is struggling, please inform me, so we can make sure they receive the care they need..." she said.

Sara smiled at the commander and nodded her head. She agreed with the commander idea of helping the crew, yet the ship, was minus a chief counselor. Even herself, was trying to make ends meet with the lost and the current staff of counselor was already maxed out. The Andorian Klingon could wait when the Achilles docked with the station and she could start her chat with the counselor there.

"Most of the crew are seeing someone at the moment. The Marines mostly. So far, people are seeking help. But, does this mean everyone everyone ma'am?" she asked directly, knowing what she knew from reviewing medical files of everyone man woman and child on the ship.

"No, not everyone had experienced trauma or at least not everyone had experienced the same level of distress. We have a crew compliment of over two hundred, so we can't overburden that department now. What I mean was that we should make sure that everyone needing assistance should be channalled to help. And we should keep our eyes open to see if we notice anyone who needs urgent help," Ciara rephrazed her previous statement.

"Good. Then perhaps, ma'am, I can sign you up to see one of our counselor" she informed with a grin "or we can talk now. I've learned during my time as a doctor, that talking things over with someone you can trust is best step in the right direction. It doesn't have to be what the problem is, it can be anything one wants to talk about. You like Dungeons and Dragons, ma'am?"

Ciara sat back a little uncomfortable, taken aback by the rapid change of direction. "No thank you, Doctor, no counseling for me now.... and no," she said, never even heard of Dungeons and Dragons. It sounded like a novel or holodeck programme or something.

"Well, I do. Dice rolling, using one imagination in a realm of make believe, playing a character on paper. Playing with others. Doing quests and so forth. It's better then a holodeck. This method of play also help spur the mind to write, which I do from time to time. I want to world to look pass the standard norm of Klingons and Andorian. To see, that both cultures, have more to offer then beating something up." Sara informed

"Oh... ok, well if it works for you, then good," Ciara smiled. The doctor was a hybrid of two warrior races, even if they did have different casts.

"Yes, this is how I manage myself from going all out crazy. I don't like talking to someone about my problems, but I do anyways, when I want too. I merely write them down. Read it aloud. Go over the writing to determine what the issue is going on inside my mind. Once find, being to pick it apart and determine if it is a real problem. Most of time, once I done that, there isn't a real issue" Sara said with a smile "I'm more then happy to share what I've written and findings with you, ma'am. That's if you like to do so"

"No, that is not needed, I am not trained in counseling at all, and wouldn't know what to make of it," she said kindly. "That is what you could share with someone objective, like a trained professional in counseling," she said. "Talking does help and it helps us to gain a different kind of perspective of things," she added.

"But, talking helps and I have a counselor I am seeing via subspace. A friend from when I was at the academy. A Dr. John Addius" she smiled "But, this isn't about me, now is it, ma'am? I'm here right now to listen to whatever you want and help point you in the right direction."

"No, Doctor," Ciara said, wondering if the doctor did need assistance. She did indicate earlier that her concern was directed at the doctor and how she coped after her ordeal. "I really did come to find out how *you* are doing," she said. "And I am glad to see that you have coping startegies in place and that you are talking to someone. Remember Ayren Kelan is a counselor, and she could see people as well if you want to direct people to her. I know she was chief counselor here and helps in that department when needed." Ciara got up and gave Sarah a padd. "Starbase 80 asked that we send our equipment and supply orders ready, so they can start on it before we get there. They want it by midday tomorrow," she said.

Excepting the padd, the Andorian Klingon looked down at the information upon it "Consider it done, ma'am. I'll send people to Ayren Kelan directed, I will also sent something up for myself to see her as well. Doesn't hurt to get more help."

Sara smiled and nodded her head to Ciara "Well, I'm glad you stopped by, ma'am. It's good that you did, because I have one more thing to inform you before you depart."

Ciara stopped. "And that is?" she said.

Sara turned her head and looked at the small screen and touched the display to bring up the commander's medical records "Your dental and eye exam is due in a week."

"I will make an appointment if time allows," she added. "Anything else?"

"That's about it at this end, Ma'am" she returned "stop by if you ever want a chat"

"Thank you, I will keep it in mind," Ciara said as she exited and made for the next stop on her list.


Commander Ciara Brannagh

Dr. Sara'mabela Har'tar


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