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Surpise encounter

Posted on 18 Nov 2012 @ 12:27pm by Lieutenant Fraya Winters

654 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: Current

Stadi wandered through the station looking around, feeling completely bored with the day. She stopped near cafes when she felt a familiar presence, one she hadn't felt in a couple of years. Stadi looked around, searching for the familiar man she had loved a long time ago. ~Where are you?~ She asked.

~What!?~ Deren thought. ~Stadi?~ He had just arrived on the USS Achilles for a special assignment. It was the last thing he had expected, to run into a lover of long ago. A smiled curled his lips as he walked towards her a few decks lower.

Stadi giggled, ~Yes's me.~

She soon saw him and walked up to him, ~Did you miss me?~ She asked smiling.

He immediately put his arms around her and embraced her, kissing her cheek and hair. ~Of course! What are you doing here?~ he asked smiling.

She hugged him back taking in his scent, Stadi had missed him so much. ~Transferred to the diplomatic team. I've missed you so much.~ Stadi wondered if his Imzadi was here.

~No, she just left yesterday for Betazed~ he answered her question. ~Well.. in that case, we will be together on the same ship for a while~ he informed her as he pulled back a little to see her face. ~As beautiful as ever and this posting just became much more attractive~ He could feel the old spark between them flare and he his smile conveyed that he was very happy about that.

Stadi blushed before hugging him again and kissing him. She pulled back slightly, ~Why isn't she here?...Is everything alright?~ She was thrilled that he was here and she had him to herself but she was also a little sad that she wouldn't be able to speak to his Imzadi again. She missed her.

He laughed softly. ~Everything is fine.... she went to see her family, so we will join up in a few weeks..~ he said. ~I am going to miss her, but with you here, I will bare it far better. She will be happy to know I ran into you..." he added.

She smiled warmly, ~I do hope so...I haven't talked to either of you in..two?...three years? Come! We must catch up!~ Stadi hooked her arm with his and starting leading the way. ~Promenade? or somewhere...else?~

~Let's get some privacy, so we can catch up...~ he suggested.

Stadi led him away towards her temporary quarters before getting settled on the Achilles. She opened the door and led him instead. "Well...this is it." She said out loud. ~Do you want some coffee or tea?~ She asked looking up at him, not letting go of his arm.

~Nothing really.... ~ he said and turned towards her, smiling. ~At the moment only you...~ he added and dropped his head to take her lips. He remembered her fragrance, her taste and her presence.

Her arms came up around his neck as they kissed. ~I've missed you.~ She had only been with one other man since her time with Deren and it was the complete opposite of what she had shared with Deren. Stadi pushed away those thoughts and wanted to think only of what was happening now in the present.

He pulled back a little. ~What was that about? What did he do to you?~

~No Deren...I can't...not now. Please...can we not enjoy this time we have together. I do not want to think of that man and what happened.~ The thoughts hadn't reached the surface in a long time and she felt sick that she had allowed them to do so. She hugged Deren tightly not wanting to relive what had happened.

~It is alright..~ Deren comforted her. But he was also quite certain that it was something that she would have to deal with. ~where were we..~ he said as he bent down to kiss her again.



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